01:02:23 dangerousfreedom over funded by 9 xmr 🥳 congrats!, and goodluck on your endeavours! escapethe3ra https://ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required/ 03:31:34 https://twitter.com/fiatjaf/status/1576615945841188865?s=20 09:32:25 how do i get a view at how many UTXOs i have and their amounts in the GUI wallet?  10:44:41 maybe only the cli can display utxos? 10:55:19 NorrinRadd: Better to use Feather for that type of thing, Go View --> Show Coins in Feather. Then click the Coins tab 11:19:54 NorrinRadd "incoming_transfers availabe" in CLI 11:21:43 Rucknium[m] ah ok. you think it's better overall? I've never used it 11:32:59 It has more features than the GUI wallet 14:34:32 "Rucknium ah ok. you think it'..." <- Feather is usually better, however it sometimes have syncing bugs with some devices 15:15:40 Syncing bugs were patched 15:16:16 At least, for Windows anyway