02:01:19 CCS ideas finally got cleaned up, nice 04:04:35 piconerojeu[m]: I'd suggest text only bulletin with images displayed using third party hosts like imgur 04:07:35 With text abuses you can censor those out when you see fit. That wouldnt work with the more creative abuses, but i think those should be reported separately by users (may be a report abuse button?) 04:09:37 That's my 2 cents 04:15:28 The rationnale for hosting images remotely from your vps is to prevent people posting illegal contents to your site (yikes) 11:21:09 Minexmr 11:21:09 28th 1gh 11:21:09 30th 985mh 11:21:09 31St 1.05gh 11:22:53 * Edit:... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/97f24e1b82ac7774c72719f3a4dd4613181886d4) 12:23:43 "With text abuses you can..." <- The problem with bringin in a third party image hoster is the rife of cookies and tracking. Piconeroj is intended to be no tracking, no js, no cooking site accessible via Tor/VPN. I am not sure if 3rd party img hosting would permit that. 12:26:12 piconerojeu[m]: As for the text abuses, short of going full neural net I am not sure if the text checking could be automatized. For example there were 500+ adverts selling bottles of semen.. it sounded professional and would have evaded filters nonetheless. So once the number of ads hit more than what I can curate manually, I plan to ask around if some one is interested in co-modding. 12:27:03 "That's my 2 cents" <- Thank you so much for the suggestion, I am nonetheless looking for some natural way to weedout spam Ads. 12:28:25 "The rationnale for hosting..." <- I plan to curate the ads manually. So illegal contents will simply not show up. Additionally this would give a control over quality of ads. For example, some one wanted to sell a bucket of poop and someone high quality artwork. 20:37:44 p2pool don't build on armv7 look like 20:38:41 Not sure.. you tried using termux node script? 20:41:26 armv7 is 32 bit, p2pool supports 64 bit only