00:30:06 https://www.monero.observer/elliptic-liat-shetret-no-blockchain-analytics-company-can-track-monero/ 00:38:34 Interesting Note that as of a few days ago, Liat Shetret has moved to Solidus Labs, which is a similar blockchain surveillance outfit. 00:38:44 https://nitter.net/LiatShetret/status/1485995022432579590 00:39:47 Interesting, indeed. 01:03:10 We are moving the matrix server to new and better hardware, so there will be downtime imminent 02:38:20 We will add a stable coin for this purpose. Do you prefer any? 02:39:34 I thought you’d like the fixed rates more 🙂 05:57:45 sorry, didnt go as planned, still on the old server but monero.social matrix is back up 20:15:35 Upgrading db for monero.social matrix server 20:19:45 ok 23:08:17 done 23:13:49 Awesome! Go alright this time? 23:18:43 this was only db upgrade, we will still move to bigger box 23:38:32 looks down for me 23:39:06 Yep, likewise. General connectivity errors 23:46:09 I'm going to wait a few more minutes while i watch my client sync