04:42:05 So the fountain podcast app that Bitcoin maxis love is literally paying users to listen to promoted content in Bitcoin. How the love of number go up corrupts 07:03:54 Poloniex is under maintenance again. Hopefully not for 5 months like last time. https://nttr.stream/PoloSupport/status/1541859988968275968 11:10:48 shame, was only enabled 7 days ago :( thanks for the update 11:50:47 About to try to setup a Tor VPS node using sethforprivacy guide 11:51:13 What is the best OS to use there? 12:09:36 "What is the best OS to use there..." <- Usually Ubuntu or similar is easiest. 13:46:23 Episode I did on What Bitcoin Did is live now! https://www.whatbitcoindid.com/podcast/privacy-on-monero-vs-bitcoin 16:21:15 What an excellent show and sethforprivacy is performing like a rock star as usual. This is very cool, but I'm only half way through. 18:35:48 Good talk. Bitcoin users/hodlers benefit much more with Monero existing than Monero users/hodlers do from Bitcoin. Time will tell if we'll need Bitcoin.