04:03:48 nikg83[m], i think there will be a grand dev meeting at some point soonish where consensus changes for next major release will be discussed 04:03:57 Grand. 04:04:57 Sounds like a Wes Anderson flick 13:18:25 https://mobile.twitter.com/monerujowallet/status/1422295987201134597 13:18:41 https://funding.monerujo.app/ 13:46:03 \o/ 14:18:13 I would like to see the General Fund step in - and provide an amount the 'CCS' team would have been 'ok' with (whatever hourly rate they deemed acceptable). We have an important project there without full funding which is of importance to the Monero ecosystem. I'm sure people who donate to the GF would be pleased if a % went to fund Monerujo's side kick. 14:19:03 plowsof[m]: +1 14:20:26 We are a community right? Just because you choose to seek funding in a decentralised way does not mean the General Fund should abandon you. 21:16:58 i thought they said they do step into such things? mebbe not at first but eventually if things stall a bit 🤔 21:23:51 for CCS, this is no longer CCS 21:26:00 mah coin 🤙 22:26:17 "We are a community right? Just..." <- Can't you make a request to the person who holds the strings? 22:32:50 The hive mind / community sentiment controls the strings 😁 How to gauge it? a reddit thread / poll? carrington? 🥺 22:45:24 Well what Core donates to is up to Core ultimately 22:45:42 It seems they have donated a lot to CCS proposals historically 22:49:55 I doubt Core would decide to donate to specific things based on a reddit poll 22:53:15 I think it's cool that there are multiple fundraising platforms 22:53:51 They should probably all be linked on getmonero.org somewhere 23:50:56 Unstoppable web donated 4kUSD to Moneros bitcoin address a while ago. It's been gathering dust ever since (are we waiting for a rainy day to use it?). I believe they are partnered with CakeWallet? who would benefit from the open source SideKick as their devs will be able to integrate it (as promised by Monerujo) 23:51:22 https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1KTexdemPdxSBcG55heUuTjDRYqbC5ZL8H 23:51:38 One example of some spare funds that could be dispersed into the eco system 23:58:13 Last time I checked, Core's general fund has not spent much bitcoin