06:05:20 My latest dev report (2/3): 06:05:20 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/umgew1/mjs_dev_report_aprmay_2022_23/ 06:07:26 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> plowsof: any input on... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/e0f1bdd17c2e57fc732d6def9b47814730d62c85) 06:07:39 *from you 06:08:11 You can also hope that they hire you as a consultant, if that's ok with you. They might not do it however. 10:19:10 For setting up a personal node, in a pruned state, do I need to have ~100GB for the full blockchain, and then prune it to a lower amount? 10:19:10 Or, is it possible for the blockchain to prune as it goes - and thus less free space than 100GB is possible? 10:33:23 Prunes as it goes 10:33:23 50GB free should be fine to sync to 100% 10:44:06 anyone know of a node that has access control origins set to * ? 10:44:15 I'd use my own node but it's on localhost and chromium is being a cunt 10:47:12 nvm, got it to work by tinkering with chromium's flags 11:21:18 Thanks ofrnxmr! 11:25:31 * john_r365[m] uploaded an image: (232KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/SIUSAxwFCymkmOmRoYvzAsPw/Captura%20de%20Pantalla%202022-05-11%20a%20la(s)%2012.23.55.png > 11:25:41 @ofrnxmr - This article seems to suggest that pruning as it goes will not free up space on disk 11:25:41 Which is correct? 11:25:41 Source: 11:25:41 https://www.publish0x.com/solareclipse/howto-prune-shrink-the-database-of-the-monero-blockchain-on-xpgwjx 12:23:13 "Captura de Pantalla 2022-05-11 a..." <- If you start it with `--prune-blockchain` on first run it will prune as it goes and keep disk space usage down. Basically don't prune unless you do that ๐Ÿ™‚ 12:38:32 Ah thatโ€™s great - thanks @sethforprivacy 13:29:52 " anyone know of a node..." <- You're welcome to use the one I have listed in the HotShop settings tab here: https://sunny-malabi-a3b5ff.netlify.app 13:30:18 Apparently I did a bad node upgrade yesterday before going to bed, but everything is working now :) 15:41:31 "Captura de Pantalla 2022-05-11 a..." <- TIL about #3. Lmm 19:05:50 Shall we do one of those community meeting thingys this Sunday orr? 20:51:43 plowsof[m]: you don't ask if they want them; you just schedule it. :) 20:52:02 if you ask for it, there'll be crickets.ogg everywhere. 20:53:42 community meetings used to be bi-weekly. you ran one exactly two weeks back if you do one this sunday. so it's all on track. 20:57:54 https://www.coinbase.com/how-to-buy/monero 21:50:54 cheekyleeks i thought i was going to get away with not moderating one if nobody said anything ๐Ÿ˜ https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/704 21:54:32 plowsof[m]: cool beans. take this at face value: "asking for permission is seeking denial." want something to happen? just get it done. :) 21:54:53 see ya Sunday, if I am not in the moon, mars or jupiter. Cheers. 22:10:18 "Shall we do one of those..." <- Keep in mind there's also a -dev meeting this weekend (though I *think* they chose saturday in the end, but not sure) 22:20:18 merope: Yes. It is Saturday, not Sunday. :) 22:20:32 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/703