01:18:25 Farcaster public test release is out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/rhe6rg/farcaster_node_a_decentralized_p2p_atomic_swap/ 04:53:15 What happens if a monero bounty doesn't get fullfillled 05:00:36 s/fullfillled/fullfilled/ 05:00:54 Is there an expiration date? Does the funds get donated to a general fund or what 05:32:54 "Is there an expiration date..." <- I believe funds get moved to the top few unfulfilled bounties after a year of no progress 05:38:45 https://github.com/t-900-a/fider-monero-bot/blob/2cf2cd9e026da80f6fbd9e307cf58beb05e55847/policy/scope.md 05:40:23 Great system 05:40:29 Thanks for the answer 05:40:49 I just saw this bitcoin gift cards for christmas 05:40:50 https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/rgs76e/bitcoin_gift_cards_now_in_almost_every_bigger/ 05:41:06 I think this is great growth hack that we can use for Monero 05:57:39 * libre[m] uploaded an image: (145KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/KATFAJvxTDEdOFOjwyMmFcGr/FGtHC-aXsAUuDP3.jpg > 05:57:41 I've seen some digital versions of this as well 05:57:47 Is there something similar for Monero? 05:58:37 https://lightning.gifts/ 06:30:18 SerHack: they seem to be on reddit https://teddit.net/r/monerobox 08:29:08 libre: there is also Azte.co 09:43:18 What's the best way to swap BTC for XMR ? 09:47:26 depends on your requirements 09:47:35 lowest fee? most decentralized? most private? 09:49:01 most private 09:53:54 Bisq, localmonero, Atomic swaps (but they might lack a bit on the usability front for a while yet) 10:59:27 ty 11:21:50 looks like atomic swaps is what I need 11:35:21 x0: you might want to hop into #monero-swap to get the latest updates on what's what with Atomic swaps 11:36:01 if BTC taproot transactions get a lot of traction, some of the btc <---> xmr swaps will look like any other taproot transaction on BTC, so impossible to see that it is a part of a swap (AFAIK) 12:04:12 I don't think that's true, because with taproot you still need to list the clause in the contract that allowed you to spend the utxo 12:04:54 I don't think atomic swaps even have multiple clauses so taproot won't make much of a difference 12:05:37 mcfranko[m]: It's re-defining the success path as a 2-2 multisig using Schnorr 12:05:45 And then on failure falling back to a contract 14:10:04 The lead maintainer of Feather Wallet - tobtoht recently poured his heart open in the #_oftc_#feather:matrix.org channel. He's going through some hard times and needs a break. If you would like to go to that channel and leave some well wishes for him that would be much appreciated x 15:44:33 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/274 15:45:31 this ccs has more engagement than we've seen in a long time. Please if you care one way or the other, like, comment, and subscribe. 15:46:46 In reality though, I think most points have been hashed. What I'd like to see is judicious use of the thumbs up/down buttons and brief messages 16:59:44 https://twitter.com/sethforprivacy/status/1471472167837736966?s=20 17:00:29 nioc: Absolutely amazing to get to be one of the first to test Farcaster atomic swaps 17:00:32 So damn cool 17:02:29 nice, farcaster has been working overtime the last few weeks to try and give us a christmas present 17:04:30 nioc: No kidding! 20:17:56 * quartz[m] uploaded an image: (13KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/halogen.city/92c322f49a4e56334f2f80c04ab60ead29bd4086/image.png >