03:10:15 "I wonder if we could impose a..." <- Any tax is a bad tax 03:10:35 lets not go backwards in history 03:11:58 Monero has been described as the cryptocurrency for tax evasion. Let’s not ruin the meme by putting a tax on it 06:28:29 Hi all. I started my acquaintance with Monero and I had a question. Is it possible to create a transaction offline and sign it without using a node. In my application, private and public keys are stored in keyvalt and I would like to create and sign transactions offline. 07:11:59 Антон Степаненко: yes https://monerodocs.org/cold-storage/offline-transaction-signing/ 07:18:30 "Антон Степаненко: yes https://..." <- Thanks 09:35:03 "Hi all. I started my acquaintanc..." <- I'm not sure you can sign a transaction offline, I mean everyone else's version of the blockchain has to be synced in order to reconcile with each other, if you're not connected to said blockchain then tbere is no way to "insert" a link in the chain 09:35:16 * I'm not sure you can sign a transaction offline, I mean everyone else's version of the blockchain has to be synced in order to reconcile with each other, if you're not connected to said blockchain then there is no way to "insert" a link in the chain 09:36:30 It'd be like having link A B C and D, your link was supposed to be C but since you weren't connected to the internet, someone else's transaction became link C 11:04:37 You can, but require internet connection to broadcast the transaction. Some more info here 11:04:39 https://docs.featherwallet.org/guides/offline-tx-signing 11:06:19 KNNY[m]: forcing for-profit enterprises, that benefit from the efforts of an open-source community, to provide for the community isn't going backwards in history, in my opinion. 11:14:14 Wen Monero government with monopoly of force 11:39:40 midipoet: This would be better: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assurance_contract 11:39:58 CCSes are sort of assurance contracts 11:46:26 There is something contract can't cover that's called glory, something you pass on generations after you 11:47:15 people to remember and use, knowing that you made it possible. even if your name is not known 12:09:55 "KNNY: forcing for-profit..." <- "Forcing" is bad. If you start forcing for-profit, they'll mask themselves as regular people. And then you'll have to force regular people. If Monero introduces "Dev tax" we won't be better, than "Ztrash" with its centralised developer company. And that will literally make Monero a huge target of LE due to "profiting from criminal activity". For now monero is a tool, if there'll be tax, 12:09:55 it can be argued, that it will become a service. 12:11:09 * "Forcing" is bad. If you start forcing for-profit, they'll mask themselves as regular people. And then you'll have to force regular people. If Monero introduces "Dev tax" we won't be better, than "Ztrash" with its centralised developer company. And that will literally make Monero devs a huge target of LE due to "profiting from criminal activity". For now monero is a tool, if there'll be tax, it can be argued, that it will 12:11:10 become a service. 12:14:47 Yeah, 'forcing' was definitely the wrong word to use. 'hoping' maybe? Or maybe 'assuring' like Rucknium[m] suggests, which seems much more sensible. 12:17:37 midipoet: That's what CCS ad spam in the communities kinda does right now. Community posts CCS funding ads 'hoping' they'll fund it. Differnce betwen 'forcing' and 'hoping' is having the right to be a 'free rider'. 12:19:59 s/betwen/between/ 12:27:20 s/Differnce/Difference/, s/betwen/between/ 14:09:20 deterred[m]: the CCS attributes no real obligation onto Monero ecosystem for-profit entities. 14:11:02 If anything it bestows obligation onto members of the grassroots community, including active 'whales' (of course these groups may intersect with the for-profit entities quite regularly) 14:30:45 "deterred: the CCS attributes..." <- There are methods to get for-profits to help pay for development without introducing tax, called paid endorsements. But then community will cry "sellouts". 14:30:45 DNM does paid ads with Monero easily. Main community can do the same with privacy-preserving services, that value what Monero stands for. Many for-profits are ready to pay for exposure. Especially from the main source of info for currency they use to do business in. 14:31:21 I mean, cake is a wonderful example aren't they? 14:31:35 They've done so much marketing for Monero just by marketing their product. 14:32:24 Not every person in the community would agree with where they've spent every dollar, but I think everyone can agree they've done so much good. 14:34:05 I would like to apply as a developer for this project.... (full message at ) 14:35:43 esai: What programming languages do you know? Do you have a public GitHub account? 14:36:55 My main programming languages are Solidity for blockchain and JavaScript/TypeScript for web. I have a Github account. 14:37:06 https://github.com/cryptoDev222 14:38:58 esai: For Solidity, you could maybe look to contribute to https://github.com/AthanorLabs/atomic-swap 14:39:15 For JavaScript, look at #haveno-dev:haveno.network 14:39:51 There is no Monero company, so you will have to convince people to pay you to develop. Be an entrepreneur. 14:40:16 Rucknium[m]: right 14:41:30 The established funding options are: 14:41:33 https://ccs.getmonero.org/ 14:42:19 https://magicgrants.org/funds/monero/ 15:39:48 "My main programming languages..." <- There's some work being done to add TS types to the monero-javascript library. You should add some feedback :) https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-javascript/pull/93 16:00:40 What do you all think of nicehash? Good? Bad? It breaks even? 16:01:25 Oh wow I’m see right now it’s bitcoin only smh. I didn’t know 16:06:31 Was maybe worth it with eth 16:06:47 Now it's legit easier to mine to p2pool from the GUI 16:07:36 RandomX is there actually…. Can probably point it at P2pool transparently 16:07:53 monerobull[m]: Mining with P2Pool from the GUI on Windows gives you like half the hashrate you get by mining with xmrig on Linux 16:08:42 monerobull[m]: Only if you already have the hardware. Can buy PH/s on Nicehash I think. I just wonder if it makes a return 16:09:22 I'd suggest to install some lightweight Linux distribution (e.g. debian with xfce, it's lightweight but extremely easy to use and intuitive) and mine there with p2pool 16:09:53 aremor[m]: No. It doesn't. Remote mining is NEVER profitable. 16:10:41 Their min price is 1.3591 16:10:41 BTC/GH/day 16:10:49 aremor[m]: If course not 16:10:55 Otherwise everyone would do it 16:11:10 * Of course not 16:11:10 duggavo[m]: Actually, I'm wrong. 16:11:11 Remote mining is only profitable if you make a botnet 16:11:38 Yup 16:11:44 And even then, you might be able to make more money by renting the botnets capabilities out that by mining 16:29:21 to seek revenge on minecraft server admins 16:30:24 is that an advantage of TownForge Rucknium ? or do you need to DDoS the blockchain? 16:49:11 I think you would have to DDoS every node. If there are few nodes, then maybe it's feasible. Pretty much every player would be running a node though. 16:49:40 Or you could grief players by buying land in annoying places I guess. But that would cost in-game currency. 19:10:10 Hinto has released a monero vanity address creator WIP, not quite as fast as sech1 s version (as this is cpu only), but its better than the original 'GO' one - and it's written in kayabaNerve s favourite language - Rust https://github.com/hinto-janaiyo/monero-vanity , we now have 3 ways to create pen1s addresses 19:12:13 And also updated his CCS proposal to address the concerns of ajs_ and duggavo https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/333 19:29:18 i'm unconvinced on the usefulness of this, but I wouldn't want to prevent this moving forward if others find value in the project 19:48:12 the reason i shill this proposal is because i've just spent about 1 month 'making a bash script' to package the Monero GUI - which anyone can make right? its just copy and pasting a few files, and then about 12 hours to make a bash script that "checks if a filename is correct" https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2050/files 19:49:24 for some strange reason the Monero ecosystem loves bash , and should invest in people who like writing bash scripts because i personally hate it 20:02:21 What was the name of the new multi sig wallet ? 20:03:08 rino.io ? 20:11:21 i thought musig was assumed to be experimental? 20:13:08 "rino.io ?" <- Thats the one! 20:14:16 whatsup fam 20:14:19 https://pure.tue.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/197416841/20220325_Appelbaum_hf.pdf 20:14:27 dsc! 20:14:32 (yes yes, 6 months old :P) 20:14:34 enjoy 20:14:37 love u kinghat[m] 20:15:04 😘 20:40:12 dunno if anyone saw yet but Kraken added ACH funding option for US custies 21:06:44 they need to add the banned states 21:07:03 dsc 355 pages 0_o 22:59:50 its about tiem 22:59:57 * its about time