03:08:12 > <@algernon_:matrix.org> Yeah, BTCPay using Seth's guide to receive in Monero is a great solution!... (full message at ) 03:10:15 koe: Seraphis Library Work 2 is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/seraphis-library-work-2.html 09:26:24 ping 09:28:07 Pong 09:28:40 https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20230122#c192521 09:28:40 nioc shared that koe's ccs proposal was fully funded last night but it didnt come through 10:04:16 I got it 👀 10:04:29 https://matrix.to/#/!WzzKmkfUkXPHFERgvm:matrix.org/$tVl6L5Ufd99qqNlr1_zxUD2ip0dPzXHswP030dKClrc?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=libera.chat 12:11:44 Any wow/xmr exchanges? 12:11:56 Trocador 12:12:12 Trocador doesn't work with the amount i want 12:14:10 I can't find any on trocador at all 12:14:14 PSA: The repo for CCS proposals has an RSS feed. You should subscribe to it to comment and vote on new proposals. Currently things are decided by a handful of people, and that is a vulnerable state for a "decentralized" project. 12:14:17 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests 12:41:46 Community meeting Sat 28th @ 16:00UTC https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/785 12:45:11 -xmr-pr- [meta] plowsof opened issue #785: Monero Community Workgroup Meeting: Saturday 28th January 2023 @ 16:00... 12:45:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/785 13:47:44 Thank god for majesticbank 14:43:48 What's majesticbank's matrix 17:23:05 valldrac a great chance for a molly update this Saturday! 17:23:39 endor00 too, lets hear how its going 🙏 17:59:22 remember when zcash cancelled a monero related project due to lack of updates / progress , that was fun 18:00:51 Vroomvroom 18:45:44 Havn’t seen pigs fly yet 18:54:36 "remember when zcash cancelled..." <- was it in the zcash grants program? 19:02:03 What project was that? I believe CakeWallet was interested in implementing Zcash. Is that what you're speaking of? 19:09:28 "Havn’t seen pigs fly yet" <- Apparently you've never heard of AirHogs 19:14:11 Siren: kowalabearhugs- : https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/t/cake-technologies-zcash-mobile-wallet-design-development/40347/69 19:37:24 Kek 19:38:01 To be fair, the zcash devs inaction against the spamming lead to light wallets becoming unusable 19:40:32 Zcash inaction to work on a solution to a known issue* 19:41:59 Literally just "if transaction larger, charge more fee" 19:42:05 The problem isnt the spam, its that it was always known that the fee structure would lead to spam, and that z address tx dont scale 19:42:20 They just kept saying adoption wont happen, nothing tobworry about 19:42:34 monerobull[m]1: Neverrrrr. Fixed fee ftw! 19:42:54 Uh oh.. people are using it?! 19:42:54 Oh well 19:43:22 "Pay daira" is immortalized in chain 19:43:31 I legit can't understand what there is to gain from a fixed fee 19:44:03 Uniformity of tx 19:44:03 If I send a z address tx and you do, the fees can be tracked by parties 19:44:31 Monero fee is "fixed" as well, in that most tx have identical fees/output 19:44:55 But if one transaction is 20 times larger than the regular ones a fixed fee doesn't really do anything, no? 19:45:30 You can always send a custom fee of 2001zec 19:45:50 Paying 20(?)% to zec when its mined 19:46:19 Maybe it's an inside job that's why they don't fix it 19:47:19 Bloat the chain over the next 5 years till nobody really wants to run a node anymore 19:47:20 Then move to PoS 19:47:21 And run nodes with all the dev-fee coins 19:48:41 They are moving to POS, and of course 19:49:48 Thats why zec is a scam... 20% dev fee 19:49:48 fair POW > cancel dev Dee > nahuhh kidding, extending dev fee > custom asic headstart > POS with 20% of the circ supply 19:50:13 Daira said on the forums that the fees are low since fees don't protect the chain from spam from a wealthy adversary 19:51:29 That's true. But now even a saboteur with a few ZEC can wreak havoc. It's just an expanded set of possible effective adversaries. 19:52:12 Daira used to hang around these parts back in the day 19:58:25 "Daira said on the forums that..." <- "I'll leave my door open at night because a guy with plastic explosives could open it anyways. Also much more convenient." 20:04:16 https://forum.zcashcommunity.com/t/heavily-increased-transaction-load-since-june-14/42349/12 20:04:33 "Speaking for myself: I think fee policy cannot be a particularly effective anti-DoS measure. Fees would have to be too high (for normal usage) in order to work for that purpose. Fee policy could potentially help to some extent to buffer spikes in demand due to organic usage. For now, I think that the changes in v5.1.0 are likely to be sufficient to address any short-term performance problems with current transaction load." 20:07:19 Aha 20:08:23 It's still so obvious to me that a transaction that singlehandedly fills up the entire block should never cost the same as a regular one. Can't tell me user experience dramatically decreases if giant transactions pay more fees 20:18:17 Dogecoin used to have a minimum tx fee of 1 DOGE. Probably sounded like a reasonable hard-coded value at the time. 20:19:52 Fee policy is inherently difficult when the purchasing power of your units change so much. Anyway, yes I agree that Zcash ignored fee policy until it was too late.