03:05:40 Revuo Issue 101 is out: https://localmonero.co/revuo/weekly/101 03:06:15 I am happy to inform y'all I'll be the editor moving forward. Will appreciate any comments or suggestions via PM or at the e-mail address displayed at the bottom of the page. 03:07:44 Yes dEBRUYNE, it is posted on reddit. :P https://teddit.net/r/Monero/comments/rtztap/revuo_monero_is_back_issue_101_happy_new_year/ 08:16:09 ty :) 08:19:04 crypto_grampy[m]: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/rtzhrl/add_ren_protocol_to_list_of_projects_which_may/ 08:19:08 Perhaps suitable to add to Monero Bounties? 08:45:22 Here's my monthly report: 08:45:22 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/rt3z4b/mjs_dev_report_dec_2021/ 08:46:16 Please also take note of this thread, which probably should have been included in the report itself: 08:46:19 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/rt3z4b/mjs_dev_report_dec_2021/hqvac6h/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 16:00:18 1. Introduction 16:00:18 Hello and welcome to a Monero community meeting! These meetings are a chance for updates and discussions on recent events in Monero, as well as focussed discussion on crowd funding proposals. Please try and stick to the agenda, as there will hopefully be time at the end for any other business. 16:00:18 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/644 16:00:30 2. Greetings 16:00:31 Hello. 16:00:40 Hello! Do we have many people around today? 16:00:42 hello :) 16:00:58 Yo. 16:01:02 Hello 16:01:11 happy ny all :) 16:01:53 Matrix ban still in place for me? Only IRC users can read me at the moment? Check, check. 1, 2, 3... 16:01:54 is it Dec 11 already? 16:02:01 No. November 3rd. 16:02:08 3. Community highlights 16:02:25 Hi guys. 16:02:28 hello 16:02:32 yep. Matrix ban still there. :) 16:02:59 It has been a few weeks since a meeting here, but there is lots going on! I recommend checking out this for a summary of events: 16:03:00 https://www.monero.observer/monero-observer-blitz-december-2021/ 16:03:41 Unless something important happened today or yesterday 16:04:28 I'll leave time at the end for anyone to bring up anything in particular not on the agenda 16:04:40 4. CCS Updates 16:05:06 a. Pluja's educational content for Monero plus kycnot and iseeyourcash maintenance 16:05:06 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/273 16:06:28 The milestones seem well defined and Pluja has suggested in a comment that they are willing to bring updates to getmonero.org as they go along if possible 16:07:22 It looks ready to go IMO but please leave a comment there if you can. Unfortunately I couldn't get a reply off Pluja in time for this meeting 16:08:07 b. MoneroKon 2022 16:08:07 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/276 16:08:54 Note there is also a scheduled meeting for Monerokon planning in just less than 2 hours in another room 16:08:54 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/629 16:10:04 it would be great to iron out any remaining issues for the MoneroKon 2022 CCS 16:10:16 as we should try and move forward (if possible) 16:10:45 what issues are holding it back? 16:10:56 it may be helpful to remind all that if the CCS is not funded, it will roll over to MonerKon 2023 (i made that explicit in an update earlier today) 16:11:20 netrik182: i think there is still some resistance to whether MoneroKon should go ahead at all. 16:11:27 It can be rolled over only if it gets fully funded, not partially funded, worth noting. 16:11:49 all other issues (i think) have been dealt with - bar some expressed concern over still not having a local champion 16:11:56 midipoet: you got a reply to your comment on GitLab. https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/276#note_14444 16:12:08 well, having the terms defined it would be a matter of people voting with their money, no? 16:12:15 rottenstonks: is that true always (the rolling over)? 16:12:20 Read the comment. 16:12:30 I'm in favor of moving 16:12:49 Rotten has pointed out that there is a CCS rule which says partial funds go to the General Fund. I guess you would need core to make an exception to that rule? 16:12:56 I am not in favor of moving. Further thoughts and deliberation found in comments section. Everyone welcome to jump in. 16:13:57 rottenstonks: the rule you link to does not describe partially funded CCS (unless i am mistaken) 16:14:16 I'm not sure what the benefits of this event would be to the community 16:14:31 and it seems there can be exceptions (i think a pandemic is fair excuse) 16:14:35 midipoet: It does. 16:15:04 unable to be completed, or otherwise put in a state where donated money will not be dispersed to the intended recipient, the default is that the remaining XMR will be put in the Monero General Fund. 16:15:15 > unable to be completed 16:15:40 Lyza: there was Konferenco 2019. didn't you hear? was the first edition. 16:15:43 that is not the same as partially funded, is it? 16:15:45 If I remember correctly there was an exception made for farcaster CCS 16:16:07 yes I know there have been past conferences which I was going to point out, but I'm not sure I ever saw the benefit from those either 16:16:15 if the CCS gets funded (and then MoneroKon cancelled) - digital renegades will have the XMR 16:16:15 midipoet: I guess we will have to wait until someone from Core clarifies that. :) 16:16:24 they can roll it over to MoneroKon 2023 16:16:45 That I am not questioning. I am questioning it being partially funded, not fully. 16:16:57 rottenstonks: i have already spoken to binaryfate and they have intimated that trying to put on MoneroKon 2022 is worth the risk 16:17:08 I also recall that there have been exceptions where partially funded CCS were refunded 16:17:17 Lyza: Hmm. Well, it's an opportunity for researchers and enthusiasts to give talks about what they have been working on, projects, such. 16:17:56 rottenstonks: i though partially funded could be paid out (i am fairly sure that is the case)? 16:17:57 midipoet: What does that have to do with partially, fully funded, the CCS rule and money being rolled over? 16:18:23 That is exactly what I am pursuing clarification for from core team, specifically that rule and this case. 16:18:41 Lyza: ye. let's see if this will be another exception then. :) 16:19:05 > Your work on the project can begin before the proposal is fully funded, and milestones may (at times) be paid out before the proposal is fully funded. 16:19:09 that is from the Rules 16:19:29 That has nothing to do with money getting rolled over, again. 16:20:08 it accounts for a partially funded proposal starting (and XMR being paid out)? 16:20:37 though in reality, i would not think it wise to start things if the CCS were not fully funded 16:20:55 but it seems there is some flexibility in the CCS rules (it even states as such) 16:21:48 personally (though biased) i do not see the risk in moving the CCS to funding stage. if there is no support (one assumes) it won't get funded. 16:21:55 The way I read it is that fully funded proposals that are not completed (people do not deliver what they promised) get moved to general fund but exceptions can be made on Core's discretion 16:22:12 netrik182: yes - i would read it that way as well 16:22:19 Getting some clarification from core on whether a partially funded CCS can be rolled over seems to be the logical step here 16:22:27 Agreed. 16:22:33 yes ^ 16:23:07 seeing as Core is explicitly involved with Digital Renegades, and expressed support (albeit privately) for MoneroKon 2022, i am not sure what the remaining risk is? 16:23:52 All is moot when this is getting fully funded 16:24:06 luigi1111: if the MoneroKon 2022 is moved to funding (and not funded by some future deadline - perhas mid Feb), can the funds be moved to a MoneroKon 2023 fund? 16:24:07 nioc: says your wallet? ;) 16:24:11 ArticMine[m]: ^ 16:24:14 binaryFate: ^ 16:24:25 rottenstonks: pump it baby 16:25:00 no issues with that from my end 16:25:10 luigi1111: thank you 16:25:19 I'm not fully clear on what the role of the CCS proposal stage is -- should any well defined proposals be moved to funding required so that support can be gauged by the amount of funding, or is there some additional gatekeeping at play in terms of trying to judge support before moving to funding req'd 16:25:49 Lyza: i think that is a fair question. i think the ideas stage is to quality control what is moved to funding. 16:26:02 Lyza: Normally a couple community meetings, a couple reddit threads and GitLab discussions in the comments section help luigi1111 decide what gets moved to funding stage or not. 16:26:26 The more ideas and discussions, the merrier. 16:26:27 the criticism, iterative improvement, and discussion is viewed as integral to the 'ideas' process 16:26:53 Yes so comments on the gitlab posts are appreciated 16:27:58 OK there can be more Monerokon discussion at the meeting at 1800 UTC 16:28:33 alright cool so what I'm getting is that the bar is *relatively* low as long as the proposal isn't really bad or really unpopular, which seems p reasonable 16:28:36 c. eth-xmr atomic swap 16:28:46 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/277 16:29:17 yes Lyza 16:29:24 elizabeth: are you around? 16:29:31 been waiting for the eth-xmr swaps to be moved to funding rew personally :) I do see merit in Justin's argument for LGPL 16:29:47 There seem to be some unresolved controversies about licencing in the gitlab comments 16:32:46 Yeah, some comments seem unanswered 16:33:19 This proposal has very clear milestones and it seems people are excited about the idea 16:33:19 Please throw a comment on the gitlab if you have strong opinions on the issues raised there 16:33:53 I don't have a strong opinion either way on licencing but I know it can get spicey for some people 16:34:15 d. Doug Tuman's proposal to change the terms of his CCS proposal (full time to half time + 6 months to 1 year) 16:34:55 chowbungaman: could you summarise your proposed change? 16:34:56 Hi guys I’m here 16:35:18 fwiw I would support the proposal under any license 16:35:44 hi guys im going to type from Sunita's account, so i can be on computer instead of phone. 16:35:56 Lyza: would be helpful for the person submitting the proposal if you post that comment on GitLab. 16:37:16 I (chowbungaman) am looking to alter my proposal so that it is extended to year from 6 months. So instead of working "full-time" for 6 months, i will be working "part-time" for a year. With the intent of accomplishing (atleast) the same milestones. 16:38:22 Here is the proposal for context: 16:38:22 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/250 16:38:36 Fully funded but unstarted at this point 16:39:05 I have unofficially already started my proposal since being awarded the CCS but have not officially started yet. I would like the official start date to start now 16:39:17 i have accomplished a bunch: 16:40:26 I don't have a dog in this race but I see little issue here --- curious what your reason is for wanting to move to aprt time though sunchakr[m] 16:40:32 i would support whatever chowbungaman[m] requires to make their CCS work in terms of FT or PT. 16:41:02 though, it would be sad if you needed to get a job (as the plan originally was to have Monero as your "job") 16:42:35 I see no issue with the changing timeframe considering no additional funds are needed 16:43:55 -grew MoneroTalk show in terms of subscribers and podcast downloads, brought on guests outside of the monero community, been on 3 podcasts as a guest, presented at a conference, arranged to attend a conference as media in January, launched the MoneroTopia conference we are hosting in April, and made progress with Gratuitas (heading down to the farm this month to give away wallets to the workers for this years harvest and to start 16:43:55 shipping in green beans that we will roast locally) 16:44:09 My only concern (which also applies to the original proposal) is that it is maybe difficult for Core to determine if milestones have been hit when it is a month-by-month proposal with tasks in no particular order 16:47:58 "I don't have a dog in this..." <- my reasoning was that i felt i could not sustain myself yet off of the CCS funds only at this point. I realized the risk was to great. The eye-opener for me was when we ran into an issue with the MoneroTopia event. 16:49:09 gotcha, unfortuante but makes sense 16:49:13 1 year part-time seems OK if milestones are met anyway. Though I thought the whole point of going FT was to dedicate more time to it so 16:50:33 "though, it would be sad if you..." <- I would be keeping my current day job. The goal is still to go full-time Monero but to make more progress on my Monero related projects first. I thought i could make the leap now but it is too risky. A year of continuing to work part-time will hopefully get me to the point i can go full-time. 16:51:17 sunchakr[m]: sounds good. keep up all the hard work 16:51:28 Well it seems people are broadly in favour of this change in terms. Maybe it would be a good idea to make a Reddit post to announce the change in plans? 16:52:16 Reddit always brings out the trolls/bots but if you ignore those there might be useful feedback 16:53:25 netrik182: ok, i can do the reddit post, but yea im sure there will be many trolls 16:53:41 5. Workgroup reports 16:54:03 Are there any workgroups which would like to report what they've been up to? 16:55:16 So what is the process for actually starting the CCS then? Can we make January 1st the start date. 16:55:28 On localization/translation side, we have had great progress the last couple weeks in regard to monero GUI 16:56:05 sunchakr: I guess so. Maybe keep a log of Monero-specific work from that date so that you post updates to the CCS gitlab? 16:56:14 So what is the process for actually starting the CCS then? Can we make January 1st the start date. <- usually people started after getting funded. So I guess you can just announce the day you want it to be 16:57:37 That way there is clear evidence in the CCS gitlab that each milestone has been accomplished 16:57:54 Afrikaans, Romanian, Dutch, Japanese, Hungarian, Hebrew, Dutch, Polish, Chinese (Simplified), German have new translation and will make into next point release 16:58:15 some of them are 100% translated 16:58:35 This week I'll push translations to getmonero website as well 16:59:34 That is all fantastic news. I think semi-regular calls for translators on Reddit will help fill any gaps you might have 17:00:15 Yes, I'll do one together with a more detailed report 17:00:25 That's it from my side 17:00:50 Confirm next meeting date/time 17:01:53 I can put together another of these in 2 weeks if people like, same time. I'm open to ideas of how to get more voices in community meetings or how to run them better 17:02:40 That just leaves "Open ideas time" if people want to carry on discussion on anything in particular. 17:02:57 carrington[m]: great meeting - thanks. 17:03:10 carrington[m]: ty :) 17:04:45 I'll end the meeting here as far as logs are concerned, and post those on the github issue 17:06:04 "1 year part-time seems OK if..." <- Sorry, sent wrong reply. To answer this question. Yes, goal was to be full-time. Now it will be PT but with the goal of making enough progress within the year to be able to then go FT monero. I stated in my CCS that i would be looking to work 50-60hrs per week FT, so now the aim would be 25-30hrs PT. While I am obviously motivated to work on Monero without CCS funds (which i have 17:06:05 done to date), this funding will provide additional support and motivation that will hopefully allow me to transition into full-time. 17:06:10 Something I do want to flag up though is that there are currently 35 CCS projects in "Work in Progress" of which 10 were started more than a year ago 17:06:10 https://ccs.getmonero.org/work-in-progress/ 17:08:01 seems like monono might be looking for a goon pressing those zombie WIP CCS proposals. hmm. 17:08:05 Idk if the CCS is suffering it's own scalability issues. Maybe there are several dead/frozen projects. luigi1111 do you have any comment on this issue? Or ideas of how the community could help? 17:08:12 Thanks for running it carrington 17:08:13 Thank you guys for hearing me out! Thank you for the support and encouragement. I will post the reddit post and announce that my CCS has officially begun. I will list progress to-date on the CCS work. 17:08:25 Thank you Carrington 17:09:10 "sunchakr: sounds good. keep up..." <- Thank you Midipoet. Greatly appreciate the support. 17:31:58 hi all 17:32:08 carrington: luigi1111 CCS for "Monero FM (community run radio project)" should be moved to Completed Tasks and the outstanding balance reallocated to the general fund 17:32:49 i messed up the time haha 17:35:18 yo zkao. 17:35:19 wazzap. 17:37:03 Just posted my December report as a Gitlab comment. Reddit post will follow soon: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/275#note_14452 17:46:36 MoneroKon meeting in #monero-events in ~15 mins. https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/629 18:25:23 > <@carrington:monero.social> Something I do want to flag up though is that there are currently 35 CCS projects in "Work in Progress" of which 10 were started more than a year ago 18:25:23 > 18:25:23 > https://ccs.getmonero.org/work-in-progress/ 18:25:23 I couldn't participate due to family obligations, but I have something to say here. 18:26:15 My "Compilation time reduction" proposal is stuck, due to reasons different than mine, and I'd rather prefer to redistribute its funds. 18:27:27 I would still occasionally fix the same things, that are mentioned there, but not in such an aggressive way, as the old proposal was implying. Think of 1 branch at a time, rather than make 10 branches and almost beg the reviewers to have a look at them :) 18:27:44 https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/mj-compil-time-reduction.html 18:32:02 Thanks mj, do you think you could add a comment explaining this to the gitlab for that project? 18:33:27 Sure thing. I wanted to hear some initial feedback first. 18:33:54 And meet my monthly reporting obligations, which consume the time, but yeah. Let's do it this week. 18:54:19 ajs_[m]: ok 18:55:55 carrington[m]: if you or anyone has directives on community wishes or sentiment on a particular ccs please ping me. some of these that don't get much or any engagement I tend to leave for awhile and then close 18:59:43 I like Pluja's Monero guides CCS (https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/273) and think it would be useful to educate people about Monero, provide easy onboarding for beginners, and advertise Monero as a private online payment method that works today. KYCNot.me is already a great, necessary and popular resource and a similar website about Monero would be helpful. 20:38:04 https://www.reddit.com/r/i2p/comments/ru7e1z/i2p_deanonymization_research_in_2022/