00:26:14 <alpharabius[m]> Is there any place to record ur self dancing for xmr
00:26:50 <alpharabius[m]> Inb4 off topic last message was an hour ago
00:27:04 <ofrnxmr[m]> #monero-offtopic:monero.social 
00:27:36 <ofrnxmr[m]> plowsof: 
00:29:26 <ofrnxmr[m]> Are you 24/25?
00:29:44 <alpharabius[m]> No i'm 14
00:30:04 <alpharabius[m]> Still need the money tho
00:30:37 <ofrnxmr[m]> Thank you
00:31:40 <ofrnxmr[m]> New handle ccs incoming 
00:32:19 <ofrnxmr[m]> Merry randomXmas 
00:41:50 <chesterfield[m]> Did anyone figure out why ledger has 24 words instead of 25
00:41:51 <chesterfield[m]> Asking for a friend
00:44:07 <ofrnxmr[m]> Never did. Dont think we ever will
00:48:45 <nioc> Once upon a time in a moooneroworld the wallet had a seed of 24 words    
00:48:53 <nioc> then came the great protector Ledger who copied it  
00:50:15 <nioc> even though the seed had miraculously grown to 25 words
00:51:17 <ofrnxmr[m]> What are we going to do when polyseed is merged?  
00:51:18 <nioc> there are still CLI wallets that roam the earth with only a seed length of 24 words
00:51:59 <nioc> *a seed length of only 24 words 
00:52:06 <ofrnxmr[m]> Some even with 13, or so ive heard
00:53:45 <nioc> polyseed?  I may not live that long
00:53:55 <nioc> I follow Cat and live here and now
00:54:19 <chesterfield[m]> Polyseed doesnt work with bip39 seeds I thought
00:55:32 <chesterfield[m]> When is polyseed getting added to gui and cli wallet
00:56:56 <ofrnxmr[m]> ♥️ when Tobtoht has time
00:57:11 <nioc> ofrnxmr[m]: being that I am going senile I wonder if you can help   
00:57:15 <nioc> when was the ringCT hardfork?
02:34:53 <nioc> ofrnxmr[m]: Ring CT was implemented in block #1220516 in January 2017. After September 2017, this feature became mandatory for all transactions on the network.
02:42:51 <ofrnxmr[m]> Sir, is this true
02:43:07 <ofrnxmr[m]> Sir please answer me
02:44:26 <nioc> from getmonero dot org
02:44:36 <nioc> if that site is even real
02:56:21 <DanIsnotthemanBr> Sus
06:30:15 <n1oc> escapethe3RA Monero Observer maintenance (Winter 2022) is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/escapethe3ra-monero-observer-maintenance-winter-2022.html
06:38:49 <plowsof11> wat
06:38:55 <plowsof11> wow escapethe3ra !
12:58:32 <nioc> sleeping again
14:16:08 <martin03[m]> why monero is not popular on tiktok?
15:07:51 <Inge> I'd think tiktok isn't popular among romeros.
15:09:53 <ofrnxmr[m]> Lovera @btclovera:matrix.org:  has a large following on tiktok
16:45:06 <theking[m]1> I'm hoping Monero gets more popular on mastodon. Right now a lot of them are jaded from NFT scams and so are mad at crypto in general.
16:45:08 <theking[m]1> s/mastodon/Mastodon/
17:31:25 <fr33_yourself[m]> What is Mastodon?
18:23:34 <techbiotic[m]> What’s up
18:23:45 <techbiotic[m]> Anyone going to HOPE this year?
21:38:21 * Morpheus[m] uploaded an image: (347KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/YJklQtJZsYwGazwRKibEcnlY/image.png >
21:38:41 <Morpheus[m]> Moneroj will start storing Binance withdrawal status for Monero and plot it in a chart
22:13:28 <RavFX[m]>  That was much needed feature
23:14:07 <Morpheus[m]> Yep haha
23:29:09 <MajesticBank> For next 14 days all trading on MajesticBank will be without any fees. 0% fee without any hidden tax. Happy holidays.