02:27:34 how much of the following make it from Matrix to IRC through the bridge?... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/7ce832f8c64878459788696b716c889c686d0ee4) 02:45:19 normal text and emojis yes, edited messages get sent again, reactions no, long text gets sent as a link 03:09:48 selsta thanks! how about replies? 05:30:56 can #monero-pow:monero.social get added to the spaces list? 05:32:59 something is up with #xmrmine:matrix.org too 05:34:13 looks like mining got upgraded and when you join it it doesnt stay in the monero space group 🤔 06:00:30 Seth For Privacy: ^ 07:09:50 We need this to get the attention of odysee team: https://bounties.monero.social/posts/23/odysee-support-for-tipping-in-monero 08:31:49 Some dude on twitter is claiming mymonero stores all keys and mnemonic on their servers 08:32:19 https://twitter.com/librehash/status/1448555224260509696 08:32:33 https://twitter.com/librehash/status/1448555231143292929 08:32:56 The code he claims to do this: https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-rpc-server/blob/master/tests/rpc_client__wallet__basic.spec.js 08:53:29 lol 08:54:45 that code of course isnt even related to mymonero servers and i wrote it as a proof of concept that the mainline rpc server can be implemented using a more general api and backed by a lightwallet server 08:55:04 i'll respond to him when i'm awake later 08:55:30 shame that code is archived now 08:56:09 but it's fine... a phoenix rises from the ashes... 09:01:10 yeah man, when I saw it was your code I was like "this guy is full of sh*t" 09:01:21 Cheers 09:08:17 <3 09:49:19 endogenic: A response would be much appreciated 12:10:39 "Some dude on twitter is claiming..." <- this guy is funny 12:10:47 he may have a weird thing about monero as a project 12:11:47 he tried to demonstrate “monero flaws” on Whonix group a few weeks ago 12:12:05 also, fluffy replied to him many times 12:12:38 he also said that he will fork Monero soon lol 12:13:54 "looks like mining got upgraded..." <- Fixed -mining and added PoW. Thanks for the mention! 12:15:05 by the way, a guide teaching how to install Feather on Tails (Brazilian Portuguese) https://monerobrasil.org/artigos/como-instalar-feather-tails/ 12:15:47 I will try to create other guides (Whonix, Node over Tor, P2Pool etc) 12:15:56 let's keep pushing 14:31:52 who even is this guy 14:32:27 what he posted is so boneheaded it makes me question if it's intentionally wrong and not designed perhaps to get me to reply 14:32:39 my feeble cognitive powers attempting to make sense of something that cant be understood 14:36:23 endogenic: take a look on flufflypony reply when u get a chance https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/lz1v61/second_jp_aumasson_fundraise_should_be_created/gpyojsb/ 14:40:31 what kind of joke is this bisq? 14:41:10 it asks me to create an account to transfer funds from, and then does nothing when I want to buy 14:41:21 saying I have zero amount in the account 14:41:34 why then have I created an account? 14:42:48 instead of withdrawing the amount from there, it tells me I have zero funds 14:43:49 is there an easier way/tool to buy / transfer? 14:45:45 zogiqa[m]: you may try hodlhodl (escrow). I agree with u, Bisq user experience seems really bad 14:49:19 lol lozbek[m] is that the same dude? mind boggling 14:49:34 it has to be an intentional disruption effort 14:51:02 ?! 14:51:45 who is disrupting what? 14:56:21 gosh. this thing turned into a torture since I was last into it 15:22:22 haha 15:22:26 i dunno man 15:22:32 i feel like 007 sometimes 15:22:42 how do I know this isn't a robot M? 15:22:49 replaced while i was away on mission?