00:04:11 Imagine the lawsuit with alias names 00:16:55 Imagine me in court 😁🐒 00:25:04 :D 00:35:04 he also threatened to sue me in a comment just because a pointed out the dev tax 00:43:06 he said it was doubled and completed as is your honour. users who built using that repository would have 80% of their profits stolen having only read "the donation level is doubled". i would also like to file a counter claim for death threats in public 00:43:33 Endor ^ 00:43:41 Lol 00:44:22 He's accusing me of being some 14yo 00:44:35 Surprise mfka 01:41:07 hey, in setting up the cli wallet, when I get the question about mining, does that refer to p2pool or solo? 01:42:12 solo 01:43:05 ok, great. and the idea of "when idle"? 01:43:18 when the pc is idle, or the daemon? and if the latter, what does that even mean? 01:44:14 and I don't want to hear the 14 yo's opinion on the matter... 01:44:32 😆 01:45:40 in this case, idle = cpu utilization under 5 or 10% for a few minutes iirc 01:45:55 ah, that's excellent 01:46:03 can't recall if you can actually configure the threshold 01:46:34 so instead of starting xmrig at nights, I can set this to always just mine when I'm not active. very nice 01:46:42 this is news to me btw, sounds quite an advanced feature 01:46:46 hahaha 01:47:05 yes, I am cutting edge 01:47:06 i assumed we could only limit the num. of cores 01:47:08 always using the latest tech 01:47:08 been there for ages I think 01:47:26 eudaimon36[m]: but xmrig is more performant 01:47:45 TIL , thanks 01:48:14 well, I use xmrig on my little 3900x mining rig, but this is for my even littler Dell desktop 01:48:49 so taking advantage of low usage moments seems perfect 01:49:58 merope: also, it has the `--pause-on-active=N` flag https://xmrig.com/docs/miner/command-line-options#misc 01:50:09 which should do pretty much the same thing 01:51:05 the only potential issue is that it might hold those 2GB of ram occupied all the time - but I'm not entirely sure if that's the case 01:51:11 should be easy to test though 01:54:58 Hi 01:56:53 "should be easy to test though" <- I see, so this flag allows me to use xmrig during idle moments, and since it has better performance, this would be the best way to go. 01:57:13 i.e., rather than the cli miner 01:57:18 yep 01:57:53 Just to make sure: will the 10 block confirmation time be reduced together with the seraphis protocol or is it going to be deployed earlier? 01:57:54 plus the fact that you don't need to bother opening the wallet every time 02:02:00 its currently an open research question https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/94 (removing 10 block lock) 02:05:55 10 block conf reduction and 0 conf with trusted wallets would make monero way more threatening to a cbdc implementation 02:06:02 👍 02:09:18 Cidadão do Moneristão: We don't have a solution, so there are no plans yet to remove it in a future hard fork. If a solution is found, then it will probably happen. 02:50:43 I tried practicing restoring the cli wallet from seed, and it won't allow me: 02:50:48 Error: Attempting to generate or restore wallet, but specified file(s) exist. Exiting to not risk overwriting. 02:51:28 before restoring from seed, I have to first delete the generated wallet? 02:52:21 these, I'm assuming: 02:53:08 * eudaimon36[m] uploaded an image: (11KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/eibyvxsqlbYkbYFjIrJogoyr/Screenshot%20from%202022-11-29%2021-52-08.png > 03:00:09 it won't let you restore a wallet that already exists 03:00:11 at least it seems that you are restoring the correct wallet 03:05:37 so to restore it, I must delete those two files, right? 03:05:59 there's nothing in the wallet--just created it to practice/learn 03:08:34 good that you can practice on it :) 03:08:54 yes delete the files associated with that wallet 03:16:26 ok, got to: "Enter seed offset passphrase, empty if none" and entered the passphrase I wanted 03:16:58 then got "Enter a new password for the wallet" 03:17:03 surprised 03:17:17 so I guess I'm not sure what the first is 03:17:29 confused it with the second 03:18:35 I assume that you didn't enter a passphrase (password) for the seed itself 03:19:05 you can choose any password for the wallet when you restore, same as before or different 03:19:45 I once lost my pw but had the seed so I just restored it and chose a pw lol 03:19:55 nioc: no, I did, thinking it was just my new password 03:20:29 but this now seems to have generated an entirely new wallet with another new seed 03:20:36 you entered a passpharse when you restored the wallet 03:20:40 ? 03:20:46 yea 03:21:08 I entered an "offset passphrase" 03:21:20 if so then I believe you will need that when restoring the wallet 03:21:21 --thought that was just going to be my new password 03:22:10 this way if someone finds your seed they won't be able to recreate that wallet 03:22:25 but is this now an entirely new wallet, or the old one restored? Since it gave me a new seed, I assume it is a new wallet 03:22:38 Nice thread about the SGX/Secret network thing (with a comment from Rucknium and ArticMine to clarify things) https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/z8437s/scrt_network_appears_to_have_been_decrypted/ 03:23:02 sorry but I have not used a passpharse b4 03:23:16 fair enough 03:23:51 but when a wallet is restored from seed, is it usual that a new seed is generated? 03:23:59 did you use these instructions? https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/restore_account.html 03:24:09 should be the same seed 03:24:58 if you use an offset that might change it, not sure though 03:25:02 offset passphrase is not your wallet password uhm 03:25:45 I should play around with that 03:26:03 the above instructions don't mention the offset passphrase--thus my confusion 03:26:07 https://scribe.rip/-seed-with-offset-passphrase-works-in-monerujo-416ff5198b2e by anhdres , informative and pretty pictures! 03:26:46 eudaimon36[m]: yeah they might have been written before the passpharse was added 03:27:14 maybe plowsof will update it :D 03:27:20 there is an issue somewhere about the passphrase on site ehhh yes nioc xD 03:28:24 monerujo wrote that so ofc pretty pics :) 03:28:59 plowsof: this is really interesting! 03:29:02 an issue is there already? 03:29:16 no we just need action lol 03:29:27 s/no/now 03:29:35 explains why I got a new seed--which is actually not a new seed, but my old seed converted into a new seed 03:29:48 Use the field Seed offset passphrase to enter your passphrase, > if you have one. < 03:29:56 they tricked you at the end of the sentence eud 03:30:00 lol 03:30:18 glad I'm practicing without xmr in this... 03:30:56 i think im remembering something else nioc (wouldn't be the first time) the passphrase is mentioned but.. yeah, he got pranked 03:32:34 this really is the coolest thing I have seen all month... 03:33:11 favorite line: "Extra hacker points if you actually send some funds to that [decoy] wallet and use it from time to time so the illusion is complete." 03:33:33 ok there is an issue about the cli / offset https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/918 so yes i must update 03:33:52 sorry eud 03:33:56 haha 03:34:05 no worries! helps me learn 03:36:24 so I should delete the first seed, and just retain the new offset seed and offset phrase, right? 03:36:40 along with my password, of course... 03:38:14 I guess that's all you need but I am crazy and would save everything until I was sure how things worked 03:39:39 offset seed plus offset passphrase = original seed 03:39:54 too tired to figure anything out rn 03:40:49 haha 03:41:10 fair enough--I planned to save everything, I just wanted to see whether I was understanding it correctly 03:41:35 I too am manic about such things, especially since I'm just a beginner 03:42:36 you are doing good 03:44:26 😎 04:00:51 can I have two wallets open, both running off one daemon? 04:01:10 I want to now test sending from my gui wallet to this cli 04:01:24 (on the same PC) 04:09:17 eudaimon36[m]: yes you can 04:12:38 "Let's say hypothetically I..." <- I may be able to asisst you in your plans 04:13:33 "well,yeah......... and ye yea..." <- What? 04:14:31 U funny brah 04:15:47 Anyways 04:15:52 I came to say hi 04:16:17 Any interesting projects or developments? 04:21:29 Hey alpharabius, monero observer is the best place I know of to look if you wanna follow interesting projects and developments: https://monero.observer/ 04:30:06 Ik 04:30:17 I just meant like in here 06:42:34 "Let's say hypothetically I..." <- If you already have cash you can't just use monero to launder it 06:43:07 Unless you are nerdy enough the IRS would believe you when you say you started mining xmr in 2015 06:43:56 But you'd need to first buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of xmr from localmomero/Haveno without coming across an undercover agent 06:45:05 I'm not a fraud-advisor, this is not fraud-advice 06:45:21 Disclaimer 07:10:11 Does anyone know why this transaction can be queried on the Monero blockchain, but my wallet has not increased the funds. I am very anxious. If anyone who knows the answer can tell me, I will give him a gift. 07:11:58 Your wallet almost certainly isn't fully synced 07:12:18 What wallet do you use and what's the synchight 07:12:52 Many days have passed, but how to solve this problem, I have used several wallets, and I can't see the existence of funds even when I use the key to recover. 07:13:07 1. What wallet do you use? 07:13:29 (Monero gui, cake wallet, ?) 07:13:37 Scamwallet.com? 07:13:45 Stop trying to steal my gift 💢 07:14:07 Swiper no swiping 07:14:21 level 1 support 07:14:22 I am using Guada Wallet, because I use USDT to exchange Monero, but there is this transaction in Guada Wallet, and I can also query this record in the blockchain. 07:14:49 Guarda uses mymonero backend 07:15:07 I have no idea if that wallet works. 07:15:22 Pretty sure it's still broken 07:15:39 On what date was your transaction? 07:15:46 https://tronscan.org/#/transaction/6c6b225b32733a4de544d7f0acf76e720b061806646000af4912659029e172d7 07:15:52 What 07:16:06 Not the tron tx, the monero tx 07:16:36 The transaction records can be queried in the blockchain. I used the official Monero wallet to recover. The update block was very slow and I used 20G memory for the update. 07:17:56 https://xmrblockexplorer.org/search?value=e3f26c5de94edf230c8ed573b4bd4b816ca3fefea73a0d47bb2ccc5f7ce666cb 07:18:19 Sorry I sent the wrong link record just now. 07:18:44 Have you used the monero wallet before? 07:18:56 Or is this the first time you're getting monero? 07:19:47 I used to exchange with Guada wallet before, and it was successful every time. The official recovery of Guada wallet this time is because many wallets are out of sync due to the fork of Monero. 07:20:06 No, not many wallets. 07:20:10 I used to exchange with Guada Wallet before, and it was successful every time. The official reply of Guada Wallet this time is that many wallets are out of sync due to the fork of Monero. 07:20:19 Just guards and other wallets that we've never recommended 07:20:38 Go into cakewallet 07:20:54 Fork of Monero was in August which means Guarda Wallet sucks 07:20:57 Got to rescan 07:21:09 But the blockchain of this fund can be queried for records. You can look at the blockchain records I sent Monero, and he did not lie. 07:21:13 Enter 2765719 blockheight 07:21:24 And scan from there 07:21:32 Your funds should show up 07:22:29 Is there any recommended solution, what wallet can be used to restore? I used the official Monero wallet to restore it, which caused my hard disk to be fully occupied, and I failed to use it. 07:22:58 Use cakewallet 07:23:10 Thank you for your recovery solution, if I find $800, I will send USDT rewards to those of you who have replied to my solution. 07:23:41 I'd rather have monero 😂 07:24:46 As long as I can get it back, I can send Monero, because the price was 136 US dollars when I exchanged it, and now the price has increased to 140 US dollars, so I am very happy to get it back. 07:24:52 monerobull[m]: Same 07:25:35 https://cakewallet.com/ 07:25:50 Yes that one 07:25:55 Is this wallet safe? I didn't see much information about it. 07:26:29 Yes. That is a highly recommended monero wallet 07:26:56 * CawefgujiCsafjim uploaded an image: (41KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/hvwSQEPgzdJkFdFGtflqhQsD/image.png > 07:27:17 I am worried that too few people use it. Is there any other more authoritative wallet that can be restored. 07:27:55 Its not like guarda 07:28:28 You can use any node you want with cake wallet. 07:28:46 CawefgujiCsafjim: Monero.com lmao 07:28:52 But I saw this wallet, few people use it, and there is too little authoritative information that can be seen. 07:30:03 https://web.getmonero.org/ 07:30:14 Can this wallet be recovered? 07:30:39 However, he needs dozens of G memory to update block synchronization, and the update cannot be completed for a long time. 07:31:03 Use feather wallet then 07:31:10 Featherwallet.org 07:31:31 Thanks for taking a look. 07:32:33 * ofrnxmr[m] uploaded an image: (141KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/yBZLQLAjYyMIhYjLaCnjYrXW/Imagepipe_635.jpg > 07:33:43 Thanks for taking a look. 08:44:00 anyone know any regularly scheduled monero twitter spaces? 09:06:31 Not regularly scheduled but there are some every few weeks 11:29:55 alive \o/ (and sowry ofrnxmr....) 12:00:28 monerobull[m] oh cool. which accounts? 12:24:52 Can't remember rn but i believe they usually announce it on reddit 12:26:57 #monerotopia:monero.social 12:27:02 Usually announced in there ^ 12:47:08 Guys 12:47:21 I want to return to the libre library idea 12:47:23 Not now 12:47:27 But when i'm older 12:48:09 Right now i want to get my first certs 12:49:07 If you guys could help me practice and get my first certs i'd be grateful 12:49:09 alpharabius[m]: Why 12:49:26 What soft of certs 12:49:41 ofrnxmr[m]: Because that's the path i want to persue 12:49:49 You dont needs certs to be a dev 12:49:51 ofrnxmr[m]: Comptia certs and maybe some cisco certs 12:49:53 You need to write code 12:50:26 I know 12:50:45 But i've taken a liking to IT 12:51:04 Especially since i have two years of linux expierence at 14 12:52:40 You need focus 12:52:49 Dont just go get cert ABC because "fuck it" 12:52:50 Know what youre learning 12:53:07 Makes more sense to take programming courses and learn to fix monero code, if that is what you really want to do 12:53:39 ofrnxmr[m]: How much are programming courses 12:54:10 You're young, but so is kaya, for example 12:54:31 Free in some cases 13:03:39 "Free in some cases..." <- Cuz rn i only got like 20 bucks in my xmr wallet 13:05:41 More than me 13:05:52 Anway, alpha, cert talk is #monero-offtopic:monero.social please 13:19:28 "How much are programming courses" <- Free 13:19:28 Use the internetz 15:26:36 Hey guys, I bought some xmr a year or two ago, put it in a exodus wallet on my desktop. Trying to get it off there and it just stays in syncing mode, and never completes. anyone know what the issue is here? sorry to bother 15:28:27 Exodus wallet, did you update it to the latest version? There was a hardfork in August 15:28:56 if it allows you, get 25-word seed from it and restore it in the official Monero GUI wallet. 15:30:11 On the exodus wallet? 15:31:31 You could try importing the seed phrase into feather wallet or cake but I'm not sure if exodus seeds are compatible 15:31:52 yea, like I bought bnb and then exchanged it for xmr withing the exodus desktop app...I still see my balance and transaction id and all that but it wont let me do anything with it like transfer or exchange because it says its syncing, however its been syncing for weeks and not going any furthern 15:36:50 If Exodus updated to support the August fork, download the latest version. But I think they didn't... 15:37:06 so you'll have to export the seed and try to import it in feather wallet or cake wallet 15:53:12 NeosThirdCuz: Update to latest version of Exodus. That may fix it. 16:39:54 some wallet i use said they were going to remove the ability to retreve your seed after initial wallet creation, and i can't remember which wallet it is 16:40:04 monero gui wallet? 16:44:01 no 16:45:06 not monero-gui at least, i have never heard of this 16:47:00 Maybe that was a hardware wallet, telling you the seed only at init, as a security feature? 16:48:10 i don't see how this is a security feature for a normal wallet 16:48:20 not sure about hardware wallet 16:52:14 found it, selsta, rbrunner: https://matrix.to/#/!oyXaDZnhLzQECPWmIt%3Amonero.social/%24igUK-sq-LZAlZMJqVMxEPGuYAnMxa7uobUADBf85dxo 16:52:46 sech1 , Rucknium[m] ^ 16:53:25 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/z8rody/crypto_pioneer_found_dead_hours_after_tweeting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 16:53:32 Bro got epsteined 💀💀 16:54:00 He got mcafeed 16:54:14 why is matrix so awfully buggy 16:55:05 half the history is missing https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/goIHKMat/matrix.png 16:56:19 bro i feel the same way 16:56:28 i'm not a fan of matrix at all 16:58:20 NorrinRadd: your messages don't show up for me so I can't click on the link 16:58:36 even after leaving and joining 16:58:59 NorrinRadd: I only see there to get forced to backup the seed a first time. I don't see confirmation that this will the first, only, and last time I get to see the seed. 16:59:41 selsta: It seems it's about this PR of yours that is waiting already an awfully long time: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pull/3878 17:00:01 rbrunner you read the subsequent message from plowsof after that one? 17:00:08 oh that's not mine 17:00:12 i just rebased it 17:00:35 No. Will be at the MRL meeting now. 17:01:49 selsta ok but it's removing the view of seed after wallet creation? 17:04:30 plowsof: "moneromoo "The only reason I can see for wanting to see the seed is if you want to make a manual copy. Many people won't." -> soon(tm) users will be forced to backup their seed upon creating a wallet to complete the "pls enter the nth word(s)" screen https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/pull/3878" 17:04:43 plowsof: "Too many people dont back it up - they ruined if for the rest of us :(" 17:05:24 maybe i misinterupted something 17:06:02 no, it does not that's why i'm confused about this conversation 17:06:39 there's just a confirm seed page https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/YLR1q3WE/seed.png 17:06:41 AIUI it's just for you to confirm that you have the seed info, other wallets already do that 17:06:43 othersie nothing changes 17:06:52 otherwise 17:08:12 ok, the comments confused me 17:08:29 seemed like the ability to view your seed was being removed 17:15:37 alpharabius: wrong chat 17:17:38 Whicg us riyht chat 17:28:49 #monero-offtopic:monero.social 17:50:52 anhdres can we get a statement from the PR team please x https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/z7uqax/update_on_monejuros_sidekick_diy_hardware_wallet/ 17:56:54 the bridge is broken , we're not getting any messages matrix side from irc https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20221130#c170061 17:58:04 plowsof: can your hear me now? 17:58:32 yes nioc , hello! 17:59:08 bridge is back 17:59:36 "anhdres can we get a statement..." <- Sure, will make an official statement after the Argentina match! 18:54:46 Fixedfloat has no monero right now. At least they’re honest about it 18:55:02 Anyone else can try to convert to ɱ to confirm… 18:57:39 Exch only has 33 18:59:14 FF usually has 1-3000 18:59:30 1-3k 19:26:41 I want to do on-the-job learning for code 19:42:13 #monero-offtopic:monero.social alpha 19:54:20 "anyone know any regularly..." <- monerotopia just started doing twitter spaces, usually on saturdays