02:04:33 haha that comment irritated me 02:04:35 it doesnt even make sense 02:31:01 "Is there a Matrix space for..." <- https://matrix.to/#/#monerospace:monero.social 19:13:22 hey, can people see the comments on this post? (it says there are 12 - i can only see 1) 19:13:25 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/skoigt/ccs_funding_required_update_2_monerokon_2022/ 19:15:18 -xmr-pr- [meta] umma08 opened issue #661: MoneroKon 2022 Planning Meeting: Sunday 13th February 2022 @ 18:00 UTC 19:15:18 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/661 21:22:31 midipoet: There's lots of spam on the sub 21:31:21 dEBRUYNE: how does that effect whether I can see the comments? Or do you mean the comments were spam, and they have been deleted (but the comment count remains)? 21:32:25 The latter yes 21:32:44 ah ok, understand now. 22:28:18 this is the kind of publicity that makes people who run governments do things to make life harder 22:28:19 https://archive.is/hBfqL