06:52:02 If you have 1 btc would you hodl it or dump it and all in xmr? Lol 06:59:43 depends how much xmr I got 07:00:08 0 noob here to xmr 07:03:41 I plan on dca ing into xmr and trying to get into mining it. It took me 2 cycles to realize that xmr > btc also trying to stack scrt as well and looking into zano. I think privacy will be the biggest winners next cycle. Once cbdcs come out worldwide folks will run to privacy coins and Monero is the way! 07:28:01 I agree, also if you want to mine, it's a bit harder to setup but i would recomment you to mine on p2pol, it is a decentralized pool and you get payed directly. 09:38:47 https://nitter.ca/HavenoDEX/status/1484459250877440001 13:10:03 Please tell me that they will not use Javascript^^ 13:31:34 https://briarproject.org/download-briar-desktop/ 18:15:39 "Please tell me that they will..." <- This thing is staying forever, I hate JS but it just works, at least Typescript is pretty decent. That I like it 18:21:21 Well. I have Noscript enabled when surfing via TOR, so I hope they make the onion site static. 18:23:26 Haveno will be a desktop application, not a website, but AFAIK it's routed via Tor by default (like Bisq) and you can use it in Whonix Workstation. 23:09:00 who put the Bee Movie script in tx extra? ^^ 23:10:38 link? 23:12:30 let me find the txid, going to take some time.