00:17:20 Has there been an update from core about when fluffypony will have his access rights restored? Or when the General Fund balance will be sent back to the original wallet binaryFate 00:23:08 Also, the 'official' open sourcing of the CCS system which fluffypony wanted to get the ball rolling. Any updates there? 03:09:35 no plans to restore access at this time. He's out but the adventure isn't over yet. Fluffy is onboard with the approach. 03:09:55 I don't know about the second thing and am not sure what is meant by the CCS OS 04:20:10 I think he’s referring to this: 04:20:13 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-back/-/merge_requests/16 05:52:28 Theres an open issue on github about the CCS license https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-back/-/merge_requests/16 06:01:12 lol looks like I’m still invisible on Matrix 06:06:48 For the record, I never received a notification about the “ban” — including its reason or duration. Very low effort on the part of the censors. 08:19:41 plowsof[m]: I'll restructure the GF wallet(s) when I have sufficient time and proper RL opsec conditions, probably within next 2 weeks. I am not planning to send back too large an amount to the current GF wallet anyway, though it likely will still be used to receive (and track) donations 08:24:18 "lol looks like I’m still invisible on Matrix" <- When people who never tasted any power/respect in life get even a tiny bit, they tend to overvalue it and exploit it to the max to make up for 08:25:26 all the other times they didn't, and all the other times they won't, think a bar bouncer, or even gollum 08:26:20 it is "their precious" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 10:50:03 Thanks binaryFate ! (there was a 90 xmr donation recently if you didnt know already :) ) 10:50:31 neat :) 12:42:24 plowsof[m]: I wasn't doing much with my access except blocking spammers, so no need to restore it 12:58:36 "plowsof: I wasn't doing much..." <- It would be more of a public gesture of goodwill from core (even if you dont accept/want the offer - blocking spammers is also important yet tedious/thankless work, so thank you!) Otherwise we need a new Chief Entertainment Officer 12:58:46 lol 12:59:01 well fwiw I insisted a few weeks ago that I don't get that access restored 12:59:14 I'm certain that they'd be happy to do so if I hadn't insisted otherwise :) 13:03:07 id feel the same way (then no one can say anything about anything ever again) a public statement from core explaining that .. just to show everyone is on good terms etc would also be nice! I dont like reading ludicrous rumours thats all 13:49:23 * Moneroship[m] uploaded an image: (2852KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/HtvmZiljyatLFmkJUfJZTbCo/image.png > 13:49:44 Is this ever going to happen? 13:49:44 Found this in a 5 year old reddit post 13:49:44 "getmonero redesign" 14:13:52 think that it has been redesigned since 5 years ago 14:14:20 after which people wanted to.................. redesign it 14:14:26 There was another redesign concept posted to reddit about a month ago. Tbh, I really like the design of the website as it is. I think efforts should continue to concentrate on improving the content on the website and making it easier for users to find what they need. More links to all the fantastic monero projects! 14:24:24 I agree :P its very low priority 14:39:21 "There was another redesign..." <- really agree with the content suggestion. have been chatting about this with a few people and have been looking at guides for other coins in the space...the highly topic-specific user guides on getmonero are not enough for beginners IMO. 14:40:19 and there's not nearly enough merchant-specific tutorials/how-to's 15:34:33 MRL meeting coming up at 1700 UTC, FYI. 15:35:00 today 🙃 15:44:15 "There was another redesign..." <- I agree. 15:45:14 "really agree with the content..." <- Suggestions are welcome. We can also add easier guides that we can divide in sections "beginner" "advanced". Whatever is more accessible 15:46:10 ErCiccione: Are there any documentation 'workgroups' or todo lists out there? 15:48:20 todo lists yes, on the repo of the website: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+docs%3A+user+guides%22. There are probably more but these are all planned or discussion about improvements for the user guides 15:49:40 I've been looking for help for quite some time, especially for updating the rpc calls, but didn't have so much luck: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/1448 which is part of https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/1434 15:50:33 i try to keep track of everything on github, so that it's easy for people to pick up tasks and contribute. 15:53:01 btw since we are talking about, we desperately need people willing to update the dev docs, like the rpc calls that i linked above. I will be very happy to support a CCS with that goal 16:02:08 I am not a RPC user so far, but I will take a look on the website github issues for sure 16:02:45 MRL meeting in just under 1 hour 16:02:45 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/622 16:08:55 thanks carrington :)