14:22:14 https://twitter.com/TheEconomist/status/1489852317151207425?s=20 14:27:22 26.2M followers and only 30 retweets? Are they all fake followers? 14:35:57 I did my part 14:56:52 * nikg83[m] uploaded an image: (31KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/mGOxOBXPfKLqOeNVwZjWrRNI/ima_86377bb.jpeg > 18:11:42 A BlockFi user had his loan closed out and lost 50% of his Bitcoin because hit coins were mixed by the seller on Bisq he got them from: 18:11:42 https://twitter.com/sethforprivacy/status/1490023478556307466?s=20&t=Kenewi9sMobjDDxvcJ1hbA 18:11:42 Friends don't let friends use Bitcoin on centralized, surveilled, KYC exchanges. 18:44:32 for the most part good friends dont let friends use bitcoin period ;) 20:25:58 test 20:27:06 dont know how active this chat channel is just downloaded irc after some years and normally dont chat 20:27:35 though ny state isnt allowing any exchange to work other than coinbase and gemini neither responds to my emails lol 20:28:15 well if anyone has a trick i need to fill an ether wallet with about $50 from bank/cash to my address, my quest driving around looking for an atm went a bit stray 20:35:06 don't know ether, I only know monero :) 20:36:25 setting up with gemini is easy, like most places I guess support is not great 20:36:28 Use BTC atm and exchange to ETH using fixedfloat 20:39:30 Maybe check if there is an Azte.co store near you? Or Redeeem.com for gift cards -> Bitcoin. 20:39:48 azte I don't believe so 20:39:53 there are atms 20:40:45 I hopr that eth fees are less than $50 lol 20:40:50 *hope 20:41:09 Looks like money orders are KYC-free in the US: https://archive.org/details/how-to-buy-non-kyc-bitcoin-with-a-us-postal-money-order/page/n3/mode/2up 20:41:09 More info here: https://x21.tools/no-kyc 20:41:52 up to a certain amount 20:42:41 He only needs $50. 20:43:35 Maybe this can help: https://www.cardcoins.co but Redeeem.com is more flexible 20:45:52 okay im waiting on response from gemini its funny they were kind of wierd about me sending more than the first picture , need a selfie with id and number seemed like a joke lol 20:46:12 okay thanks im going to surf irc and find a broader home thank you 21:11:17 The Fungibility Graveyard post made the front page of Hacker News! 21:11:17 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30224637 21:11:17 If you have an account (I don't) and can help clarify details for people with questions there that would be excellent. 21:30:18 -xmr-pr- [css-proposals] j-berman opened pull request #285: j-berman full-time 3 months part 2 21:30:18 -xmr-pr- > https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/285 22:11:41 The person who added that feature^ to xmr-pr thank you ❤️ 23:12:09 Hi 23:37:46 lmao 23:37:46 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621366094531133461/939666126609211402/unknown.png 23:39:29 Had me until "Bitcoin is fungible" 😒😁 23:43:20 TIL btc legally identical 23:43:44 os that international law? 23:43:52 I can tpye 23:44:38 "Financial securities are fungible" hot take 23:49:36 I hate hacker news