12:12:29 Regarding (old) afgan ccs 12:12:29 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/aug/29/flicking-the-kill-switch-governments-embrace-internet-shutdowns-as-a-form-of-control?CMP=fb_a-technology_b-gdntech 12:12:29 🤷‍♂️ 12:18:13 after over 1 year, my general fund alert bot was able to automatically scrape binaryFates donation announcement after checking a false change input https://twitter.com/WatchFund/status/1563300351784013828 (it happens rarely so each time there where small bugs, but finally, it worked) 12:18:57 congratulations Koe! 🥳 12:20:31 Vik got overshined by 3.6xmr 12:20:45 Outshined* 12:21:45 sorry vik (Cake) 😆 12:27:43 "Vik got overshined by 3.6xmr" <- yeah but that's from general fund! L( 12:27:59 Vik :chad 12:28:06 I hope I always get outshined. The more people give the better it is. 12:28:47 I have noticed 5 donations that were so small that they didn't change the total donated 12:28:53 (I was just pokin fun at the 3.6 xmr leapfrom :P ) 12:29:15 LeapFrog* 12:49:54 "congratulations Koe! 🥳" <- is he in this room? 12:55:59 Nooe 12:56:40 it seems not, he is too busy carrying us all on his back, ill get the message to him 13:05:42 "it seems not, he is too busy..." <- just wanted him to know we all are rooting for him and supporting his work. 15:38:38 "[Forwarded from Libre Blockchain]... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/f248fa259a27fb6b22a7c7247390755f25a2d32f) 15:41:30 selsta: anyone in core know whats going on here? 15:44:13 Old news 15:45:34 yea this is super old 15:46:12 i know about fluffys arrest but not about him talking to feds about an investigation 15:47:00 I knew 👨‍💻 15:47:20 congrats. maybe related to giving over mymonero view keys? 15:48:39 Hey, I'll leave you to decide what he had/has access to and what could be done with it 16:31:58 > <@r4v3r23:matrix.org> "[Forwarded from Libre Blockchain]... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/73b1486ecb88ce6500f594a287d888ca7a95dc43) 16:34:40 and how does one come to this conclusion? guessing? 16:34:44 that makes most sense. the "fluffy has a backdoor to monero" theory didnt make sense to me 16:35:08 it is fluffy, he has always been into educating government on monero 16:35:20 well its what info he would have access to 16:35:22 so i'm not surprised that he took this opportunity 16:36:44 selsta: FluffyPony has control over the view keys of tens of thousands of wallets on MyMonero, which attracts Europol's eyes 16:37:29 this whole interaction was shared by fluffy's lawyer in the first place 16:41:56 interpol writing "can you help us?" and fluffy replying "take the view keys!!!!" makes the most sense? lol 16:41:58 "FluffyPony has control over..." <- Hundred of thousands** 16:43:01 lol 16:43:13 😶 16:43:14 selsta: it makes sense that that is what info they would possibly want from him (that they know he has access to) 16:44:11 When are you guys gonna learn? Or maybe collectively you never will because that's how societies work? 16:44:26 In any case it's clear they were merely waiting for something better and so I'm happy to oblige 16:44:35 that we're 16:45:49 r4v3r23[m]: i would be surprised if they even know what a view key is 16:47:09 so would i, but that doesnt rule out them trying to get what they can from fluffy 16:47:18 im not accusing, just trying to understand the situation 16:47:58 seraphis will allow light wallets without giving up the view key 16:48:06 that's the real solution here 16:48:32 excellent 16:49:29 you're still gonna have people come in and do things that the community doesn't want or which take advantage of the community 16:49:37 But yes I agree that technology can help 16:49:44 I suspect I'm wasting my energy haha 16:49:50 .bbl 16:49:57 bbl :D 16:51:13 no bot in here 17:39:03 fluffy gave me a thumb drive and said to keep it safe 17:39:15 never checked to see what it was 17:57:02 "never checked to see what it was" <- Its encrypted anyways baka 17:58:26 hmmm 18:15:15 "Its encrypted anyways baka" <- Jap? 18:16:19 ofrnxmr[m]: I wanted to jokingly insult without it sounding too mean 18:40:19 * KNNY[m] uploaded an image: (115KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/mtNblNfBrJOxJkrcAgljceso/IMG_20220829_143954.jpg > 18:40:34 why would you use a wallet that interacts with a server lmao 18:41:37 What could it possibly be serving the user that the user ca'nt already do on their own 18:41:41 s/ca/can/, s/nt/t/ 18:41:52 it's a light wallet 18:42:06 users don't have to do client side scanning, can use it from the browser etc 18:42:28 there are use cases for it, but people have to be aware of the privacy implications 18:42:42 So compromising privacy for convenience 18:43:01 i.e. the monero version of metamask 18:45:05 we should just make the whole blockchain transparent so its even more convenient 18:45:26 convenience for everybody 19:32:54 "why would you use a wallet..." <- Because it’s still listed on getmonero recommended list ? 20:42:50 i dont think official site should recommend 3rd party wallets 20:42:56 maybe warn against known scams 20:42:58 but thats it 21:09:42 "So compromising privacy for..." <- That's why we have lws, which is the self-hosted version of this 21:15:58 "That's why we have lws, which is..." <- Is it usable ? I haven’t tried it 21:16:17 Yes afaik. Never tried it though 21:16:59 Mymonero works well with it ? 21:17:48 Read issues 21:17:52 Join community dev 21:17:53 "maybe warn against known scams" <- a known scam ? 21:18:01 And or checkbwith cryptogrampy 21:18:05 It was specifically designed to use the MyMonero app as frontend iirc 21:18:12 Mymonero was doxxing lws view keys for a while 21:18:39 ofrnxmr[m]: Is this a known fact ? Can I read more about it 21:18:47 It was fixed, but there were more and more issues. Im not sure if it ever was stabilized 21:18:57 Known fact 21:19:40 How was it doxxing lws keys ? Sending it to their servers? 21:21:44 https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-app-js/issues/458 21:22:02 When you delete your custom Light Wallet Server address from the custom server field in MyMonero to change it to a different address, the app immediately attempts to connect to api.mymonero and sends ALL of your wallet details and doesn't tell you it's doing this, nor does it allow you to prevent it from happening. How am I supposed to change my server address and not send you my data? 21:22:40 https://github.com/mymonero/mymonero-android-js/issues/83#issue-1138923785 21:22:40 When using the MyMonero app for Android and specifying a custom server (aka lws.sethforprivacy.com), the app ignores the set address and connects to api.mymonero.com anyways.