00:10:27 +1 for sourcehut 04:25:39 "But to make it easier for..." <- Yeah. GH and OPSEC... tell me about it. 04:25:56 I can only contribute since I'm in the West. 04:26:35 Anyway, a big supporter here! 04:27:07 In the other news: 04:27:07 I need 3 brave men. 04:27:12 https://github.com/mj-xmr/SolOptXMR/blob/master/README.md#quickstart 04:27:37 Could anybody test if the quickstart tutorial works for you? 04:28:09 Thanks in advance. 11:46:36 Hi all, I'm looking for feedback on a new logo design for Feather Wallet: https://www.reddit.com/r/FeatherWallet/comments/umgojt/feather_wallet_logo_redesign_feedback_wanted/ 11:49:55 Reddit won't allow me to see it as I don't have the app and content is not reviewed. So annoying .. 11:55:44 raas[m]: Try: https://i.reddit.com/r/FeatherWallet/comments/umgojt or https://teddit.net/r/FeatherWallet/comments/umgojt 12:32:40 My preference goes for Variant 2, color scheme 1, font 1 12:33:41 Feels more "lightweight", and there is less contrast between the colors, and also between the white background and the logo itself 12:34:27 merope: thank you 13:21:01 My preference goes for variant one. Non symetric wallet seems nicer. Not sure about the colours scheme. I do like the feather but I think this one's are nicer and look more professional 13:47:27 "raas: Try: https://i.reddit.com..." <- the design is a bit bland, but i think orange is the way to go 15:09:41 my docker node doesnt work anymore for some reason, it keeps restarting the container. already updated and rebooted the machine. Seth For Privacy any idea i could try to fix it? 15:09:43 p2pool docker works fine 15:09:59 says "Restarting (132)" 15:17:16 "my docker node doesnt work..." <- any reason youre using docker node? the normal daemon is much simpler 15:25:40 Yes, a bad image got pushed -- jut pull the latest and recreate the container, i.e. `docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d` 15:25:52 I already reverted and pushed a known-good image. 15:28:11 "any reason youre using docker..." <- Could only get the docker node to install to the right location 15:29:52 sethforprivacy: Ive been using docker run 15:30:42 It's getting the latest image but still doesn't work 15:30:45 monerobull[m]: Then just repull the image with `docker pull sethsimmons/simple-monerod:latest` and re-create. 15:30:55 Force a re-pull with the above 15:31:01 THe latest image does work. 15:32:02 sethforprivacy: This fixed it, thanks 21:24:05 In case anyone wants to follow along on super duper alpha HotShop progress, I've added the repo to my Github, and have a live demo running here: https://sunny-malabi-a3b5ff.netlify.app/ . Please use at your own risk (especially if you test out using your own primary/view key), and the default primary / view-key in the currently deployed app is mine in case you want to send a donation :) and see the payment validation 21:24:05 working live. I'm currently going through some life events at the moment so will be a bit slow to update for the time being. Will be adding/updating quite a few things for Milestone 2- it will be a sexy full-functioning, self-explanatory app, but from a purely functional standpoint, I think I'm pretty much at Milestone 0... It will work :) 21:25:08 https://github.com/CryptoGrampy/HotShop 21:25:53 s/0.../1../, s/will/works/, s/work// 21:32:53 On a completely different note, I think the codebase could probably be retooled fairly easily at this point to be a sort of quick, printable gift card wallet generator as well, if anyone is interested. Basically you would create a new wallet, it starts syncing at the top most blockheight as it currently does for speed purposes, you fund it using a QR and it displays that funds were received, and it displays whatever you want 21:32:53 to print for the gift card (seed, view key QR/receive QR) etc. 21:32:54 hell yea I'd love to help out 21:33:23 been trying to get a project like this going myself but I just don't have the know-how when it comes to web app development 21:33:51 I have many todo's and rough ideas strewn about in the codebase at the moment, but it's fairly simple and straight forward IMO :) 21:35:39 On HotShop, if you update the settings with your own payment info, you'll need to rebookmark your shop url at the bottom of the settings page. 21:36:18 If you use your own node, it will probably need: --rpc-access-control-origins=* and make sure to specify the port in the settings 21:36:18 21:37:10 I also intend to add the most permissive license I can, but am not super knowledgeable on the subject. If anyone has good recommendations, please feel free to share. 21:37:35 * If you use your own node, it will probably need: --rpc-access-control-origins=* and make sure to specify the port in the HotShop node URL in the settings 21:39:01 the CORS bullshit is kind of the reason I stopped working on my own project 21:39:24 the utter most permissive license there is is WTFPL, but might not exactly be what you're looking for 21:39:32 GPL2 or GPL3 might be what you want 21:39:56 WTFPL is literally "do what the fuck you want to public license" but that includes copying the code and making it closed source, reselling iet etc 21:40:00 s/iet/it/ 21:47:08 " the CORS bullshit is..." <- The latest monerod release allows you to run a public node with a CORS wildcard and no rpc-login FYI 21:50:37 hell yea, I'll give it a try tomorrow as it's quite late here 21:57:15 plowsof: any input on 21:57:16 GPL v3 too restrictive / v2 less so, mit and BSD good? Thats ELI5 for me but I dont actually know 21:57:16 I'd probably lean v2 or MIT, but ..don't listen to me 😅. 21:58:02 I don't know anything about licenses, i copy and paste things from stackoverflow 😳 21:58:50 😁😁 21:59:28 i heard smart people mention 'MIT' though 😊