02:14:14 <libre[m]> This is one of the downsides of Layer 2 type Lightning Network
02:14:16 <libre[m]> https://twitter.com/LibreHodl/status/1474495592982364160?s=20
02:14:29 <libre[m]> There is a Bitcoiner advocating to close payment channels to another one for differences of opinion
02:15:25 <libre[m]> Imagine this applied to the central big nodes like LNBig. This type of stuff can be used to attack the network and fragment it (there was a recent paper about it). But the fact of the matter is, this is why blockchain is superior tech.
02:40:21 <Torr> Merry Fucking Christmas \o/
02:40:45 <unscottable[m]> same to you :)
02:42:17 <Torr> Cheers
03:44:51 <Rucknium[m]> libre: Thanks. Cross-posted to r/btc
04:50:31 <Rucknium[m]> <libre[m]> "Imagine this applied to the..." <- Do you have a link to the paper, by chance?
10:04:13 <libre[m]> https://arxiv.org/pdf/2111.13494.pdf
10:04:37 * libre[m] uploaded an image: (709KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/cBiqgDEfiPKHEAmRxuHFhCsl/ima_b567d15.png >
10:05:26 <libre[m]> Of course Govs could direct big LN hubs
14:09:47 <Rucknium[m]> Thanks! Too bad that their empirical analysis only uses data from January 2018 - July 2019
21:02:04 <anon3395[m]> https://twitter.com/samcallah/status/1473815145545551873?s=20
21:02:11 <anon3395[m]> That's some frightening articles
21:33:10 <Torr> Muleta[m]: Not a surprise though.
21:39:15 <Muleta[m]> True