01:20:50 so go have a beer 01:20:59 i thought we cared about the content here 02:18:48 endogenic please provide some write-ups of what you're talking about. I'm very interested and I think it'd help people start to fund the work 02:19:14 i'm not even sure what cryptogrampy[m] was referring to 04:40:44 "i thought we cared about the..." <- Precisely 05:34:28 endogenic: oh hey, aren't you the guy who works on features for mymonero? 05:34:39 and mymonero doesn't accept your work anymore for some reason? 05:36:33 i had to leave in Jan 2020 ish 05:36:59 unfortunately my safety is at risk 05:37:12 so i cant say anything 05:38:01 NorrinRadd: ok, noted 05:38:09 sure 05:38:12 ofrnxmr[m]: noted 05:39:38 by the way i dont just work on features 05:39:53 i took over the company and sacrificed most of my life for it 05:39:59 and i am a part owner 05:40:06 didnt just 05:40:25 i funded mrl workshops 05:40:30 organized them 05:40:42 took minutes on intensive research 05:40:54 that's .. idk.. 1 of 25 things i did 05:41:34 i'd better stop there for now. the story is probably intentionally convoluted so that no one can easily understand without a lot of time 05:41:42 sorry for the spam 05:41:47 working on it 06:09:32 "sorry for the spam" just a heads up, this counts as spam only for Matrix users who enable notifications for each message. IRC is built such that people don't get a notification for every message you send. 06:09:50 s/built/intended to be used/ 06:11:45 Sending 06:11:46 Messages 06:11:47 'Ile 06:11:50 Like 06:11:51 This 06:11:53 Is 06:11:53 Annoying 06:11:56 Thinking 06:11:57 Out loud 06:11:59 Is not 06:12:01 Constructive 06:16:11 As I said.. sentences and paragraphs.. 06:16:11 Im not trying to be an asshole. Literally constructive criticism. 06:16:11 He asked why people dont listen, I answered. Its hard to listen 06:17:23 brutal 06:17:43 absolute chad 06:18:20 lol. Okay, I agree there, thinking out loud is a pain for others to read through, and endo's messages are ridiculously short 06:18:58 its giving quirky girl 06:19:39 ok i didnt know you got pinged 06:19:52 she's not like other monero maxis, she's *different* 06:22:26 ofrnxmr[m]: i did not ask that. and i dont think my message length is the real limiter. i think the bigger issue is it's an unpleasant and perhaps easy to dramatize for others 06:22:31 topic* 06:22:40 KNNY[m]: what are you on about 06:23:43 endogenic: my same shit 06:24:20 i think the kids called it based nowadays 06:24:48 anyway i dont think i'm going to spend much of my time talking about what amounts to a distraction from my real work. if anyone truly wants to know then i will tell you over dm. i am not ashamed anymore to say i was an uncalibrated person who went through serious heartbreak etc and that caused me to behave inappropriately at a tech conference. that is the main excuse to throw me under the bus. 06:24:56 KNNY[m]: based 06:26:40 ^ this was easy to read 🙏 06:26:44 it's amazing how badly my experiences fucked my psyche despite my particular training. a lot of people became seriously mentally disturbed trying to contribute here. i have had to seek considerable help to restabilize myself 06:26:49 ofrnxmr[m]: i'm trying 06:27:04 afk 06:27:16 This is why being anon is more important than anything bc you can be inappropriate and people become conflicted on which side of their personality to reveal to you 06:27:56 If they know who you are, they have a psychological edge over you 06:30:19 i need to answer to your remarks. i disagree with you. we dont deserve to have to be anon. we should be able to have legit businesses on monero. what we must not have is a lack of conscience and frankly utterly savage treatment of each other. the real problem are criminals 06:30:26 but 06:30:57 i will continue to be happy to protect the anonymity of anyone who works with me. but my own identity cannot be private if i want to operate a legal biz 06:31:12 and to serve monero properly it seems i need to do that 06:31:26 not to mention myself and my team 06:31:42 KNNY[m]: this is exactly the reason that drew me to privacy in general and eventually caused me to end up here. I wanna create stuff without worrying about random internet assholes 06:32:04 I mean if the monero devs weren't anon then they would either become political plants bribed by the government to ruin monero, or they would be dead 06:32:11 Hey everyone 06:32:11 I am having problems transacting with Trezor 06:32:54 ct[m]: the reason it was so disruptive to people's psyches was the cognitive dissonance of not expecting a trusted person to be capable of such savagery 06:32:54 * r3nor[m] uploaded an image: (15KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/bvZGuUnxFxXyYKJBSWOsYrsP/image.png > 06:33:08 most of it is undetectable to people without considerable self learning. 06:33:17 anyway 06:33:32 Is this a known issue? I am using latest firmware from trezor (2.5.2) and latest MoneroGUI (18.1.0) 06:33:41 KNNY[m]: tons of monero devs are not anon 06:34:13 endogenic: That's still unfortunate 06:34:29 I don't know your story endogenic, my comment was just in general 06:34:59 Personally I think anonymity is great dispute whatever complications we have, we "shouldn't have to" right but that universe where things are perfect doesn't exist and one where the government incarcerates or kills people that it disagrees with does exist 06:35:35 r3nor[m]: not sure if the latest version of trezor supports the latest version of monero yet 06:35:59 I was able to make a transaction a few days ago 06:36:31 KNNY[m]: I take strong issue with this line of thought. If many people start to believe that these two are the *only* options available, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy 06:36:56 Because all it takes is one psychopath in power to think "hey, that's an option? Cool!" 06:37:07 Just saw this post on Reddit: 06:37:08 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/wyvjwl/cant_make_transactions_using_trezor/ 06:37:08 Is it you r3nor? 06:37:29 yes 06:37:43 merope: In a trustless system, when identities become compromised then by the logic of the blockchain, then so to in real life they shouldn't be trusted 06:37:50 * In a trustless system, when identities become compromised then by the logic of the blockchain, then so too in real life they shouldn't be trusted 06:38:09 We have to push back against this kind of mentality, so that nobody gets jaded about it, and anyone who thinks it might be a good idea has to think twice about it 06:39:17 You can choose who you trust, I'll choose who I trust, that's the beauty of being different people 06:40:19 Sure, but that doesn't mean that anyone responsible for anything "cannot be trusted because they're either a government dupe or are going to get suicided" 06:40:32 There are other, saner, possibilities too 06:40:54 Otherwise that's just pure paranoia 06:41:21 You can't live like that. You can survive, but you will be completely alone and miserable 06:42:15 I didn't say they don't have a responsibility, their identity they portray to the world still has trust associated with it. I'm simply saying that if "trustlessness" is the narrative o the blockchain then we should logically transfer that over to our human relationships 06:42:24 I assume the idea is that you are anonymous by default and chooses who to doxx themselves to 06:42:29 s/o/of/ 06:42:35 instead of keeping themselves doxxed by default 06:43:35 I didn't say they don't have a responsibility, their identity they portray to the world still has trust associated with it. I'm simply saying that if "trustlessness" is the narrative of the blockchain then we should logically transfer that over to our human relationships 06:43:58 matrix is being dumb today lmao 06:44:41 KNNY[m]: You can't though. Human relationships are far "wider" and more complex than a transaction protocol. They cannot be reduced to pure math 06:44:45 It has the potential to make you lonely, I don't disagree with that. 06:45:24 You cannot compare a digital application to a human relationship, they're apples and bricks 06:45:25 But this is the financial system, and a financial system backed by trust is literally what were trying to get away from. 06:45:58 I'm not saying cut your mom or friends off or anything 06:46:15 I'm saying to not trust a doxxed dev. 06:46:38 I'm saying that you can't "logically" apply the same principles of trustlessness of a blockchain to human relationship 06:46:53 KNNY[m]: You don't have to, you can read the code 06:47:05 (Or have someone you trust read it for you) 06:49:01 merope: I used that statement as an act of retort, I'm not literally asking you to become an emotionless sack of meat. Its a statement that brings about the matter of boundaries You're not required to trust everyone, apparently everyone nowadays thinks they deserve to be your friend when they don't. 06:49:13 * I used that statement as an act of retort, I'm not literally asking you to become an emotionless sack of meat. Its a statement that brings about the matter of boundaries. You're not required to trust everyone, apparently everyone nowadays thinks they deserve to be your friend when they don't. 06:49:58 Of course, boundaries are important 06:54:40 r3nor: come to #monero-support:monero.social 06:58:59 Oh, okay sorry. 07:21:23 Please add Russian language to Monero crypto wallets 07:37:34 To gui and cli? 11:18:03 gdagthngfsd: maybe you are interested in this proposal. Please register and leave some feedback https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/329 thumbs up/down are needed 12:26:10 * ofrnxmr[m] uploaded an image: (107KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/JgJKMwbZpkRzmoIgOJFbQYFn/Imagepipe_426.jpg > 12:32:05 Is that effective now or do existing customers have a grace period? 12:34:10 It's been in their ToS for a long time 12:54:13 Suposoedly they kicked eth nodes 12:55:24 "It's been in their ToS for a..." <- Or maybe Coinbureau jumped the gun and didnt known ^ 13:04:48 They're kicking out supportxmr too 13:05:24 so maybe they started enforcing ToS more actively 13:14:46 I think hetzner are the cheapest (for the specs) vps providers around :( 13:15:57 KNNY[m] as someone has said before, you cannot have true freedom without privacy 13:16:15 Maybe they dont like the bandwidth usage (6TB/day? For a high traffic node like supportxmr) 14:35:54 TIL that matrix pings everybody for every made in every channel. What a stupid system, especially when you are in many channels. Is there any way to customize it. IRC pings you only if you are mentioned and you can add keywords that will ping you. 14:38:43 It doesn't 14:39:20 There is a way to customize notifications for each channel 14:39:59 * ofrnxmr[m] uploaded an image: (28KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/EPKUYbejnyBhcwduUjDoLYGy/Imagepipe_427.jpg > 14:44:58 ok, reread your original message 14:45:17 people use the enter key as punctuation 14:45:41 something I needed to get used to when first using IRC :) 14:46:17 some people complain when you write in paragraphs .shrug 16:19:57 "people use the enter key as..." <- The messages referred to arent sentences, its just incoherent drivel. 16:19:57 I'm not being the grammar police 16:21:59 understood 21:00:15 Revuo Monero. Issue 134: August 18 - 27, 2022. http://revuo-xmr.com/issue-134.html 22:23:12 r3nor[m]: not sure if someone answered your question but it's a bug in trezor's firmware when sending to integrated addresses 22:23:35 you have to send to a temporary non trezor wallet 22:23:45 when you have to send to an integrated address