01:55:07 "who did the original archive..." <- M3e 01:55:25 > <@plowsof:matrix.org> Close the proposal please 01:55:25 > 01:55:25 So you're not going to accept it? 01:58:10 🥲 01:58:31 i do not have that power to close a proposal. after seeing the reactions so far (negative) i do not know what you expect to happen at the meeting (just trying to save you any pain as soon as possible) 01:58:58 alpharabius[m]: I mean at least i tried 02:11:33 Time to go back to shilling for products i don't even personally use 02:11:38 It was fun though 02:17:04 "Time to go back to shilling..." <- Or doing fraud 02:17:17 Whichever one makes me money before summer 02:20:24 Joke btw 02:20:28 I was joking 02:30:00 If you don't understand, i made a joke abt fraud the mods deleted 02:35:49 lucky for you it doesn't get deleted on IRC :D 02:36:06 I took it as a joke 02:39:14 hi 02:39:22 anyone here 02:40:43 do i have to answer an unknown question if i say yes 02:53:56 lol 02:53:59 not really 02:54:04 when do you sleep 02:54:10 i'm in the class 02:54:29 anyone using tor on android? 02:58:06 tor browser 02:58:31 dduck: Me 03:02:05 its crashing after latest update 03:02:35 on click 'connect' alpharabius[m] 05:35:29 https://twitter.censors.us/Spiro_Ghost/status/1596625144814141441 06:11:30 Monero newbie here. For Feather Wallet, is there a way to select P2Pool? I don't see it in the list under "Pool/node address". I tried manually entering in the "Configure", but it doesn't do anything that way, whereas if I select one of the prelisted addresses, it hashes normally. For reference, I am able to mine on P2Pool via the Monero.com GUI Wallet installed with a full local node on the same machine. Don't 06:11:30 really care about making anything, just want to support the network. 06:12:21 <3 06:13:27 * the "Configure" menu, but 06:22:15 Only Monero GUI wallet can mine to p2pool as far as I know 06:22:20 or XMRig 06:22:36 Read https://p2pool.io/#help 06:24:42 Not sure if Gupax already works but it should be too 06:25:03 Although running your own node supports the network more 06:57:46 "> <@plowsof:matrix.org> Close..." <- Its more like.. "please withdraw your proposal.. so we dont have to" 07:03:10 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/236 07:05:46 "https://git.wownero.com/monero-project/monero 07:05:46 Thats a public mirror 07:05:46 - selsta" 07:06:40 alpharabius: more reading for you ^^ 07:12:30 "anyone using tor on android?" <- #monero-offtopic:monero.social 09:37:54 "Read https://p2pool.io/#help" <- I see, thank you. I didn't realize that. I'll just stick with the GUI wallet while waiting for Gupax then. 09:47:13 "I tried manually entering in the "Configure" menu, but it doesn't do anything that way, whereas if I select one of the prelisted addresses, it hashes normally." 09:47:13 Sounds like your local daemon was not running. 09:47:13 If you manually start p2pool, the address to use is 09:47:13 Disclaimer: im assuming from this statement "if I select one of the prelisted addresses, it hashes normally" that feather includes xmrig 09:47:27 4ryo49: 09:56:18 I've never tried to manually start p2pool. I only have it running via the GUI wallet. I guess this is where my problem lies? 09:57:58 Yes, feather includes xmrig, or integrates it I suppose you could say. 10:27:03 Yes. 10:27:04 You need to leave the daemon running to use 18081 (in addition, you need to start p2pool manually if using 3333) 11:32:01 Plowsof and sgp, can you come dm with me? 11:35:42 I wanna ask something in dm. 11:36:53 Sup? 11:37:45 ofrnxmr[m]: Did you write me? 11:37:57 Yeah 11:38:17 ofrnxmr[m]: I don't mean with you in dm. 11:38:51 Why not me 🙃 11:43:31 Plowsof and sgp might be available soon, but they dont seem to be here right now. 11:43:31 Do you NEED _them_? (Is it a moderation issue?) 11:43:31 If not, I (or someone else) should be able to help you. 11:48:10 sgp_ (New Account: @sgp:magicgrants.org): 12:21:17 scotland0asked me if ledger is 24 or 25 words 😆 12:22:55 Default is 24 words. 25 words can be setup in ledger live. Easy 12:26:26 qortz[m]: Sir, there is an event to convert 24 words in hardware wallet to 25 words (electrum/monero) and if conversion occurs, 25 words (electrum/monero) will appear on the ledger device. 12:26:27 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> Yes. 12:26:27 > You need to leave the daemon running to use 18081 (in addition, you need to start p2pool manually if using 3333) 12:26:27 Alright, i'll give that a try later. Thank you. 12:46:07 "Default is 24 words. 25 words..." <- default 24 words. not in monero ledger live. 24 words can be converted to 25 words in the device. For this reason, 25 words can be seen on the ledger device. 12:47:36 * default 24 words. Monero is not in ledger live. 24 words can be converted to 25 words in the ledger device. For this reason, 25 words can be seen on the ledger device. 13:07:03 "default 24 words. not in monero..." <- Ok didnt know that. Sold my ledger long time ago, but i can remember that it was possible to setup the 25 word in the app for the whole device (so also for monero) 13:14:19 24* words for the whole device 14:09:47 plowsof: added you as mod in #monero:monero.social and #monero-dev:monero.social 14:11:25 nice 14:19:11 thanks sgp 14:40:21 Bruh 14:42:04 I just spent 26 dollars in trocador on a transaction that was only supposed to be 15 14:43:06 I'm finna cry cuz that's 10 dollars into thin air 14:43:59 How do you spend dollars 14:45:00 Im assuming this isnt a bug, but user error 14:45:24 Or blockchain fees for whatever you used. (Didnt check) 14:52:54 "How do you spend dollars" <- I use xmr 14:53:14 I just translate it approx. to dollars 14:53:55 I'm boutta kms bruh. So much money in the drain 14:55:14 Bruddah, im not sending you $10 14:55:24 What did you swap into, and what exchange was it through 14:55:37 swap services can be expensive 14:57:09 If you received what you were quoted, there was no issue 14:57:10 If you received less, you need to look into why 14:59:26 ofrnxmr[m]: It was xmr and i used trocador 14:59:29 I've seen people post screenshots where the swap service says that what you will receive is an approximation, this is because prices are volitle 14:59:48 The fee was only a dollar 15:00:05 you can choose to receive a fixed amount, this usually comes with a higher fee 15:01:11 but imma not using a cex!!! well they all run using binance :) 15:01:38 binance needs your business desperately 15:04:21 alpharabius[m]: Trocador is just a proxy 15:04:26 alpharabius[m]: XMR <> ______ 15:04:26 hi :) I come from the telegram group since that place got flooded with spammers, and I generally wanted to move away from TG 🫡❤️ 15:06:05 MajesticBank @MajesticBank:libera.chat: 15:06:06 My sentiments exactly 15:06:10 Those who wish to be here, will be here. 15:07:40 ofrnxmr[m]: Xmr to btc 15:08:11 Why would you do such a thing 15:08:22 alpharabius[m]: I usually use exch and exolix for random alt coins 15:09:00 maybe talking about @monero telegram group 15:09:11 I use exch and Fixedfloat and ltc or bch 15:09:55 But alpharabius: try to keep from going off topic 15:09:59 alpharabius[m]: It said exch.cx 15:10:05 if you want to spend it at an merchant you can use fixedfloat or sideshift and specify a fixed amount, but they both block anti fingerprinting so you need to create a new browser profile everytime you use em 15:10:05 You're a bad influence on me 15:10:56 Exch allows using tor bananagirl: and Fixedfloat can be used over tor via trocador.app 15:11:05 #monero:monero.social or #monero-offtopic:monero.social 15:11:10 ofrnxmr[m]: ohh thats nice! did not know about trocador 15:11:28 thought it was just another swap preview thing like orange 15:11:37 thanks for letting me know :)) 15:12:05 exchanging xmr for btc? they should have taken all your $$ :D 15:12:49 well maybe you wanted to pay somebody that only accepted btc 15:13:12 nioc: yeah, thats why I usually use swaps 15:14:14 I use fixedflat for lightning btc so i can use it on the moon card 15:14:33 nioc: Dont think so. They didnt use the fixed exchange rate 15:15:25 And lost 30% of the value of the tx.. supposedly 15:16:21 "Bruddah, im not sending you $10" <- Bruddah??? 15:19:35 Sista? 15:20:22 Sista??? 15:20:34 Just call me the gamer word 15:20:39 Jkjk 15:20:41 Don't 15:20:56 f word? n word? so many gamer words 😹 15:21:22 r word? 15:23:35 The fee is 10 bucks💀💀💀 15:23:38 What the fuck are these fees 15:23:47 Bitcoin 15:24:19 I'm boutta die w/ these fees 15:26:18 just dont use bitcoin then.... 15:26:24 and if u do then do with LN 15:28:25 is with bitrefill they still don't accept xmr for some whatever reason, pissing me off legit... but they have lightning, fixedfloat supports lightning as well or just fuck btc entirely and do with ltc and doggocoin, they widely accepted as well 15:28:38 Kitty >> bring it over to monero or off topic 15:29:14 nah, just came back with food, gonna catch up on that white lotus episode o.o 15:43:46 For bitrefill, I just use LTC, faster to obtain and lower scamfees 15:49:59 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/362 16:39:36 * Lovera[m] uploaded an image: (254KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/KESkQXKtTYHSzgcZlxSuZruX/ima_083cb68.jpeg > 16:40:12 Would this work in Monero?? 16:41:25 https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.13335 17:19:14 Sounds like fancy words for atomic swaps? 17:19:37 I think this was posted before. . Maybe mrl or dev 17:43:50 Could not find it here: https://moneroresearch.info/ Maybe too new still. 17:45:39 "Sounds like fancy words for..." <- From discusión on twitter: 17:45:39 Different between atomic swaps and ping pong swaps : 17:45:39 “Good question. Works in any blockchain where you can open unidirectional payment channels, cryptographically is simpler. Require less on-chain tx. If both parts are in the lightning network and want to swap for btc a token with a fast blockchain it can be done in a few seconds.” 17:47:39 Has not been posted before AFAIK. Yes, it requires payment channels. There are some papers already that claim viable Monero payment channels. None implemented in production AFAIK. 17:48:29 So in theory if someone implements payment channels on Monero then maybe Ping-Pong Swaps would be possible with other blockchains with payment channels. 17:50:36 Yes, three payment channel proposals. See the links under "Payment channels": https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/94 17:51:33 Rucknium[m]: Thank you Rucknium, I just wanted to ask you about these papers. 18:20:37 Anyone want to help me catalogue the bots on r/monero? Won't be home until probably wednesday, but I'm getting a bit annoyed by the non-sequiturs 18:21:49 Pattern is comments from accounts that haven't posted in a few months then suddenly pop up with a non-sequitur, prior comments are generally in default subs, suddenly commenting in r/monero without having done so previously, and also chatting in r/cryptocurrency 18:22:58 Also inb4 'bots are people too!!!' :) 18:28:19 https://matrix.to/#/#no-wallet-left-behind:monero.social 18:28:26 Meeting right btw 18:34:53 * spacekitty420[m] uploaded an image: (16KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/NaxzpTCQGXLmDUAuSyOjPNly/image.png > 18:34:57 * spacekitty420[m] uploaded an image: (5KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/yFtYEiDrRAyrqrdNUVUTUFOo/image.png > 18:35:32 4 fucking rooms...... 18:35:42 🙃 18:36:10 they had to change matrix rooms so should be #2 18:36:31 the other is IRC and it's bridged to matrix 18:37:07 #2 was the one till now but today is apparently the #1, probably cause the haveno homeserver issue or somethin but it didnt seem to have issue today so i actually have no fucking idea why LOL 18:37:22 they had to cahnge matrix rooms twice, once to bridge and once because of the change of servers 18:37:46 no haveno server anymore 18:45:14 Its on monero.social and irc now 18:56:03 https://matrix.to/#/!dNHEplVyfwtUhqDdKF:matrix.org/$7OmyPUGDQUBI1oEHhDPPm4ZjVh1OuPEATHejzVNLLVs?via=monero.social&via=libera.chat&via=matrix.org 19:07:18 Yup, that Matrix room story for the Seraphis workgroup so far is quite a trainwreck. Bad luck twice. But hopefully we found our home now. 19:08:04 <3 19:08:42 I am sure that's the NSA throwing rocks our way to derail 19:48:10 monerobull @monerobull:matrix.org: can you help user in #monero-offtopic:monero.social with rockpro64 info 19:48:59 Or anyone who uses or knows about em