00:32:51 * twisted_turtle[m uploaded an image: (4018KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/KNSUtKwatXkXNWGJSjnqeWzW/poster4.png > 00:35:32 now youve done it 00:42:20 I think that nft is worth kabillionz 00:43:03 Any chance for a SFW version? 00:49:36 https://twitter.com/monerujowallet/status/1611881463804313604 00:49:36 anhdres @anhdres:matrix.org: 00:49:36 New Monerujo 00:56:52 "poster4.png" <- 🪑🧼🪢 00:57:33 I dont understand the emoji secquence 00:57:33 Chair soap rope? 00:57:48 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> I dont understand the emoji secquence 00:57:48 > 00:57:48 > Chair soap rope? 00:57:48 I think its universal 00:59:24 Kys is so much easier to say 01:01:11 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> I dont understand the emoji secquence 01:01:11 > 01:01:11 > Chair soap rope? 01:01:11 She got at least 2 ribs missing 01:01:49 Has nothing to do with Prague nor Monero 05:33:40 https://github.com/brechtdoran/monero-node-dashboard 05:33:40 anyone use this or know the maintainer? 05:38:14 not me, but it looks nice and can be used on an existing node (just have to point it at the ip/rpc port it seems) 05:56:38 Does anyone know if ledger collects device id data? 06:02:35 I'm not sure what you are precisely referring to, but you can see Ledger's statement on the information they collect in their privacy policy: https://www.ledger.com/privacy-policy