04:08:41 will support be build into the official monero binaries for p2pool? 06:27:49 "will support be build into the..." <- That would be great if it happened! Mining would be as easy as downloading a monero GUI node and activating it, and would actually be profitable, unlike solo mining 07:28:08 hi, I cant start gui wallet daemon 07:39:06 fails to connect 07:39:35 terminal shows socks server failure all the time 07:53:03 eyeballs gather but no answer :) 08:05:02 I'm keen to stimulate the creation of more video tutorials for Monero app development. Probably through running some "competitions" where we award a small, but meaningful amount of Monero to 2 or more winners after a set period of time. I'd like to ask the community their thoughts, and was thinking of posting this to Reddit: 08:05:23 https://github.com/johnr365/public_notes/blob/main/tutorial-video-proposal.md 08:05:49 I'll post something akin to that about 12 hours from now - so if there's any feedback let me know 08:06:58 just asking myself. will this ever work? 08:10:35 if we don't try, we will never know 08:11:34 just adding a line now about how this currently works via the email newsletter 1729.com run by Balajis - you can see examples of how it worked here: https://1729.com/all 08:12:36 or can I just try to send/receive and expect that it will work sooner or later along the process? 08:12:58 or should I first get something like "daemon is running" ? 08:15:20 zogiqa[m] - you'll get replies, but right now the US based developers are probably still asleep 08:15:53 ah, and the rest of the world is busy coding :) 08:20:34 If you run it in Whonix Workstation you don't need torsocks since all software is forced to route through Tor. I don't know how to fix the errors with torsocks. It may be due to an unreachable DNS server, then torsocks waits until timeout and tries a different DNS server, which causes delays. In my experience, you just need to wait until it starts to work... 08:26:41 "If you run it in Whonix Workstat..." <- I understand. it used to work without these delays earlier, though 08:27:46 It could be because one specific DNS server is offline or lags but wasn't removed from the list in the source code. 08:28:09 Did you ask #monero-dev:monero.social 08:30:54 anarkiocrypto[m]: I didn't. I will now, thank you 09:05:10 Is it just me, or do others find it strange how clear, concise, complete, and high quality everything that's published by friends at Magic is? 09:05:52 I can't find any flaws, what's wrong with you sgp? 09:05:56 :) 09:07:48 Just reading their Firo fund document now, by the way. I have no idea what Firo is, but the Magic perspective is clear and understandable. 11:09:35 Hi all, I just opened a ccs proposal do coordinate the translation workgroup. This has been discussed with Er Ciccione beforehand. Please give your feedback https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/260 I will post in reddit by the weekend if nobody does it before me 11:11:28 s/post in/post on 12:05:16 "terminal shows socks server..." <- Are you trying to connect to a remote node over Tor? Or are you trying to start up the local daemon that comes with the gui wallet? 12:05:31 SOCKS server failure sounds like a Tor problem 13:55:19 kinghat[m]: the code to allow p2pool is already in the release branch 13:55:45 you also need to run a p2p00l node which doesn't take many resources 13:56:59 there is a windows installer currently that does everything but it could use some refinement such as more options 13:57:42 it defaults to pruned node and if you already have a regular node well..... 13:58:25 I believe it puts the blockchain in a non standard location 14:26:05 nioc: I believe it puts the blockchain in a non standard location <--- '%localappdata%\p2pool' rather than '%ProgramData%\bitmonero' you can NTFS junction or change start.ps1 though. 15:02:45 is the plan to make it the "official" default suggested way to mine xmr? 16:01:10 Wanted: GitHub Pages site for Monero Community Workgroup https://forum.monero.space/d/135-wanted-github-pages-site-for-monero-community-workgroup 16:03:58 https://twitter.com/ALive__Crypto/status/1445729062274539532 16:31:41 I also picked up moneroversary.com and moneroversary.org in case someone else has time to make pages for those 😂 18:43:16 I have a slide deck on the MAGIC Monero Fund; please review and send over feedback: 18:43:26 * sgp_1 posted a file: (502KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/xosKtdpDXLMPYVvheUuSReZK/MAGIC%20Monero%20Fund%202021-10-06.pdf > 20:40:10 sgp_1: read through the slides. On the whole they look good. It sort of hers confusing for me reading them what the difference is between Magic, Magic Grants, and Magic Funds. But maybe it's just me 20:40:14 Also slide 8. 20:40:59 Just say ... considering 20:41:12 as highly considering sounds strange 20:41:29 Really like the initiative though... 20:41:47 midipoet: If that's the biggest complaint I think we have pretty clear sailing 😂 20:41:52 Yeah should be strongly 22:59:48 Well written. My only rewording would be in slide 5 to change it to "MAGIC Grants is extremely involved and knowledgeable in the cryptocurrency and privacy communities." Completely subjective though. sgp_ @sgp_:monero.social