03:00:33 "how can i be a maker?" <- This guide walks you through it, but it's quite involved: https://twitter.com/shishi21m/status/1472401057913446401?s=20 03:00:40 s/This guide walks you through it, but it's quite involved: https://twitter.com/shishi21m/status/1472401057913446401?s=20/This guide walks you through it, but it's quite involved: https://blog.sethforprivacy.com/guides/run-an-atomic-swap-provider-advanced// 03:01:32 The upcoming Farcaster atomic swap protocol allows you to be maker or taker with much less overhead: https://twitter.com/sethforprivacy/status/1471472167837736966 03:25:12 Hi! Does anyone know who runs the Monero Art Community Fund? 03:25:58 I would like to donate for releasing art about the recent btc-xmr swaps 03:26:32 Whatever the artist has in mind 03:38:16 "Hi! Does anyone know who runs..." <- channers from /biz/ 03:38:33 crypto_grampyYou know them, right? 03:40:12 Yes twisted_turtle is the art director 04:03:23 twisted! Could you add it to the ideas list please? I'll personally fund at least one art project with such theme ( btc-xmr swap related ) 11:13:12 "This guide walks you through it,..." <- thanks 14:43:54 "twisted! Could you add it to the..." <- Sure! Do you have a specific scene in mind? 14:50:38 Most of the artists I use aren't intimately familiar with XMR and wouldn't know what an atomic swap is. I'd need at least a rough concept. 15:21:04 * twisted_turtle[m posted a file: (1533KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/zeCDahsDVRJUMQobVWoGdBYo/atomic%20swaps.jpg > 15:23:25 * twisted_turtle[m uploaded an image: (105KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/pFaulfGwVHSxudFNGbmSsdke/atomic%20swaps.jpg > 15:24:04 I did this shop a while back. Maybe something like this? 20:53:54 Hi, is there anybody who can help me with my wallet? 21:02:16 "I did this shop a while back..." <- Yes! That’s dope. 21:02:57 I also think a monero-chan and a bitcoin-chan lesbian kissing would be cool haha 21:03:15 Some love making shit lol 21:04:02 * libre[m] uploaded an image: (8773KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/QJJfvdtLKTUlSXiKvonwFWRB/ima_7c27190.png > 21:08:08 😐️ 21:08:19 channers plz 21:08:50 get a room :) 21:08:57 a private room :) 21:15:42 "I would like to donate for..." <- good idea for a new monero.graphics design as well; pinging gnuteardrops 22:45:01 Where can I find the vector file (gimp) to do some Monero stickers? 23:00:12 You can always make vector with inkscape.org 23:00:33 pretty sure I could make monero logo in 10min in inkscape.org 23:01:10 s/in/with/ 23:09:39 " You can always..." <- I need the ronded one with Monero digital money, a swiss bank account in your pocket, but in portuguese brazil 23:09:51 * I need the rounded one with Monero digital money, a swiss bank account in your pocket, but in portuguese brazil