13:20:28 the animated video proposal scripts are here and feedback is requested https://gitlab.com/monero-videos/monero-adoption-animated-videos/ will add to the community meeting notes 13:24:39 Monero uses its own internal currency, also called "monero", to preserve independence from sovereign 13:24:58 Eyeball video = script 1 13:28:59 Script 2 not good either 13:29:26 Rambling and talking in circles 13:30:50 Monero mentioned 2-3 times in every paragraph ( script 3) 13:31:46 im still on script 1 hey 13:34:26 script 1 is the one that was used in the video already (in the animatic) 13:35:41 Yep 13:36:57 so we're getting months old content to look at now, and people gave feedback on it already 13:38:01 Its very badly written 13:38:58 we have to re write it together without compensation 13:39:22 And the video looked very bad. + stated they were incapable of doing the work 13:39:32 Close it and put the funds aside for another ccs 13:39:32 moneroguides took care to contact -community -dev -mrl and adjusted the scripts accordingly 13:39:46 Ill rewrite it for $375/min 13:48:01 asked them to act on the feedback they already have , i dont feel like wasting anyone elses time on script 2...3....4.. if they have feedback already on script1 and have not done anything 13:48:16 sorry 13:54:01 "Close it and put the funds aside..." <- https://www.fiverr.com/mastar_joe/do-3d-nft-animation-3d-nft-art-nft-animation-3d-nft-character-3d-nft-video 13:55:28 ok, correcting some specifics about monero, i get it, but rewriting in proper english? 14:35:16 "asked them to act on the..." <- the video was "experimental" at best, the script was bad and them not reacting on feedback is terrible 14:35:16 I assume that votes and donors decided based on the proposers previous work, which was nothing like the state of the current work, and I doubt that anyone would have agreed to this 14:36:39 "Close it and put the funds aside..." <- Unless the proposer can and is willing to fix the issues (= redo most of the work), I unfortunately have to agree with this 14:50:44 > <@ctrej:matrix.org> the video was "experimental" at best, the script was bad and them not reacting on feedback is terrible 14:50:44 > I assume that votes and donors decided based on the proposers previous work, which was nothing like the state of the current work, and I doubt that anyone would have agreed to this 14:50:44 Donators got massively scammed with this one 15:27:45 * monerobull[m]1 uploaded an image: (11KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/VjjVVLgyaxjvdfqBKSmUIHQX/grafik.png > 15:28:36 The bots ruining the subreddits quality by spamming it with garbage are commenting on the quality of the subreddit going down 😭 16:56:21 **lol** 16:56:22 * *lol* 17:50:28 humans will be irrelevant soon™ 17:59:44 im a human and that really hurt my feelings (as a human) 18:03:11 only anti-human criminals will remain 19:06:58 Cyberborgs will prevail 19:08:54 wtf y'all talkin' about? 19:12:13 end times 19:12:20 RIP universe 19:12:22 tranny 'humanism' 19:24:00 mammals unite 19:24:17 and birds, they are ok 19:24:25 some birds 19:24:36 fish = food 23:05:25 https://magicgrants.org/Monero-Fund-2023-Election-Results/