00:04:19 Are the links in this broken for other people? 00:04:19 https://www.getmonero.org/2021/06/24/general-fund-2020-2021-report.html 00:04:19 I am getting 404 on the download links 00:06:50 Yep, 404, but seems to work in the reddit thread https://downloads.getmonero.org/GF_wallet_key_images_until_20210616 00:10:58 here's a template for contacting merchants who already accept Bitcoin but don't accept Monero yet: https://gist.github.com/SamsungGalaxyPlayer/e337f7ad5f684c82ca2009ea574a18f3 00:11:44 plowsof 00:11:44 https://web.getmonero.org/2019/12/03/core-team-general-fund.html 00:11:44 "The General Fund on the other hand is more loose, the principle being simply that the funds are spent for the advancement of Monero, at the discretion of the Core Team. " 00:22:30 I see, hopefully they come to a decision. Linking to it somewhere on getmonero,org is an easy start / great suggestion. 'SideKick' will advance Monero. Monerujo have done a brave thing, lets not turn this into a 'crabs in a bucket' situation - Every dev should be fighting for Monerujo to get funded. They are literally fighting for higher pay for each and every one of you going forward 🙂 06:16:32 "I see, hopefully they come to..." <- Didn’t monerujo themselves decide not to go ccs route ? which would have gone more eye balls and filled by now. 06:17:37 * > <@plowsof:matrix.org> I see, hopefully they come to a decision. Linking to it somewhere on getmonero,org is an easy start / great suggestion. 'SideKick' will advance Monero. Monerujo have done a brave thing, lets not turn this into a 'crabs in a bucket' situation - Every dev should be fighting for Monerujo to get funded. They are literally fighting for higher pay for each and every one of you going forward 🙂 06:17:37 Didn’t monerujo themselves decide not to go ccs route ? which would have gone more eye balls and funded by now. 06:28:22 nikg83[m]: they did not take that path because their proposal was not merged after clear support from the community. do not blame it on them, blame it on the CCS being centralized on a single pair of hands. :) 08:34:15 monerujo team is kicking ass 08:35:45 ill use their app on principle alone, love what they're doing all around 10:13:29 "ill use their app on principle..." <- Would have used if they had it on ios 10:21:31 sethsimmons: congrats on the Synology. 10:37:32 nikg83: There where disagreements with their proposal. Imagine being told you are 'worth less'. The CCS team seem to think that there is some kind of 'hourly rate' that has been imposed (by who? the crabs in the bucket?🦀) Developers themselves set their rate, and the _people_ should read their proposal, see whats been done, and decide if it is worth their donation. 10:37:33 Imagine new recruits hearing that a Monero dev team 'dared' to ask for $100/hour and was forced to abandon ship and go it their own way? They are taking a stand, and are demanding what they are worth. Or that they are not entitled to pay for something they spend around 90 hours producing?? Silly them for getting to work instead of spending a week typing up a proposal. They produced the proof of concept under the guise that it would 10:37:33 be compensated when it was done. 10:45:43 I don't know the exact details, but yes, devs should choose their own rates, and individuals in the free market decide if it's worth it to donate. Not a centralized decision by a CCS committee. 10:47:54 Your donations software helps a lot with this. :) Both for donations transparency (via the stats and progress bar) & for an easy way to organize and accept donations, which is less resource intensive than BTCPayServer. 10:52:48 With decentralized funding, if you think rates are too high, you don't need to donate (but other people are still free to donate). Whereas with centralized funding, if the gatekeeper thinks your rates are too high, then you aren't let inside and no one can donate. 10:52:48 I also like and appreciate the CCS model, especially that it's KYC-free (unlike most funding models, e.g. Kickstarter requires Paypal which requires KYC) and that accepted proposals are generally funded quickly and contribute good things to the Monero ecosystem. 10:52:48 A variety of funding models are helpful, so that devs and donors can choose the model that meets their needs best. 10:54:52 I personally am exploring other funding avenues by making my software multi-crypto (e.g. FlipStarter) 10:55:49 Any transparent blockchain (e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin, ETH, Bitcoin Cash) is easy to track donations via any blockchain API. 10:57:16 Just enter the address, call cryptoapi. com/balance/1bitcoinabcdef... and display the returned balance in the UI. 10:58:35 https://sochain.com/api/#get-balance supports Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Zcash, and Dash. 10:58:52 (I don't advise Zcash or Dash BTW) 11:02:27 So you could simply integrate altcoins via AJAX (call blockchain API in the JavaScript frontend) with no need for any extra backend code or connection to RPC. 11:11:53 Im creating wallets on the fly for people so i still need a backend, but thats a great avenue i didnt think of, Thanks! (im too focused on monero, i forgot about transparent blockchains) 13:32:18 sethsimmons not sure you saw that, I posted it before. Multiple users got in trouble with Binance: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://forklog.com/binance-zablokirovala-aktivy-na-summu-svyshe-630-000-iz-za-potentsialnoj-svyazi-s-suex/ 13:32:27 you can add it to the fungibility graveyard 13:33:11 Suex got hit by US sanctions and Binance started blocking users left and right 13:55:09 hi, I often get errors syncing monero. 13:56:06 is this the right channel? because there are a number of support/community channels 13:56:45 and none with a sign of life yet 13:58:33 There is also r/monerosupport @ reddit 13:59:26 I would rather ask in a chat 13:59:38 I need to sync 14:02:43 windows deleted monerod / your database is corrupted / your cat chewed a wire / it's better if you made a thread, its an active subreddit 👍️ 14:04:29 zogiqa[m]: first step is to post the exact error 14:09:15 "Any transparent blockchain (e.g...." <- BCH has the CashFusion CoinJoin protocol. It's pretty popular among those who donate via Flipstarter. So donations with BCH might be not so easy to track. 14:10:57 fun trivia fact : ArcticMines' name came from when he used to walk between buildings to sell bitcoin in winter - he would warm his hands up on his crypto miners when he got home 14:12:26 anarkiocrypto: For instance, someone identifying themselves as Roger Ver donated 10 BCH to my Flipstarter in this transaction https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/transaction/76f089988449efb625fa12492288c54ebb758fc1d5fbe1fc35bd082eb90cd515 14:13:05 Trace the 10 BCH back a little, and you hit a CashFusion transaction 14:13:05 https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/transaction/b125acf1b8356268c1d743da030df7f6b3b188757c08f86293659abb0f531c0c 14:13:18 How does CashFusion work around public amounts? 14:13:38 If someone puts 10 BCH into "CashFusion" and 10 BCH come out on the other side 14:14:39 My Flipstarter was about CashFusion, so it's quite appropriate: https://flipstarter.redteam.cash/ 14:15:44 selsta: It's more complicated than that. Typically, a user puts 1-10 outputs into the input side of the CashFusion transaction, and then receives 1-10 outputs on the output side 14:16:30 ok I see, only predefined amounts? 14:16:45 But there is a donation address right? So if you query the balance of the donation address, you see how many donations were received. 14:16:56 selsta: No, not predefined amounts at all. The opposite 14:17:02 Here: https://github.com/cashshuffle/spec/blob/master/CASHFUSION.md#avoiding-amount-linkages-through-combinatorics 14:17:23 The security audit is here: https://electroncash.org/fusionaudit.pdf 14:17:51 I thought I would sync monero but instead I am piling up the following line one upon another: 14:17:51 ERROR torsocks[7207]: General SOCKS server failure (in socks5_recv_connect_reply() at socks5.c:527) 14:18:21 it's a torsocks error, not a monero error 14:18:33 The combinatorial argument hasn't been fully vetted. The final phase of the CashFusion Red Team research project (or at least, the final stage that has yet been imagined) is to vet the combinatorial arguments. 14:18:34 does it still sync even with these messages? 14:18:44 Rucknium[m]: ok, I see it's more complicated 14:19:09 anarkiocrypto[m]: Yes, this part is 100% transparent. 14:19:24 it doesnt 14:20:42 Was there some issue with monero GUI and Ledger in latest version? 14:20:50 no 14:21:06 no new issues at least 14:21:22 zogiqa[m]: do you know how to compile binaries? 14:21:56 > Yes, this part is 100% transparent. 14:21:56 That is what I meant with my post. That you can simply enter the donation address into any blockchain API and see the current balance. 14:21:56 Means you don't need to run any software/backend, since you can just query the API via frontend JavaScript. 14:21:56 Unlike Monero where you need to run Monero RPC on the backend (with a remote node if necessary) to find out your balance with address + view key. 14:23:33 * view key + restore height. 14:23:41 anarkiocrypto: Reusable Payment Addresses on BCH, which are similar to stealth addresses, are in an advanced beta stage right now. So that transparency issue could be somewhat addressed soon 14:25:52 I hope to incorporate those RPA's into my multi-crypto flipstarter here 14:32:41 "zogiqa: do you know how to..." <- no 14:32:59 or maybe yes 14:36:02 compile master and then use the --proxy switch to run over tor 14:36:06 instead of torsocks 14:38:08 Does --proxy prevent all IP leaks, including DNS? 14:38:59 yes 14:39:19 Would monerod need to query DNS? 14:39:20 there is a separate `--proxy-allow-dns-leaks` flag if you don't care about dns leaks 14:39:31 auto update for example 14:40:15 OK, good to hear that --proxy prevents IP leaks. Do you know why torsocks sometimes has DNS and other errors, especially while generating a TX (it can take 10+ minutes to get decoys)? 14:40:38 no, but it should work well with --proxy 14:40:56 torsocks had bugs in the past 14:42:28 "anarkiocrypto: Reusable Payment..." <- Samourai Wallet for BTC already offers the stealth address service. 14:43:54 mechanic41turk: Yes, Samourai has some very interesting features. I hope to see how BCH can adopt them as part of a broader strengthening of privacy within the BCH ecosystem. 14:44:09 Samourai Wallet is only available for Android, unless you try Anbox or Android-x86 VM. 14:45:15 Rucknium[m]: I like their tools for making every spend a coinjoin. Basically the user deposits his funds to whirlpool coinjoin implementation, and keeps his funds coming out of the whirlpool in his post-mix wallet. Then, he makes either stonewallx2 or stowaway transactions by creating mini-coinjoins which put together utxos from different wallet clusters. 14:45:19 One advantage that BCH definitely has over BTC: CoinJoin transactions are cheap. About 1 cent of USD per CashFusion transaction, per user. 14:45:25 Plus they have Stealth Addresses in form of BIP47. 14:45:37 As close as BTC can get to XMR. 14:46:05 Rucknium[m]: Current BTC mempool conditions have been favoring 1 sat/b spends for coinjoins for months now. 14:46:06 "compile master and then use the..." <- if "compiling master" means downloading the whole colossal chain and syncing it, I did it. but else I have no clue about it 14:46:34 it means compile monero master branch from source 14:46:46 I am not using any quick sync thing or similar 14:47:07 the easiest solution would be to not use torsocks 14:47:07 mechanic41turk: What's the cheapest CoinJoin protocol on BTC right now? All the services I have looked at charge a fee on to of miner tx fees. 14:47:30 \* "on top of.." 14:47:36 Rucknium[m]: I don't know about the "cheapest". However, samourai takes 5 percent of the pool size. 14:47:41 You can check whirlpoolfees.com 14:48:00 I think a 80gb chain is a source itself, isnt it? 14:48:35 no, source code is something else 14:49:12 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui#building-on-linux 14:49:59 Or CLI: https://github.com/monero-project/monero#compiling-monero-from-source 14:51:15 why does it not just work nicely instead, as it did in the good old days? 14:53:12 growth 14:53:40 Why not allow Selsta to help you debug it, in case there is an error that can be patched? 14:53:59 zogiqa[m]: you said you have issues with torsocks 14:54:04 torsocks isn't monero so not much I can help here 14:57:28 zogiqa[m]: which operating system do you use? 15:10:21 "Why not allow Selsta to help you..." <- would it work after following these 4 steps for linux build? 15:13:17 ok never mind 15:13:24 it doesnt work 15:14:24 so much with monero 15:16:17 did you see the Anonymity Networks file? 15:16:37 zogiqa[m]: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/docs/ANONYMITY_NETWORKS.md 15:17:24 he wants to run all traffic over tor 15:17:36 ah 15:18:55 zogiqa[m]: do you have a github account? if yes you can download the linux master build from here: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/suites/3859808386/artifacts/95926871 15:19:12 then you can do `./monerod --proxy` 17:06:21 Rucknium[m]: I added the researcher flair btw 17:11:03 dEBRUYNE: Thank you! I noticed :) 18:59:41 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/pxc199/openalias_the_best_cryptocurrency_wallet_feature/ 19:05:34 Rucknium[m]: You're welcome :) 21:55:19 hi! help needed in making my full node available to the p2p network. I'm on Debian behind a VPN that allows opening ports. a port is open and has been tested to work with other software. I launched monerod with the --p2p-bind-port {port} flag, but the logs complain that there are no incoming connections. what am I overlooking? 21:59:47 s/Debian/GNU/Linux/ 22:09:18 what interface did you bind to? or 22:17:41 "what interface did you bind to?..." <- I didn't define --p2p-bind-ip, or any IP for that matter 22:20:34 might be your issue 22:20:38 i think default is loopback 22:21:09 oh, nvm, looks like default is 22:21:35 firewall? running iptables or ufw? 22:32:32 "firewall? running iptables or..." <- none of those seem to be running 23:16:44 Im currently watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YigNWkXJk48 Diego Salazar gives a great history of Monero in the beginning