00:20:40 quick survey: hypothetically, would you consider LPing on a private DEX (i.e. DEX built on a smart chain where contract state is encrypted)? if not, why? 00:20:42 sorry to bother lol, just curious 00:50:25 "quick survey: hypothetically..." <- No. Risk of getting rugpulled is massive. Maybe a few years after the tech has proven itself. 00:50:26 Given the past history of unreliability, shoddy code, and scams of smart-contract-based DEXes, it would be a hard pass for me 00:50:27 This ^^ 00:50:27 alr thx for the feedback 👍️ 00:52:53 20% gains per year with a 50% chance of losing all your money 00:53:20 it's probably worth putting a tiny amount in, and there's probably a nice risk calculation out there... probably more like 80% chance of rugpull 00:53:54 ya that's fair 00:53:55 a lot of dexes suck 00:54:20 it's something I've been curious about, monero users tend to take security a lot more seriously than typical """"defi"""" users 00:54:46 It's hard enough writing a bug-proof cryptocurrency... A lot of these dexes are fly by night hackjobs. 01:19:36 hows haveno going 04:00:42 @orly_owl, lol 04:01:12 bbl 06:36:31 is there a list of i2p nodes? 06:41:15 There are some on monero.fail 06:47:32 "There are some on monero.fail" <- how can i filter them? searching 'i2p' doesn't help 06:50:16 Oops, I mush have misremembered, there are no i2p addresses there :/ 06:51:12 https://github.com/i2p-zero/i2p-zero/blob/master/mipseed.md#list-of-mipseed-maintainers 06:51:29 not familiar with i2p, are mipseeds what im looking for? 06:52:08 Yes 06:53:47 There might be others listed in some reddit post in r/monero 06:54:34 cheers 09:19:10 Hi, is there a reason that the matrix development workgroups don't exist anymore? is the website outdated? (listed here https://www.getmonero.org/community/workgroups/) 09:23:01 Sure they exist 09:23:19 Which ones are you trying to find? 09:23:54 * jonas1423[m] uploaded an image: (13KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/OjkaaHucbpPVdivxcUwmVmvt/image.png > 09:23:55 I get this message 09:24:03 maybe you have to be invited first? 09:24:41 That doesn't look right 09:24:49 #monero-dev:monero.social 09:25:13 Thanks :). Maybe it's the browser, i will try another one 09:25:41 Just use the search feature in Element, one search for "Monero" will find all the community channels 09:26:25 There's also a Monero space (a collection of rooms), if you don't want to join them all manually 09:27:25 https://matrix.to/#/#monerospace:monero.social 15:59:47 Monerokon planning meeting in 2 hours (18:00 UTC) 16:00:38 #monero-events:monero.social 16:01:10 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/708 19:39:05 come and watch the show if you wish 19:39:06 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELGojm8xVyg 21:15:38 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/uzvwsj/time_to_chill_with_fluffypony_free_monerokon/ 21:16:11 MajesticBank giving away 40 Monerokon tickets, for free 21:40:30 w0w