01:00:18 -xmr-pr- [meta] Rucknium opened issue #662: Monero Research Lab Meeting - Wed 09 February 2022 @ 17:00 UTC 01:00:18 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/662 04:37:45 "Emergency maintenance is being..." <- Complete, thanks for the patience. 07:13:50 hansams: there are some resource links here : http://moneroar4fiojlkzkvwgt25rp6vifswcpwaxbzlhfkdenczbhc4luqad.onion/monero-dev/ 17:10:35 "hansams: there are some resource..." <- What do I need to open the link? I does not open (in my iOS phone). 17:11:03 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/two-arrested-alleged-conspiracy-launder-45-billion-stolen-cryptocurrency 17:24:02 the private keys were stored on the cloud. 17:56:16 Scalability: link doesn't exist 17:56:47 loads fine here. 17:58:39 cool 17:58:43 Scalability: do you use monero? 18:02:26 "What do I need to open the link?..." <- it's an onion link. So you need to have Tor installed to browse it. 18:02:44 Tor's install is rather easy on a desktop. 18:03:01 * (Tor's install, * a desktop). 18:17:14 https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/snoqjp/the_us_doj_just_seized_36_billion_in_crypto_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share 18:29:06 how do you end up with billions in btc lol 18:31:40 these people don't seem to be the hackers if they stored everything on dropbox 18:39:24 And not a single xmr tx traced 18:56:37 exactly, hackers will help you hack something and take only a small cut (15%) if you come up with a plan. 18:56:46 funds stolen 4.5 billions 18:56:57 funds recovered 3.6 bilions 18:57:11 apparently that's her lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncqEZfKLcTs 18:57:49 Heather Morgan 18:58:58 How brainded you need to be to store the private keys on cloud storage. 19:00:26 I keep some not so important stuff on bitwarden, saved me just today when chrome nuked all my extensions 19:01:22 I keep my keys in Cat's litter box 19:01:24 obviously only hotwallets with very low value 19:16:09 That i can understand. 19:38:37 "I keep some not so important..." <- what's wrong with bitwarden? 19:46:51 Will anyone think of the children? 19:46:51 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/cogs.12950 19:47:03 >Across three principal studies...we find that children are less likely to want money with negative moral history, a pattern that was stronger and more consistent among 8- and 9-year-olds than 5- and 6-year-olds. 19:58:06 https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1470186/download 19:58:12 "what's wrong with bitwarden?" <- nothing 19:58:28 I just wouldn't put more than my hotwallet on there 19:58:44 apparently these two were the hackers and they also used monero for some smaller part of the funds, but they just sent it to an exchange and converted it back to bitcoin 19:58:51 basically they had no idea what they are doing 20:01:25 did they get caught after trying to move the fund or were the recently reported moves the feds seizing coins? 20:02:05 the feds seized them a week ago 20:02:58 this is not the worst ever attempt I've seen which is surprising given their online music videos lol 20:03:19 but the report does say they used Dash in small part, lol 20:24:33 the feds seized them a week ago 20:24:33 Seemingly, someone else lives one week ahead of everyone. https://nitter.it/ErgoBTC/status/1488511966910062596 20:25:24 94,643.29856151 BTC. A smidge. 21:09:49 gu 21:10:01 wht and where do u use monero 21:11:10 what do you mean ? 21:15:06 if I had 3 billion in dirty bitcoin I wouldn't own anything more advanced than a CRT and antenna. now imagine posting cringe rap videos on tiktok while the feds could work on tracing the transactions to find that one time you messed up 21:28:26 Does anyone know if monero-lws actually works with MyMonero if started up correctly? 21:37:32 with mymonero desktop yes, if you setup a cert correctly 21:38:28 what about... without a cert 21:38:31 :) 23:28:34 "with mymonero desktop yes, if..." <- so i think i'm close... but it just says loading in the wallet 23:28:36 * crypto_grampy[m] uploaded an image: (7KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/FoYvOesUPMLDrJMflxVLnujO/image.png > 23:31:11 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 23:31:29 * crypto_grampy[m] uploaded an image: (8KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/SxkIwRYRXaFOINXgBVbBmtcy/image.png > 23:32:36 so i got jberman 's monero-lws dockerfile to work with seth's monerod docker image and MyMonero over the internets 23:39:15 i didn't realize you had to manually accept requests to use your mymonero server 23:42:19 * crypto_grampy[m] sent a code block: https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/0f99a47eb569a8c525665d4bdf1f0422543567b7 23:43:39 roughly how i did it... minus traefik setup and dns provider stuff 23:51:26 shell into the container with ```docker exec -it monero-lws /bin/bash``` 23:51:34 and then run ```monero-lws-admin accept_requests create $(monero-lws-admin list_requests | jq -j '.create? | .[]? | .address?+" "')``` 23:51:46 from the lws docs 🙃