00:11:12 https://twitter.com/LukeDashjr/status/1472718926928703490?s=20 00:11:52 Only 50k btc nodes... Xmr sitting at 11.5k today 👀👀👀 00:45:03 Is this room bridged to telegram? If so, how do we find it there? 00:46:50 masonwilliaml[m]: It's not. 00:51:32 "Where can I find the vector file..." <- Try 00:51:32 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fluffypony/monero-logo-artefacts/master/Logo%20Subsequent%20Tweaks/monero%20file.svg 01:05:24 * PacoKajMilito[m] uploaded an image: (79KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/WYzLPFGPddEjXVJOUXcAYJSr/4005d46f6892a37827a9e2fbacc91c51_1080x.jpg > 01:05:41 > <@rucknium:monero.social> Try 01:05:41 > https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fluffypony/monero-logo-artefacts/master/Logo%20Subsequent%20Tweaks/monero%20file.svg 01:05:41 I need a vector similar to this 01:18:04 https://cryptologos.cc/monero 01:47:26 "4005d46f6892a37827a9e2fbacc91c51..." <- Logo is easy to find, I'm looking for the vector similar to this, with text 01:49:45 If you are using GIMP, you can write the text, use the "Circle Select" tool, then choose "Selection to Path" and then "Text Along Path". Inkscape is better for vectors than GIMP (e.g. SVGs) and also supports text along path. 01:50:24 https://inkscape-manuals.readthedocs.io/en/latest/putting-text-on-path.html 02:44:43 Here's how you can create text on path in inkscape https://ardentdesigns.ca/text-on-circular-path-inkscape-tutorial/ 02:46:18 5 min worth of work in inkscape. Font is not the same, but just showing you how easy it is to create vector in inkscape 02:46:18 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621366094531133461/922318967996043264/unknown.png 02:47:23 that monero logo.svg was simply imported into inkscape to start 03:00:48 Thanks I'll give it a try 05:56:56 "masonwilliaml: It's not." <- So where is it bridged to? Is anyone opposed to bridging to telegram? 08:02:31 PacoKajMilito: take a look here https://t.me/XMRSticker 09:08:45 bridgerton[m]: Be careful when using Inkscape, as the color space is RGB. You cannot print designs made with Inkscape unless your print service does color conversion. 16:44:42 tutanota is now accepting btc and xmr 16:49:26 Time to abandon protonmail 16:50:52 Both tutanota and protonmail collaborate with law enforcement 16:51:01 If you care about privacy avoid both 16:52:19 ofc not as good as them supporting it directly but can pay protonmail with monero using btc > xmr swap services 16:56:28 adamantium[m]: Link? 16:57:54 dEBRUYNE: if you have a tutanota mail, you should've gotten an email from them 16:58:05 dEBRUYNE: https://digitalgoods.proxysto.re/ 16:58:44 "Both tutanota and protonmail..." <- link for tutanota 17:02:56 "Both tutanota and protonmail..." <- All services collaborate with law enforcement. 17:05:55 True but I'd prefer a swiss jurisdiction over german. 17:06:07 "link for tutanota" <- https://www.cyberscoop.com/germany-court-ruling-tutanota-email-monitoring/ 17:06:24 jonah_xd[m]: You can work around that if you self host 17:12:24 If you self-host email, rent a KYC-free VPS + domain, pay with Bitcoin/Monero and access SSH over Tor (torsocks or Whonix Workstation). Examples Njal.la are Bitlaunch.io. 17:12:24 But if you connect via Tor and use manual PGP (e.g. gpg in terminal), you can use any email provider. 17:13:07 selfhosting seems to be the only way then but if its a vps, its basically the same shit 17:19:48 "You can work around that if..." <- Easier said, email in general is insecure 17:20:29 jonah_xd[m]: Hosting your own email service is easy af 17:20:50 Nah, make it private im talking 17:20:58 Or anonym 17:20:59 You're better off not using email at all if you're that paranoid 17:21:30 Email is such a mess honestly 17:21:48 Impressive how it's still alive in 21st century 17:23:00 for extra security, use facsimile 17:23:48 Siren[m]: nobody will go to jail for you. how about we work under that assumption instead of saying both collaborate with law enforcement agencies? 17:24:04 oops. forget i can't chat w/ Matrix people from here because ban. lol. 17:27:54 rottenstonks: irc 4 eva 17:30:44 nioc: yessir. 17:54:32 I'm testing my opencl install and am running my amd gpu 6900 xt on xmrig but it only gets up to 1,5 kh/s. I know gpus are not supposed to work well with xmr, but is that value range to be expected? 18:11:30 "I'm testing my opencl install..." <- #xmrmine:matrix.org 18:14:25 "Impressive how it's still..." <- email is actually the pioneer federated software 18:14:51 and id rather use tutanota then yahoo or gmail 18:16:54 * email is actually the pioneer in federation or federated software... its a protocol like matrix or xmpp 18:18:13 adamantium[m]: POP3, IMAP and SMTP 18:19:04 now with encryption keys its almost the same story as btc and xmr 18:19:13 adamantium[m] i'm not currently using matrix, can you write the full message to irc? What i can read is "Impressive how it's still..." 18:23:25 Guest99: "... alive in the 21st century" 18:25:14 concerning your question, you should ask the xmr mining guys 21:26:46 Where can I find a QR code for getmonero.org? 21:26:57 * for getmonero.org ? 21:28:25 DuckDuckGo has a built-in QR code generator: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=qr+code+getmonero.org&ia=answer 21:41:13 "DuckDuckGo has a built-in QR..." <- Didn't know that, thanks 21:57:53 https://www.monero.observer/monero-observer-xmr-analysis-week-50-2021/ 23:46:14 h4sh3d: The PayMo author is the same author as this new swap protocol. Instead of committing to a verifiably delayed signature, you can commit to a verifiably delayed scalar which can be used to then sign the refund with your own counter-key part, according to the author which the paper does do elsewhere. Page 5, "More Efficient VTS" 23:49:56 There's also https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/1273.pdf as an attempt at solving the UX problems 23:58:19 I may take a stab at implementing this. I don't see any practical benefits over the XMR swap protocol, especially with Taproot, EXCEPT this enables XNO XMR and sZEC XMR. That's still probably worth the proof of concept.