00:00:01 rather then trying to implement monero atomic swap using farcaster, having more protocol is better 00:00:11 monerobull @monerobull:matrix.org: get our here!!! 00:00:17 Out* 00:00:24 what 00:00:43 Is basicswap both directions for monero? 00:01:10 not yet but they made it a big point that they are working on it 00:01:22 Ok, thanks 00:01:32 can they just use farcaster and enable it? maybe? 00:01:49 farcaster is by hashed right 00:01:53 yeah 00:02:10 i never trust 'working on it responses though lol 00:02:20 and the initial atomic swaps (comit) too? 00:02:27 plowsof11: Cough, Cake wallet, cough 00:02:41 working on it is just , dont ask me about it for at least a week 00:03:12 It means "im not working on it" 00:03:14 i dunno hashed's involvement with comit , i know kayaba mentioned his own at the early stages but eventually left 00:03:35 i mean basicswap already delivered the best implementation of atomic swaps we have right now 00:03:38 comit protocol is not just for monero... i reember seeing grin.. and other coins 00:03:54 they said they used hashed's initial design 00:04:19 ok ignore everything im saying about basicswaps (i have no idea) 00:04:44 i think they are probably following farcaster real close 00:05:35 farcaster definitely works - once they iron out the ux things 00:05:41 #basicswap:matrix.org 00:06:11 i dont think we need a comit gui at all 00:06:29 Is basic is using comit, then we definitely dont.. 00:07:20 * monerobull[m]1 uploaded an image: (90KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/gnpbfiEjsJYPWiNCynRsrDLT/grafik.png > 00:07:29 https://github.com/h4sh3d/xmr-btc-atomic-swap 00:08:10 and im going to assume that farcaster = hashed... i dont like this, i have no idea 00:08:24 too many acronyms 00:09:07 * monerobull[m]1 uploaded an image: (110KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/KvrKVwMPuNXYPjggeyKXRrVU/grafik.png > 00:09:16 plowsof11: you would be correct 00:10:05 but i assume the 'new' version is 2 way 00:10:11 i mean ive seen it with my own eyes 00:11:24 * monerobull[m]1 uploaded an image: (23KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/rRIQHvOwnCNJTzWTYOyGTBdj/grafik.png > 00:11:31 my canon timeline 00:11:54 and yes farcaster is 2way 00:15:26 7 hours of scroll back. How many hundreds of posts is that? lol 00:17:55 wonder what it will be by the time I can get to it sometime tomorrow 00:34:36 are you using at least version 0.18.0 of the cli/gui wallet nioc (if your sync has fell behind this could be the issue) 00:36:44 How many nodes will need to be run to use all these projects :/ 00:37:39 All? Why would you use the ones with 0 liquidity 😝 00:38:21 Can probably use 1 node per coin that you plan to use 00:38:47 And point basic, comit, and fsrcaster at the same node (?) 01:11:10 Fast Growing MuOnline server season 6 ep3 100x custom https://mu-vita.com/ 01:26:59 Is anyone here buying into the Maya launch 01:28:11 They kinda lost me when ready dropped monero and instead will now launch with dash, kuji(wtf is that) and the rest copies copied from thorchain 01:29:23 s/ready/they/ 01:29:24 Bcs it's easier 01:30:03 If they wanted to be a real contender, they'd have finished the haven thorchain integration and launched with monero 01:30:44 But i think their team just kinda sucks so they went the easiest route possible 01:31:14 what's maya? 01:31:24 Thorchain fork 01:31:45 With some really stupid ideas tacked on 01:32:03 They initially wanted to copy the terra Luna model 01:32:38 Now they have "redesigned" that to be supposedly secure against death spirals 01:32:54 By introducing FIVE stablecoins 01:33:57 monerobull[m]1: Haven is garbage 01:34:09 Just look at this hilarious page in their 111 page long white paper 01:34:13 * monerobull[m]1 uploaded an image: (204KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/EyIOHHxNcpAAaTvIEXCYWpKx/Screenshot_20230125-023344.png > 01:34:46 mmm chocolate dollar 01:34:46 Milk, almond, butter, sugar, chocolate 01:34:52 Ive seen enough 01:35:03 I think they have 7 tokens in total 01:35:05 Oh no 01:35:54 They have Maya, cacao, atztec and the 5 stablecoins 01:35:55 So 8 01:36:47 So 0 01:36:59 >copy the terra Luna model 01:37:00 LMAO 01:37:24 They have this fancy Maya token 01:37:26 hard to think of a more idiotic scam 01:37:32 Because obviously merchants love supporting multiple currencies. The perfect global currency must be fragmented across as many tokens as possible /s 01:37:37 as2333: ^Mil 01:37:44 Which gets 10% of cacao fees (what rune is for thorchain) 01:37:59 There's probaby a reason I dont know about Maya 01:38:05 And it's very fairly distributed, obviously 01:38:11 * monerobull[m]1 uploaded an image: (144KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/oRlcMDGcuaAxLtJemkuMLoiv/Screenshot_20230125-023636.png > 01:38:13 Where dud you find it, wish.com? 01:38:18 Look at how big they make the 90% 01:38:19 Kek 01:38:41 And then in reality 80% goes to the devs 01:39:22 dev fund -> devs get 10% 01:39:32 I love the early node fund. It's like "come on guys, it just needs to run long enough to pump!" 01:39:54 ofrnxmr[m]: In my desperation for a xmr liquidity pool dex i stumbled over them 01:39:58 plowsof11: 8% 01:40:06 Bcs they absolutely LATCH onto thorchain twitter 01:40:31 Maya is the token that gets 10% of cacao network fees, don't forget 01:41:20 So every time you make a swap, on Maya, 80% of a tenth of your fee goes to the devs 01:41:27 ofrnxmr[m]: 0.8%**** 01:41:37 10% of 8% 01:41:56 a pie chart wouldnt be so mean though 01:42:01 And the other 9 tenths are used to prob up their stablecoins or something stupid like that 01:42:16 monerobull[m]1: U can stop shilling shitcoin now pls 01:42:21 right, 0.8% lol wow 01:42:23 It's funny 01:42:54 I need to calculate the best way to make money from this 01:43:03 Was funny until you realize they are serious 01:43:08 Bcs rune holders get Maya airdropped 01:43:24 R u drunk? 01:43:29 Or are you Faustina? 01:43:38 * Or are you rayatina? 01:43:41 But rune holders can essential opt out of the airdrop by using their rune as liquidity and get cacao instead 01:43:50 Crypto names, so funny 01:43:56 Who has rune or wants shitdrops? 01:44:08 I have rune 01:44:12 #shitcoin-offtopic 01:44:17 Bcs i thought theyd add monero soon 😭 01:44:27 You're clearly drunk 01:44:32 For months 01:44:39 No it's just 3 am 01:44:44 Why would you imagine such a fantasy? 01:45:07 Thorchain adding Monero? Centralized shithole, what atevwe even talking about 01:45:27 Still better than using a cex 01:45:38 How 01:45:49 They dont have privacy coins lmfao 01:46:01 No KYC 01:46:22 Cash ? 01:46:22 Fiat* 01:46:30 That's what Haveno will be for 01:46:38 So why mention kyc 01:46:52 I can get monero with no kyc from a cex 01:47:03 Bcs instant swappers can still hit you with the shotgun kyc 01:47:25 Kucoin, tradeogre 01:47:35 Look, i just think liquidity pools are a pretty cool thing 🤷‍♂️ 01:47:54 And no, if you send monero you never get hit with KYC, and if you send stolen shitcoins thats your own problem 01:48:05 Shouldn't steal non fungible tokens then try to use my service tl wash em 01:48:22 Thorchain savers seems to be doing tremendously well 01:48:42 #shitcoin-offtopic 01:48:48 4% any on BTC 01:48:48 anything less than 500% api im not interested 01:48:48 Who gives a damn what eth tokens do 01:49:03 Lfg' apecoin 01:49:11 * 4% apy on BTC 01:49:43 I had like 80% apy on thorchain pools before 01:50:01 When they launched avax, the usd pool was that high 01:50:03 Ive had 19k Apr on futures before 01:50:35 I've turned 50$ into 2 eth with a reddit nft 01:50:41 Wen Shitcoins trading channel 01:50:55 terra had 20% https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-LUNA-Terra-Crypto-give-us-20-APY-for-staking-Is-there-any-official-link-to-confirm-that 01:51:03 I had terra 01:51:12 "Had" 01:51:13 Got that juicy 20% 01:51:20 Wtf 01:51:22 blood money 01:51:25 lol 01:51:30 R u seriously drunk 01:51:35 Then after like 2 months i was "let's trade that into xmr" 01:52:00 That was 3 weeks before the collapse 🤗 01:52:24 I've used thorchain to cash out the terra for BTC and then went to ogre 01:52:33 s/'ve// 01:53:03 I still remember shilling the 20% Apy to my dad kek 01:53:25 Have any non shitcoins/services tl tall about 01:53:30 Anything monero related? 01:53:41 I obviously didn't think it was sustainable, just assumed it's VCs pumping money into terra and to take it while they still do 01:53:54 ofrnxmr[m]: Have you seen my newest video 01:53:55 Haven is trash, and thorchain is a joke 01:54:09 im glad Monero is just money - and anyone who talks about adding staking / scripts gets laughed out of the door 01:54:16 SeraiDex, my true love 01:54:47 i consider 'apy' the same as the lottery - a tax on the poor 01:55:01 paid upon collapse usually 01:55:08 monerobull[m]1: https://youtu.be/xLxo2jr03H4 01:55:12 plowsof11: ^ this 01:55:54 Serai works with a trusted model too, doesnt it? 01:56:17 Sadly, yes 01:56:20 There is no perfect Dex solution without cross chain atomic swaps 01:56:27 At least in the bootstrap phase 01:56:44 ofrnxmr[m]: That's BasicSwap 01:56:56 I mean, that works 01:57:02 In both directions. ... 01:57:06 But it's annoying to run right now and trades are slow 01:57:16 ofrnxmr[m]: Should be in the future 01:57:38 Probably before haveno launches😅 01:57:42 Yeah. At which point ill still never swap monero there 😆😆 01:57:56 ofrnxmr[m]: Of course not 01:57:58 Who's trying to walk away with tainted coins 01:58:08 Well 01:58:13 I have made diagrams already 01:58:24 I use Fixedfloat and other KYC services to ensure I get clean shitcoins 👍 01:58:27 our 10 block lock means you are at risk of falling asleep during atomic swapping 01:58:34 On how to perfectly wash coins between all the available dexes 01:58:51 This is how I do it: I dont use dirty coins 01:59:01 But you can sell clean xmr 01:59:07 For a 10% markup 01:59:17 All xmr is clean xmr 01:59:20 And sell the dirty coins back into a liquidity pool 02:00:17 I see what youre saying, but why would I do that 02:00:38 I dont trust Thor milkchain almost chocolate 02:00:50 Money! 02:01:24 Id rather not lock up my coins on a protocol that is afraid of the govenrment 02:01:24 I've tried to arb stablecoins on thorchain 02:01:32 My 1k UST got stuck onchain 02:01:58 I had to message support in discord... 02:02:08 Twice because at first they didn't believe me 02:02:12 Sounds decentralized 02:02:26 "If your dero swaps fail, msg is and we will fix it manually" 02:02:27 1-800-NSA 02:02:36 Serious 02:02:54 They rebroadcasted the transaction or some shit and only then it went through 02:02:54 Red flags all over the play 02:03:04 So they censored your tx :) 02:03:14 Unintentionally = can do it intentionally 02:03:32 I mean if your protocol is shit, sure, that can happen 02:03:46 Yeah, lets lock NY fund uo 02:04:23 Knowing they can easily stop a tx 02:05:16 I just think liquidity pools are so damn awesome 🥲 02:05:17 Sounds like binance for paranoid people 02:05:24 Except doesnt support privacy 02:05:54 Proof of stake is your thing then lmao 02:05:56 Better stack some zec 02:06:05 Nooo 02:06:16 Not Apy based on inflation 02:06:26 Apy based on swap fees 😎 02:06:45 POS is based on liquidity.. 02:06:52 The more locked up, lower circ.. 02:07:00 Pos gets tx fees... 02:07:11 Its the same shit, same smell, same dog, different leash 02:07:12 Yeah but I'm taking about liquidity pools 02:07:22 Between different assets 02:07:27 For swapping 02:08:38 I understand "just out your money there and free money when people need to use your money!" 02:09:03 I out 160 usd and 1xmr and now I get money everytime someone wants to buy or sell xmr! 02:09:23 Yes :) 02:09:42 Only in that case 1 xmr ans ? Serai 02:10:02 s/ans/and/ 02:10:13 Monerobull 02:10:24 I highly advise against glueing your own money for these purposes 02:10:31 Open a ccs for 100k 02:10:39 Good idea 02:10:43 s/glueing/using/ 02:11:03 We could name it "help bootstrapping serai" or something like that 02:11:36 "Monerobull and sgp yacht fund" 02:11:54 Lmao 02:11:54 If ercicione can gamble why cant i.... 02:12:06 Actually, I bought a house last year 02:12:22 ofrnxmr[m]: And he got a bailout lmao 02:12:35 Multiple bailouts.. 02:12:49 Then tried to call Diego a bad actor 😆 02:13:26 Telling people "dont use stack wallet" 02:14:09 But yeah. Monerobull needs a ccs for at least 25k 02:14:33 I have more confidence in a ROI that is positive for monero, is bull flips 25k 02:14:53 Vs the meth drinking video 02:15:00 Gamble on the Oscars and hope people read the credits for 25k 02:15:11 Id rather gamble on monerobulls liquidity fund 02:15:21 Then we buy yacht, and do a Monerokon CRUISE 02:15:32 That sounds cool 02:15:49 In the movie there is a cowboy hat 02:16:04 And it has more screentime that the monero coin 02:16:24 You forgot spolier alert 02:17:06 We are also getting majorly diminished returns by funding the movie 02:17:28 "Monero" is already in the credits in the form of bears song title 02:17:54 And like.. we already have bears song 02:17:55 Why dont we pay him directly 💀 02:18:09 All of these influencer busting their ass everyday for free 02:18:17 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: is the movie permissively licensed 02:18:19 And were going to pay someone who says Bitcoin 02:18:28 monerobull[m]1: No reply 02:18:36 If it was, youd be able to share it 02:18:38 Rofl 02:18:47 I saw all but one songs have creative Commons 02:18:55 This proposal is DEAD if I cent watch it immediately 02:19:08 monerobull[m]1: Well then its dead 02:20:24 4 All work must be licensed permissively at ALL stages of the proposal. THERE IS NO TIME WHERE YOUR WORK CAN BE LICENSED UNDER A RESTRICTIVE LICENSE (EVEN AS YOU'RE WORKING ON IT). Your proposal will be TERMINATED if this is not remedied. 02:20:31 This is the rulez 02:20:39 While bears song plays there is bare Booba on screen 😳 02:21:02 Oh. In that case I may change my vote 02:21:59 But yeah. If the movie isnt freely available under a permissive licence, then its dead 02:22:12 I need to be able to take any part of the movie, right now, and use it as my avatar 02:22:23 Did you guys know the director is geonic 02:22:42 So THATS who is replying and calling people socks 02:22:58 Burn it with fire 02:23:04 I realized after trying to find out how he helped with monero means money 02:23:05 geonic0: 02:23:25 geonic1: geonic9: is it you replying 02:24:10 was monero means money supposed to be a film? 02:24:11 George Nicholas -> geo nic 02:24:20 Felt real smart when i found that out 02:24:24 Ahhhhh 02:24:28 https://matrix.to/#/!WzzKmkfUkXPHFERgvm:matrix.org/$Mu1O3L6VbDJmteG-Z3Hnvy_Wl5a7h7LQHFoIeU720TI?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=libera.chat 02:24:34 He liked this fud bullshit 02:24:50 So, from me to george: fuck you, coward 02:25:38 Such a shame when people act like shitbags when doing business 02:25:41 Siren[m]: It was a talk 02:26:07 I remember trying to watch it because someone called it a monero movie 02:26:19 But it appears it was turned into a film to play at empty movie theaters during the lockdowns 02:26:29 and it turned out to be just slides 02:26:43 I was very disappointed :D 02:26:53 So they apparently briefly were like #1 movie in cinema or something like that 02:28:07 Im in the credits in my head canon eventhough i joined xmr like a year later 02:28:38 Some named MB is in the credits so that counts 02:28:49 idk was very boring video 02:28:53 monero means money was being played during lockdown? 02:29:07 In empty Theaters it seems 02:29:11 i thought that was years ago, but lockdown was also years ago, im old? 02:29:54 Lockdown was 2020 02:29:54 plowsof11: the lockdown was twenty years ago 02:29:54 lmao 02:29:55 We have 2023 02:29:55 🙂 02:30:01 Monero is still a $160 stable coin 02:30:19 Always has been 🔫 02:30:48 plowsof11: mUSt bE tHe vACciNe 02:31:43 In April my shop turns 1 02:33:24 Ok i should really take my 3 hours of sleep i have left 02:34:12 Nice chat everyone. Tomorrow I'll read the Maya 2.0 white paper 02:34:12 Maybe I'll find something funny 02:35:25 Monero meet will be fun tomo 02:36:49 If i dont fall asleep 4 hours before that 02:38:21 I was pinged? 02:38:41 Yeah, just talking shit about ya 02:38:56 Jk. Just mentioned that someone else was 02:39:22 Have you seen the new movie by Geonic? 02:40:45 No? 02:41:52 DiegoSalazar[m]: Matrix really shouldn't ping on regular text by default 02:42:08 impossible to talk shit about people, yeah 02:42:34 Monerochan: is great 02:42:52 .@ monerochan 02:43:04 The name is all fucked up when you try to tag it 02:44:01 DiegoSalazar[m]: Its finished. 25k to bring it to the oscars 02:44:05 What do you think? 02:44:33 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/371 03:07:54 hi 03:09:03 Welcome. 03:12:31 ofrnxmr: hi 03:12:38 hi 03:13:25 hmmm 03:14:09 DiegoSalazar[m]: d 03:14:21 das me 03:14:46 Diego Salazar: yea 03:18:47 i assume Binance bot is going to start DM'ing people trying to scam? Chance Baker explain this weird behaviour 03:19:54 haha 03:20:10 5 hours left 03:20:16 lmao 03:27:59 Chanceeeeee 03:28:05 25 words haha 03:28:09 Who may you be 03:28:33 hehe 03:29:19 Trolled 03:29:21 a sec 03:31:01 Chance is my alt 03:31:18 Right chsnce? Join now or forever hold your peace 03:32:43 obstruct ha>c> Boring 03:35:21 :( ofrnxmr says play with me 03:36:13 You dont sound like golden0. Are you someone that doesnt like me 😀 03:47:32 phew 09:32:47 Word ban=25word 14:43:12 Monero Meet today at 1pm CT (~4 hrs from now). DM me if you want to join the discussion! 19:05:25 Did it begin? 19:06:43 Yes 19:06:57 https://youtu.be/ScgTWizL9Dc 21:28:25 💀https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/371#note_20524 21:29:19 I will seed it myself using 5 Gbps uplink 21:30:02 luckily it will have a permissive license 🗿 21:33:03 Why wont he acknowledge my existence 😡 21:33:26 custom css to remove containers that include your name 21:34:24 Ill get my 24 or 25 friends to comment 😡😡😡😡😡 21:34:40 My wife and my alts 21:34:52 Sgp's wife* 21:36:03 jwinterm @jwinterm:magicgrants.org: no permissive licence = no ccs 21:36:03 If you really fund something non-free like this 21:36:06 I really reeeally hope that the general fund fucking dies 21:36:08 We will seed it regardless of the license 21:36:44 No permissive license = I will pirate 21:36:53 I will even sneak into the movie theater 21:37:24 Jk ^. I wont be in new york 21:37:26 thats F'ing illegal 21:37:35 Not in my country 21:39:03 ok guys, we dont want to advocate for breaking any laws meant to protect interlectual property. cool it with the all that FOSS-infected talk 😊 21:39:27 we've got pirates in -community (who are not anonymous taunting people) and in -monero the last message was something about crime is great 21:39:39 I need screenshots for my new avatar 21:39:41 can we chill pls 21:40:05 Lmao 21:40:24 Me and Monerobull leave for 2 hours and look what happens 21:40:24 you'll be able to watch it on yts.mx 21:40:38 ofrnxmr[m]: did he decline to license it differently? 21:40:41 wait whats going on 21:40:45 when did that rule become a rule anyway? 21:40:53 forever 21:41:00 jwinterm @jwinterm:libera.chat: hes ignoring questions regarding it, which is against thebrules 21:41:03 what was the license for chinese forum or music production company thing? 21:41:07 ok 21:41:23 see here: https://ccs.getmonero.org/what-is-ccs/ 21:41:29 #4 , at all times it must be permissive licensed or else temrinated if bot remedied 21:41:38 did we fund music in the past? 21:41:47 the fluffypony thing? 21:41:59 Zcash anthem? 21:42:06 the what 21:42:14 if we "help a movie get to the oscars" by raising funds as a community the community deserves to see it 21:42:20 https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20211107#c44859 21:42:23 plowsof11: i wish zcash anthem was ours 21:42:33 zcash zcash 🎶 21:42:41 is it permissively licensed 21:42:44 ofrnxmr[m]: you could throw out that one song and replace it with something else 21:42:49 well i wouldnt have paid the 50k for it 21:43:07 heck I can't remember what it was called 21:43:11 ceetee[m]: The entire production has to be 21:43:25 plowsof11: Mr Dixit hasnt taken down my video yet 21:43:41 Is the video permissive ? Can I share it? No 21:44:06 What is the license? Is there one? 21:44:23 i believe so far its unclear 21:44:24 wdym, ofrnxmr? He has the raw files, he can mix another song in 21:44:26 There must be if it is being taken to the Oscars and/or theater 21:44:54 There are multiple licences on any production 21:45:12 A simple song doesnt change whether the master production is permissive 21:45:15 monerobull[m]1: That song is licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International 21:45:15 https://zcashgrants.org/gallery/25215916-53ea-4041-a3b2-6d00c487917d/23877584/ 21:45:17 I guess it was pre-ccs https://cryptoslate.com/project-coral-reef-aims-increase-monero-adoption/ 21:45:20 ffs days 21:45:36 coral reef is a failure 21:45:43 Example.... (full message at ) 21:46:05 the Amanda B. Johnson monero song was the best 21:46:06 sure, also chinese forum thing was definitely in same time period, so probably both ccs, assuming the licensing rules were in effect from start of ccs 21:46:53 *both pre-ccs 21:46:55 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> Example.... (full message at ) 21:47:08 he can 21:47:54 > <@siren:kernal.eu> That song is licensed under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International 21:47:54 > https://zcashgrants.org/gallery/25215916-53ea-4041-a3b2-6d00c487917d/23877584/ 21:47:54 thanks. do i have to put the share alike thing in the description or can i ignore that 21:47:56 not sure 21:48:17 Siren[m]: But will he? 21:48:27 Wont even post the public video link 21:48:44 monerobull[m]1: should attribute him https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 21:48:49 is the Amanda B song the 'all the way' song? 21:48:53 How permissive is "you cant share it" 21:49:11 * monerobull[m]1 uploaded an image: (25KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/lNFJAWIQiNzTIKeYtvpkNZqd/grafik.png > 21:49:24 always ahve 21:49:25 * always have 21:49:31 plowsof11: someone had cut up her video on monero to a song, but as far as I can tell it's lost 21:49:37 ofrnxmr[m]: well its obviously extra effort and changes the creators vision - so I doubt he'll be happy with it. If he's not open to it, he can close the proposal 21:49:51 He doesnt have to close it 21:50:12 If he isnt comfortable with sharing it immedietly😃 the terminology used is "terminated" 21:50:24 Not suited for ccs, period 21:51:09 There need be no resources spent on ineligible proposals 21:51:14 so many weird people like his proposal tho 21:51:25 like except jw since he didn't know about the policy 21:51:26 * Siren[m] uploaded an image: (13KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/kernal.eu/nhDWgIiJXEcQGqanVsnzvtPB/image.png > 21:51:34 what's up with these guys lol 21:52:14 cant shame those who don't support or do support something , no bully 21:52:15 Johnny > check history 21:52:15 Maxksrock > alt lmfao 21:52:15 Doug > pr 21:52:15 > jwinterm just liked 21:52:24 at least one is likely a sockpuppet 21:52:29 I liked when I made my comment 21:52:34 One is 100% a sockpuppet 21:53:22 only one I don't recognize is macsrock 21:53:31 * ceetee[m] uploaded an image: (137KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/uqdWnEvscIGFbLujZPiLFLTv/dd0e61d0-fecf-40ff-8535-6b590dff798b.png > 21:54:17 Looks familiar 21:55:10 Same sentence order and everything lolz 21:55:53 ser r u implying that macsrock is a big fan of cake? 21:56:24 Sir, this is not about a bad trade 21:56:46 johnny mnemonic is super og actually, like fifth poster on bitmonero thread https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=563821.msg6151158#msg6151158 21:56:54 if that's Vik's wife 24/25 will come after her 21:57:35 Why come out of the shadows for Geo 21:57:44 maybe they are friends 21:57:45 Go away my opportunist 21:57:48 Mr* 21:57:54 Exactly lol 21:57:55 I think chamus and geonic pretty good buds 21:58:11 tbh I only come to ccs when someone tell me too also :P 21:58:12 22:57 I think chamus and geonic pretty good buds <-- explains a lot 21:58:13 im going to get elon musk to comment on my proposal 21:58:51 I don't think there's anything wrong with asking people to come out and support you 21:59:07 unless that is also against ccs rules 21:59:10 then it is terrible 21:59:10 Yes 21:59:18 It kinda sucks when someone invites their buddies and they tell other people here with negative feedback that they're gatekeepers 21:59:22 The rules say: permissive 21:59:26 Your friends know its not 21:59:43 jwinterm: "Take a look, honest opinion pls" is fine imo 21:59:54 When asked real question, accused if being socks and gatekeepers 22:00:09 why would i have a fight or flight response? a ccs is introduced with massive positive support and financial backing in the comments - i then see a simple choice strawman and im framed as a gatekeeper 22:00:34 (Agree with Ceetee, no problem with HONEST reviews etc, but literally just trying to shoehorn your way in is ridiculous) 22:01:35 Everybody with an opinion that isnt "fund it" is a gatekeeper 22:01:35 We have standards 22:01:46 Like, we dont support proprietary or non-free shit 22:02:12 yea I think that is fair 22:02:17 I am too lazy to change my vote tho 22:02:55 Is it fair to mark your vote as "yes if permissive?" And obviously cant even vote otherwise 22:03:05 sure 22:03:41 (I might even vote yes if permissive ) 22:04:10 If permissive all fine 22:04:27 Just another thing I'm wondering is that how similar is the plot to the real event? 22:04:47 Another thing is that end credits isn't good enough, try to get him to say it in a dialogue 22:04:53 Permissive = we shall be able to watch, and my maybe could turn to a yes yes or a wtf no 22:05:07 the real event being the 4 sips at border control / interaction with the guards? 22:05:14 yeah dead child 22:05:16 clearly I like read to vik's comment and then jumped to the end :D 22:05:35 My fear is that we will get cancelled because of that 22:05:47 ofrnxmr[m]: yea if there is someway to distribute for free but monetization is only allowed by geonic maybe 22:06:02 Siren[m]: Well the actors for the border patrol look a lot like the real ones imop 22:06:10 But according to the courts, they did nothing to deserve punishment 22:06:34 Court paid parent 1milliob 22:06:39 While the movie shows them as encouraging him to drink it 22:06:47 ofrnxmr[m]: But they weren't found guilty 22:06:51 Alex Jones ran stories on sandy hook and got hit with > 1 billion 22:06:56 Which is what matters 22:07:09 monerobull[m]1: Of course not. They settled and took the money 22:07:27 Winning a settlement = you won 22:07:53 I doubt we would get in any trouble if the border guards sue so i don't really care 22:08:01 Yeah ok I just don't want stuff "Story of a child who died from meth overdose used to promote a cryptocurrency" :D 22:08:07 * Yeah ok I just don't want headlines like "Story of a child who died from meth overdose used to promote a cryptocurrency" :D 22:08:09 The parents would sue 22:08:21 yeah the parents might not like thi 22:08:22 s/thi/this/ 22:09:05 Making their kid look like a strip club visiting whatever else tje kid does in the movie 22:09:16 Cool how you can portrait a conflict between two parties and risk getting sued by both at the same time 22:09:19 ive not asked if the parents have been contacted / aware 22:09:33 ofrnxmr[m]: this too 22:09:43 The movie also portrait him as a slight homophobe 22:09:54 Even worse 22:10:01 well what the fuck 22:10:06 The parents might snap if they arent ok with that 22:11:29 but this is monerobulls subjective opinion 22:11:34 What no 22:11:40 sir 22:11:44 Monerobull is god 22:11:54 Because I cant see the video 22:12:10 If bull tells me its full of trannies, ill vote based on that 22:12:49 monerobull @monerobull:matrix.org: I asked for video too, why he no send me 😡😡😡 22:12:58 I asked nicely "show me immediately " 22:13:24 No he has a friend in the movie and you could think he might be gay but it's not really laid on thick 22:13:31 omg you assumed 22:13:41 joke lol 22:14:07 And then when the friend tells the main character his new friends are sus he basically calls him a faggot in a nice way 22:14:54 Geonic fucked up by not posting the video 22:15:01 And storms off to go clubbing to the crypto bear song (i am not 100% sure if i got the timeline right) 22:15:02 Now all I have is third party reviews 😂 22:15:23 remember the part where they stormed the beaches of normandy 22:15:30 Guessing Geonic doesnt have kids? 22:15:32 underage clubbing too? 22:15:39 Id be pissed is someone made a movie about my kid 22:15:42 Oh yeah he's 16 22:15:45 kekw 22:16:07 the actual tapes of the event does show him taking several sips and the border people signaling to do so 22:16:10 also never has a border guard ever been found guilty of anything 22:16:33 true 4 sips 22:16:42 Taste like ass 22:16:42 monerobull[m]1: And does coke and there's Booba on the screen and it's basically a GTAV cutscene, which i thought was dope 22:16:45 you guys are reaching so hard 22:17:16 The potential lawsuits aren't our problem, were just chatting 22:17:28 Resching? Have you ever seen a movie that was made about a dead kid that did begin or end with "all proceeds were donated to the family of" 22:17:34 the real footage - the guards are laughing as he takes the sips and the female 'gestures' to drink 22:17:39 very chatty, I can't catch up lol 22:17:54 That didnt* begin or end with 22:18:50 it's bad to portray him in the movie as a druggie 22:19:05 the kid was probably trying to snuggle meth out of poverty irl 22:19:13 https://ipitch.tv/site/page/creating/movies-based-on-a-true-story 22:19:24 First Google result 22:19:45 Life Story Rights - When you're pitching a true story based on a person's life, or specific event(s) in their life, it’s important to have their permission.  This can be done with a simple letter of agreement that outlines your exclusive right to develop, pitch and sell a movie around their life story.  Ultimately it will be the production company or studio who proposes a deal with all the fine points of participation, and you 22:19:45 want yourself locked into that agreement by having the exclusive life story rights secured before shopping the story to any Studios, Networks or Producers. 22:20:20 The movie made the main character also look VERY stupid. His grandpa paid off the kids debt at the smuggler boss and then the guy still goes to smuggle the meth on what looked like principal without any need 22:20:21 Aka what is the license 22:20:54 its difficult to sponsor it in a way that doesn't make us look like douchebags 22:20:54 Thought about about what explanation I'd put next to our logo but didn't come up with anything good 22:21:12 Ceetee, you've watched it right? 22:22:11 Bull and plowsof have, siren and myself have not 22:22:11 Your last comment is based on actually watching it? 22:22:14 I don't have access to it, but I did see parts of it, yes 22:22:39 Not the whole thing? 22:22:42 My last comment was written afterwards 22:22:46 Has anyone seen the whole thing? 22:22:59 I did and i assume most others too 22:23:16 (who say they have seen it) 22:23:55 Okok, so just Ceetee got clips 22:24:05 Or who knows 😆 22:24:06 Permissive my ass 22:24:12 Share the shit mufakkas 22:24:30 ofrnxmr[m]: *seen 22:24:41 don't have any file, nor assess to the files 22:24:53 :( 22:25:24 if all of us havnt seen the movie, none of us have 22:25:24 I too have seen the club scene someone illegaly (?) leaked before watching the movie 👻 22:26:25 this is all subjective , my interpretation vs anothers 22:26:34 * I too have seen the club scene someone illegaly (?) leaked before i got access to the movie 👻 22:26:35 What movie are you guys talking about 22:26:42 Vs the parents* 22:26:54 xenu[m]: Geonics new movie 22:29:29 monerotopia screening wen? 22:33:26 Screening? We'll have a copy to play, wont we 22:33:40 Going to make it viral 22:33:57 Btw it sounds like I'm totally shitting on the movie but the cinematography was very good, the acting good enough that you don't really notice and while i think the monero placement isn't that amazing it's true that it doesn't really need to be name-dropped by the actors 22:37:57 If i didn't have any context to the movie and just watched it on YouTube I'd probably think that while there are some weird parts the movie was entertaining and made me aware of the real event which I'll look into now 22:39:46 I most likely wouldn't look into Monero but that's not the goal of the movie in the first place 22:40:25 they explain why they used monero? 22:40:31 or just "use monero" next scene 22:41:01 Because the director likes Monero and has been around in the community for quite some time 22:44:02 It's an alright "storytelling device" (?) to symbolize that the main character could still have a lot of potential but went down the wrong path or something like thag 22:44:13 s/thag/that/ 22:45:40 Although it pops up kinda out of nowhere or at least i didn't notice an attempt to give it a backstory deeper than "the character kinda just has it" 22:45:40 "or just "use monero" next scene" <- They dont use monwro 22:45:41 Its a physical gold coin 22:46:00 what mov are you all on about? 22:46:06 ofrnxmr[m]: if everything is imagined except for the final scene, then in my IANAL opinion he could probably get away with "based on true events" 22:46:10 *With the monero logo 22:46:10 Like the ones on AliExpress 22:46:22 particularly if parents are poor and live in mexico and don't speak english 22:46:39 jwinterm: The movie is in Spanish kek 22:46:46 tbh probably even if it is his life story probability of legal repercussions very low 22:46:48 ohya lol 22:47:26 need subtitles for me 22:47:40 Legal trouble doesn't concern us anyways. At best our reputation as drug money is at risk 22:47:46 DanIsnotthemanBr: There are 22:47:58 2 attorneys have advised and its not an issue im told 22:48:20 is one you and the other your alt? 22:48:21 sure but everyone likes to pretend they are a lawyer 22:48:28 prefaced by IANAL 22:49:11 This might sound bad but it would probably benefit us if geonic gets sued for it. We would get at least a coin desk article or two 22:49:35 jwinterm: They won 1mill. Not poor anymore. Plenty of lawyer money 22:49:42 good point 22:49:46 also good point 22:49:56 probability of geonic getting sued markedly higher 22:51:13 we refused cryptonews as a monerokon sponsor though, noooo who will run the story now 22:51:42 washington post 22:51:43 If the border patrol officers lawyers smell money, they'd probably sue for defamation too 22:52:12 Or something similar 22:52:38 vijeo sirs? 22:53:12 apparently it is a closed screening 22:53:13 While we know the movie probably portrait the scene quite accurately, the court doesn't agree 22:54:13 are there deets in some location? 22:54:46 You can ask geonic for them 22:56:02 nvm i dont really care 22:57:16 This is about the future of monero ok, please care very much 23:03:13 Now for something relevant to another CCS proposal (Molly). Signal plans to implement usernames: https://mastodon.world/@Mer__edith/109752228095431253 23:03:20 > We're working on usernames now, which will allow people who use Signal to keep their phone number private from those they talk with. You'll still need a phone number to register for Signal (this helps control spam, and imports a social graph of sorts, both v important). Usernames will address the biggest issues we've heard from people. 23:03:52 does valldrac know about this? 23:05:40 yeah i think so cause it been out for a while 23:05:54 s/it/its/ 23:06:27 plowsof11: They are working on the username at least since last year. I guess it will be released next quarter or so 23:06:28 the comment is from today though 23:06:37 ohh ok thanks 23:09:50 fun fact i have had amazon send me a message on signal 23:10:18 amazon doesn't have my phone # 23:10:55 I am sure Jeff knows where to find me 23:10:59 yet* 23:22:09 mark of distinction commented on a discussion: 23:22:09 Retaliation against a proposer if certain conditions are/aren't met is a bit much, don't you think? Especially when those conditions are outside of my control. You've asked and have received a link to the film in what I presumed to be good faith. I hope you'll delete the copy of the film you kept as insurance. Having the film available online will disqualify it from film festivals, etc, otherwise I don't care much and want it seen 23:22:09 by as many people as possible. 23:22:09 Having it up on YouTube as one out of 1,000,0000 videos uploaded this year doesn't achieve that goal. My other three films are freely available online and there is no reason to believe this one won't be, after its festival run. I've offered (private) screenings at MoneroKon and Monerotopia. I'll comment on the licensing question separately. 23:23:17 Tldr 23:23:17 No its not permissive 23:23:29 "Please delete?" 23:23:29 Who needs any further comments. 23:23:29 Permissive = why would I delete it? 23:27:54 ``` 23:27:54 All work must be licensed permissively at all stages of the proposal. There is no time where your work can be licensed under a restrictive license (even as you're working on it). Your proposal will be terminated if this is not remedied. 23:27:54 ``` 23:27:54 Notice how it says "all stages". That means, idea, funding, in progress. Not skip all 3 because im geonic 23:33:39 controlling where it is viewed, seems like a restriction of use 23:34:40 DeLetE IT 23:34:55 ... yeah.. delete your ccs rofl 23:50:41 This CCS is to fund the marketing of the film, not the film itself. All marketing materials will be permissively licensed (trailer, publicity stills, etc.) That's the best I can do. 23:55:45 fck that 23:55:58 market yourself 23:56:32 Dan, will you go to new York to watch it? 23:57:04 not from fckn aus 23:57:26 How do I watch it from uk 23:58:26 easy. you donate and get a private screener link. 23:58:30 here we go 23:58:53 Why would I do that? 23:58:55 1 piconero is enough 23:59:01 because you want to see it, you said? 23:59:10 otherwise don't. 23:59:13 CCS =/= the movie 23:59:21 Is this bribery? 23:59:38 that's if it moves to the funding stage 23:59:46 You read out statements from reviewers that were hand picked by you 23:59:57 and you distrust all of them?