00:04:26 hello, not sure where i need to ask this question...my linux wallet will no longer sync (rejected by remote daemon). Rather than upgrade on that device, I tried to restore from keywords -and got an empty wallet. 00:04:44 restore on another device with 0.18 00:05:49 Use the correct restore height 00:06:17 I did. i kept the key words and the restore height 00:06:23 Correct. 17.2.3 no longer worksn 00:06:35 ruxmr[m]: You entered restore height incorrectly πŸ‘ 00:08:12 Why would one want to use a private payment method? 00:08:18 I then checked the restore height in the 0.17 wallet and it showed a different restore height than my records....tried with the restore height from the 0.17 and got an empty wallet on 0.18 00:08:51 plowsof πŸ”¨ ^ 00:09:04 Do you have a rough idea when you created the wallet? 00:09:45 s/^/(justinestrada)/ 00:09:59 I also noticed that optiion of wallet creation date in 0.18 i used the directory creation date on the 0.18 version and got an empty wallet again 00:10:20 directory being the wallet directory on linu 00:12:34 why do scammers try shit here, probably the dumbest place 00:12:46 upgrading the software on the other device to 0.18 would be tricky because voidlinux didn't have a monero wallet in their repository then, so i downloaded it to the device (using 0.17) 00:13:38 what would happen to my wallet if I upgraded the executables on the 0.17 device? 00:14:29 Heres what ya gotta do 00:14:50 Are you using monero GUI? Or CLI 00:15:06 monero-wallet-gui voidlinux 00:15:39 i can use the cli if i need to 00:22:16 Use gui 00:22:39 In the new v18 wallet, what does it show for the restore height? 00:23:48 "upgrading the software on the..." <- Void linux has monero wallet in repository. That's how I installed it. 00:24:40 um, well i deleted each failed wallet restore attempt: attempt one: used keywords and handwritten restore height (failed) also used old password to create it. 00:24:49 * Siren[m] uploaded an image: (43KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/kernal.eu/XLIaiUjtvpVZIYTCrozFpdYE/image.png > 00:25:05 Siren[m]: you are corret 00:25:10 correct 00:25:20 also had it back in 0.17 00:25:22 but when I installed it, is wasn't in the repository 00:25:39 ruxmr[m]: What is the handwritten restore heihht 00:25:41 so I downloaded a deb and yanked the files out 00:25:53 Hey bud 00:26:03 Do you want to solve your problem or just talk about notjing 00:26:07 "what would happen to my wallet..." <- nothing probably, just make sure you have the seed 00:26:08 What is your restore height 00:26:13 ofrnxmr[m]: one moment 00:26:33 Siren[m]: Dont trust the seed if they cant copy the height 00:26:38 uno momento 00:26:54 I used a 0.17 wallet with 0.18 monero-wallet-rpc server before and it works 00:27:06 Yes, it works 00:27:21 I don't remember exactly but it might have migrated the wallet to a newer format automatically 00:27:28 i am decrypting my old notes 00:27:31 But he said he delete and moved and did who KnowS what 00:27:38 Just 00:27:43 Open v18 gui 00:27:48 And read the height from there 00:28:26 Just restore it from a random height, approximate it with a hefty margin 00:28:33 Plowsof can for give directions to the setting please 00:28:35 or don't provide it at all 00:28:52 go to bed and when you wake up your funds will be there :) 00:29:43 Unless you're in one of those unfortunate countries where you pay per MB, for dialup internet 00:29:46 restoring a wallet from scratch yes? im at the ready 00:29:48 After confirming its actually "synchronizing" and not "syncronized" 00:30:45 ruxmr: you have v18 gui open? (With seed restored) 00:31:00 plowsof11: I had like 5 wallet key files but no cache for testing. One had >1 XMR inside and I couldn't remember which one. 00:31:36 I restore from zero 00:32:05 based 00:32:21 ruxmr how is it going? 00:32:38 "What is your restore height..." <- the restore height for 0.17 handwritten was 2460000 00:32:46 Make a calendar that shows height for each day of a year at 00:00 UTC 00:33:11 perfect ruxmr 00:33:22 when I checked the 0.17 after the first failure, it showed 2460938 00:33:54 And what does v18 show 00:34:08 I cannot tell you what the 0.18 said it was after the failed restore because I deleted all failed wallet restorations 00:34:08 are we restoring a wallet from keys or mnemonic seed sir? 00:34:24 ruxmr[m]: So restore fresh 00:34:46 okay. what method do you want me to use for this restore? 00:35:02 Open v18 gui 00:35:13 then click Restore wallet from keys or mnemonic seed 00:35:39 on main menu (if wallet is open then you gotta close it by clicking top left ->] looking thing) 00:35:46 "image.png" <- What's up with that "monero-core-"? 00:36:17 OG whale doxxed 00:37:46 ofrnxmr[m]: opened 00:38:46 I have the blockchain local plowsof wants me to use Restotore option you too? 00:39:24 yes you are going to restore from your menmonic seed 00:40:01 so using the Restore wallet from keys or mnemonic 00:40:16 😭yes 00:41:16 local blockchain + using v0.17 previously makes my eye twitch 00:41:43 hopefully everything is ok 00:42:02 I've given it a name "restore2" now I'll enter the 25 keywords 00:42:42 ok , and then in the restore height box 2460000 00:45:23 days since v0.17 user is 2 days, are we resetting it to 0 again already? 00:46:39 the gui just locked up on me.... I noticed it lock up on me so i changed the autolock in 10 min to off...but it still locked up on me right now ...one second 00:49:03 plowsof11: 1 day sir 00:49:44 ruxmr[m]: Just wait 00:50:39 If youre using local node, it has to start the node, sync the node, then sync the wallet 00:50:40 okay now using 2460000 00:51:09 asking for a password. do I create a new one or use the old one for 0.17? 00:51:54 Up to you 00:51:54 unrelated, use any password you want 00:52:01 okay 00:54:10 now have daemon settings...I used start a node -do it again? 00:55:05 in settings -> node what do yo usee 'stop daemon' or 'start daemon' 00:56:23 Title: Daemon settings. two radio button choices: Start a node automatically in background (recommended) Connect to a remote node 00:56:44 you should know I have monerod running 00:56:54 so it's syncd 00:57:06 stop daemon yes? 00:57:20 ruxmr[m]: What version of monerod πŸ’€ 00:57:28 if yo usee Stop daemon then you're running one. what do you want to do 00:57:31 there is no stop daemon button. I can kill it from a console if you want 00:57:46 there are two choices I listed above 00:57:55 are you running ./monerod externally? 00:58:13 Rux I think we need to elevate you to lvl 2 tech support 00:58:23 lol 00:58:34 it is on the new device. this new void linux box is running 0.18 00:58:47 let me find the exact version 00:59:24 * plowsof11 uploaded an image: (139KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/OHSsdoYSIpyowulekvlKKboN/Screenshot%20from%202023-02-19%2000-59-11.png > 00:59:52 ignore --prune-blockchain sir 00:59:55 that is when you have the wallet created not while trying to recover 00:59:58 do yo usee this? 01:00:16 Oh ok you are in the create wallet final screen(s) 01:00:20 version 01:01:11 leave Start a node automatically selected and click ok 01:01:19 Next* 01:01:21 so I am choosing the first option and clicking next to get to the screen you are referring to 01:01:31 😭yes 01:01:39 It hurts 01:01:57 To know that he thinks im looking at gui right now 01:02:03 Youre all set up! 01:02:15 click create wallet 01:02:19 wallet name 01:02:26 Ofrnxmr 01:02:53 is already there with the path and the restore height along with the Network type which is listed as Mainnet 01:03:15 two buttons: create wallet and previous 01:03:22 clicking create wallet 01:03:23 Previous 01:03:31 Since you didnt listen to plowsof 01:03:32 * plowsof11 uploaded an image: (231KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/TRgdQfpXCMzddsMMBizYOPps/Screenshot%20from%202023-02-19%2001-03-06.png > 01:03:35 what !!!!???? 01:03:38 Sarcasm 01:03:38 Yes,, clock create wallet 01:03:52 plowsof11: ^^^^ 01:04:06 wait, where are you now ruxmr 01:04:24 "At home" 01:04:30 it's asking me for the password I just created for the new wallet 01:04:37 Enter it 01:04:39 breathe 01:04:43 calm 01:04:45 I cant 01:05:19 everyone please calm down 01:05:52 shows wallet with daemon blocks remaining 1158812 01:06:09 but empty 01:06:10 nice! 01:06:20 Have to wait for sync 01:06:40 Is there anything else plowsof can help you with today Sir? 01:06:59 if I could have used the prune option I would've but on the restore option, it isn't there 01:07:10 Ah yes. The prune option 01:07:20 "Screenshot from 2023-02-19 00-59..." <- Its on this screen 01:07:21 if your blockchain has used prune-blockchain in the past? then its already pruning as we speak sir 01:08:11 Yes, plowsof is correct Sir 01:08:14 on the new device, i went with the full block chain on mainnet....took half a day but it synced 01:08:31 so prbly not??? 01:08:32 awesome 01:09:05 And you can add that flag if you want and stop -- then wait -- start the node 01:09:47 How would you rate the service you received today? 01:10:13 Gold stars or gold xmrs? 01:10:37 [m...............o........o]/10 01:11:12 you guys are doing great given my slow reaction time and not being sure about who to listen to 01:11:31 Good job plowsof 01:11:32 so you can laugh allllll you want cause I'm glad to get help on this one 01:12:08 im crying 01:12:14 Sane 01:12:22 * Same 01:12:38 I couldnt the words 01:12:39 by the way, know that the restore process created a new wallet, I can get to the Node setting 01:13:24 Edit a lil 01:13:41 Not sure what that says 01:14:18 Oh, youre just thinking out loud 01:14:25 Guys I want to start with Monero, I have the Monero gui app installed 01:14:34 😭 01:14:37 Hi dani 01:14:43 How dani we be if assistance 01:14:46 Hi of 01:14:55 Can we* 01:15:55 ofrnxmr[m]: I want to know how can I get started with using Monero as a currency, for example how do I convert money in it? 01:16:08 I have an account 01:16:50 Convert what sort of money? 01:17:00 Cash money? 01:17:10 you have an account ... where 01:17:29 plowsof11: On the official Monero gui app 01:17:39 Ok nice. 01:17:56 ofrnxmr[m]: No from my debt card 01:18:05 That isnt technically an "account" but it is a wallet that has accounts (like bank accounts) inside of it 01:18:06 Please have patience I never used this stuff before 01:18:32 dani-g5x[m]1: Do you know what KYC is? Is this your first crypto? 01:18:56 dani-g5x[m]1: No problem, we all start somewhere 01:21:24 ofrnxmr[m]: dani-g5x: 01:21:24 Next question would be, are you comfortable with kyc? And if you have other crypto, that makes things a lot easier 01:24:26 any good android monero clients? 01:24:39 Wallets? 01:24:55 Yes 01:24:55 Cakewallet.com monero.com stackwallet.com 01:25:00 that too, i gussz 01:25:18 Monerujo.io 01:25:26 Mill[m]: What is a client 01:25:38 * that too, i guess 01:29:01 what you just sent 01:29:04 i meant wallets 01:29:20 should i get the multi coin wallet if i wanna exchange monero to BTC 01:29:55 Cakewallet has btc, ltc and xmr 01:30:16 And built in swaps, though I highly recommend using trocador.app for the swaps 01:30:30 if you get the monerujo android wallet, you can sideshift btc to xmr 01:30:53 where can i get thaf 01:30:53 Dont listen to ruxmr 01:30:59 Use trocador.app 01:30:59 s/thaf/that/ 01:31:03 why? 01:31:13 Mill[m]: Monerujo.io but Sideshift is like % fees 01:31:24 12% 01:31:27 Dont use that trash 01:31:34 Use trocador.app for the third time 01:32:22 the minimum is 0.0003 on trocador 01:32:29 i want 0.00025 01:32:30 And cake has a few built in as well, like changenow.io which has better rates than Sideshift as well. Not as good as trocador though 01:33:04 $5? 01:33:28 Tradeogre 01:34:36 0.00039 is minimum on fixedfloat 01:34:43 yeah 01:34:54 You're not going to have much luck finding a swap for BITCOIN worth $5 01:35:16 Bitcoin is broken. Can probably do it with ltc 01:36:07 Capitalized because I specifically mean bitcoin 01:36:28 yeah well it's not my choice 01:36:55 Well whoever is requesting $5 of btc made a poor choice in life 01:37:07 Tell them to accept xmr or accept the debt πŸ‘ 01:37:27 Bitcoin broken, sorry, we'll try again when ordinals dont exist 01:37:47 * "Bitcoin broken,, * dont exist " 01:37:55 craig wright is still shilling monero on twitter 01:38:06 link pls 01:38:29 i can't just do that 01:38:33 lmao 01:39:28 e.g. https://twitter.com/Dr_CSWright/status/1627006567051583497 01:39:47 Mill[m]: Thats what Bitcoin said 01:39:53 haha 01:40:12 I thought he had more followers tbh 01:40:20 https://twitter.com/Dr_CSWright/status/1626998141672120322 01:40:31 sorry for tw*tter links sisters this is an emergency 01:41:24 why isnt he talking about another coin :$ 01:43:10 >Yet, these individuals understand this. 01:43:10 However what they want to promote is money-laundering, drug crime and any illicit activity that they can justify in their own little minds 01:43:36 Satoshi said were beldex 01:44:01 https://twitter.com/Dr_CSWright/status/1626960824433606660 01:45:10 "Do you know what KYC is? Is this..." <- No and yes 01:45:23 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> dani-g5x: 01:45:23 > Next question would be, are you comfortable with kyc? And if you have other crypto, that makes things a lot easier 01:45:23 I never used that 01:45:58 KYC is the process of giving id to an exchange to be allowed to purchase crypto - is this something your comfortable with? 01:45:59 plowsof11: there is no emergency 01:46:06 s/your/youre/ 01:47:25 ofrnxmr[m]: I'd probably be able to use it, problem is I have no idea what is this 01:49:40 You have 2 options: 01:49:41 1. Follow signup procedure at an exchange, involving kyc aka identification 01:49:41 or 01:49:41 2. Use localmonero or bisq to buy off of a real person without id, or a crypto atm 01:50:35 Or,3. If you know someone in real life that has crypto, they can buy it for you 01:50:41 > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> You have 2 options:... (full message at ) 01:50:52 ofrnxmr[m]: I don't sadly 01:51:07 Definitely is more private, and preferred, but less convenient 01:51:38 I've left so many conveniences about tech lol 01:51:56 Localmonero.co is a good option if you dont want to install anything 01:51:57 If it's for privacy no issues in losing some convenience 01:52:39 ofrnxmr[m]: Ok, thanks for the help :) 01:53:03 I also recommemd mobile wallets 01:53:26 ofrnxmr[m]: I have a desktop one 01:53:56 You can use the same seed across multiple wallet apps 01:54:05 Though, only use trusted ones 01:55:18 Cakewallet.com, Monero.com are good and safe 01:55:36 ofrnxmr[m]: How do I know what can be trusted? What is a valid source? 01:56:08 https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/#mobilelight 01:56:56 I dont recomment the "remote synchronization" wallets 01:56:56 Edge 01:56:56 Mymonero 01:58:02 Cake wallet supports multiple coins, Monero.com is the exact same app by the same company, but for monero only 02:14:13 I wish monero.* was for monero project 02:15:36 seriously, first time I downloaded a monero wallet, I did search-query : Download monero.... First link was getmonero.org.... I was kind of.. hmm, is getmonero legit or some scam to feed me scam-wallets... 02:24:19 I wasted time to do extra research to confirm getmonero was not a scam... 02:24:33 when prune-block chain is used, what is removed? 02:24:47 RavFX[m]: not really, you did what you need to do 02:25:42 I'm trying out Jitsi and it's really good :D 02:33:03 * DanIsnotthemanBr uploaded an image: (363KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/BdHHsBxxMEfwUDWysRanVlRJ/ima_64c81bd.jpeg > 02:39:25 when automatic money counters got network jacks and wifi, even cash is not so private -thank all of you coding xmr! 02:40:03 sry, make that coding on the xmr project 02:40:11 just use an open source monero atm instead https://atm.monero.is/ 02:40:34 nice! 02:40:55 i shoud've came to this forum in 2021 02:41:39 join us in prague if you can https://monerokon.com/ 02:42:07 plowsof11: i will if i can recover my wallet -lmao!!!! 02:43:31 block remaining 537849..... btw how come the daemon didn't keep the blockchain up to date...pretty sure I left it running all day after it syncd??? 02:43:58 wait an hour - is the number smaller? yes? wait another hour 02:44:22 too true 02:44:23 time passes sir 02:44:41 more blocks are mined , more transactions are made 02:45:25 okay, but i thought if I left the daemon running and connected to wifi, it would catch new transactions too 02:45:32 maybe I've missed a setting? 02:49:16 The daemon keeps tracks of new blocks and transactions, but it has no idea which transactions are yours. 02:49:16 When your wallet comes online, it has to get all the new transactions from the daemon and check them all to see if any are relevant to you. I'm guessing this is what you're waiting on right now? 02:51:49 "When your wallet comes online, it has to get all the new transactions from the daemon... " hence the two sync bars, one for the wallet, and one for the daemon....but i am waiting on the daemon to receive more blocks. let me give a time line. 02:53:27 installed 0.18 on new laptop 9am. then set for full local block chain -well over 1 milliion blocks.... took the daemon until noon or a little later to get all the blocks. then the wallet synced 02:53:57 after the wallet synced, I exited the wallet and choose to let the daemon continue to run in the gui 02:54:24 so i expected the daemon to have all the blocks when i tried the restore wallet 02:55:40 Ah alright, yep you're right that's what the two sync bars are for and yes you're right to think that your daemon should have stayed synchronized. 02:55:41 You mention that you are using a laptop. Is it possible that your laptop went to sleep at some point? Most laptops shut off networking during sleep to save power. 02:57:26 very well could be....I thought the screen was just shutting off....don't really have sleep mode enabled nor the software installed for sleep mode -it is new hardware so maybe it did 02:58:57 That's my best guess. The daemon should definitely continue synchronizing as long as it is able to when left on, so I doubt you misconfigured anything. 02:59:23 purchase a cat - they are incredibly good and pressing keys while the laptop is open 02:59:31 to prevent from sleeping 02:59:45 plowsof11: oh hell no 03:00:12 I like cats as long as they are someone else's in someone else's house 03:01:55 oh. i did pull the plug on my router for about 1 hour then plugged it back in....the laptop regains wifi but what about the daemon? 03:02:26 ruxmr you're killing me 03:03:24 plowsof11: whaaaat????? just saying...and yep, when I leave the house, I pull that plug 03:03:40 The daemon would reconnect as soon as wifi was restored, but your laptop's reconnection to wifi definitely could have been delayed by it being asleep 03:04:35 If you want a fun weekend side project someday, I highly recommend setting up your own remote daemon on a VPS. That way you get to have your cake and eat it too -- it always stays synchronized, and you don't have to trust anyone else's node. 03:06:41 the options on this software are incredible -really! to have the mining option built in too! sweet. 03:08:18 about the remote daemon on a VPS: I thought if i ran my node and used the public option i could connect to it this way... 03:09:09 so I'll need to look into this option you've mentioned 03:10:23 i was going to run an OS off a non-rewritable CD so if my box is hacked, i can clear the ram, check the bios, and reboot 03:10:52 and use this box as a minining node with removable storage 03:12:17 ....461275 blocks remaining.... 03:13:26 > I thought if i ran my node and used the public option i could connect to it this way 03:13:26 Yep that's right, I think we're talking about the same thing. Running a node (i.e. daemon) on a VPS (or any other always-online server option) and then connecting to it like you would any other public remote node. 03:15:06 if the hardware isn't mine, i'm suspicious. when the hardware is mine, I'm still suspicious 03:16:38 This is the best guide I know of for getting it setup: https://sethforprivacy.com/guides/run-a-monero-node-advanced/ 03:16:38 We love some healthy suspicion here, no worries :) This kinda setup works great on your own hardware too so long as you've got a globally-accessible IP address (assuming you want to connect from outside your local network). 03:23:37 uh-oh now i feel the urge to write running a node using runit ...glad seth put out the systemd scripts as most distros use it now 09:03:49 * virus hi Torin 10:41:41 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/114f685/where_does_monero_stand/ 10:41:41 Apparently btc and xmr have the same anonymity :/ 10:43:01 This is made by an idiot 10:43:33 Fiat has less fungibility than BTC my ass 10:44:26 How do you score an a+ on privacy and an f on anonymity, or vice versa 10:44:48 And fiat is faster than monero? My ass 10:45:31 Man, brain hurts. Need to forget about that image 10:49:34 > <@123bob123:matrix.org> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/114f685/where_does_monero_stand/ 10:49:34 > 10:49:34 > Apparently btc and xmr have the same anonymity :/ 10:49:34 Speed is wrong. Fiat (SWIFT) transfers take up to a week, monero takes ~20 mins 10:51:45 Monero takes under 30 seconds to arrive. 10:51:45 Fiat doesnt takes days at best 10:51:51 s/doesnt// 11:19:55 Bank transfers can take few months to arrive 11:20:54 Monero ~3min for 1st confirmation and +~20 min until 10 confirmations, far faster than fiat 11:22:58 Stnby[m]: Also you get dehumanized by bank employees or the state meanwhile. 11:24:39 fighting the deluge of lies would require a bot net....but what concerns me is a firewall like the great firewalll of china 11:24:53 #monero-offtopic:monero.social 11:25:00 have mesh networks begun to be used in private networks? 11:25:05 sry 11:25:59 Np. More #monero:monero.social but quiet morning. 11:25:59 Try not to go too far off topic but go ahead 11:27:16 ...ok .....if there are independent networks (mesh is one) then the medium of exchange cannot be blocked for xmr 11:28:21 The issue isnt medium of exchange, but nodes not being isolated 11:30:13 ...i mispoke but you caught my meaning.....would be nice for there to be a global mesh network ...if there isn't already? 11:40:03 Haha, even 3 years after failure the project website is still online: https://locha.io/ 11:40:10 Background reading for a slow Sunday: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/115 11:47:27 thks so many have tried in the past, didn't know about these 11:52:01 "Haha, even 3 years after failure..." <- why did it fail? 11:54:47 matrix p2p protocol acts as a mesh network over BLE 11:55:02 idk but suspect the issue is each buyer is too far away from the nearest other buyer of their hardware device 11:55:28 range capability 11:57:10 Siren[m]: yeah but there are plenty of matrix users, so it might be possible to leverage it for monero tx broadcasting/sync 12:28:29 Bros rlly smoking dick 12:29:09 Guy who made the chart said xmr is as private as btc 12:29:28 s/private/anonymous/ 12:29:32 *anonymous 12:29:38 Even worse 12:30:07 Like how is btc anonymous when even the coins have history??? 12:38:18 Yo salami 12:38:20 Why r u posting here, youre banned 12:51:55 Siren[m]: I think work on it just stopped at a given point in time, and things vanished, with no clear explanation why 12:51:56 https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/lamgwj/looks_like_the_locha_mesh_project_has_come_to_a/ 12:58:29 https://libreddit.de/r/Monero/comments/lamgwj/looks_like_the_locha_mesh_project_has_come_to_a/ 13:05:47 oof 13:07:16 "yeah but there are plenty of..." <- Well me and Stnby are thinking of making a standalone matrix relay that can run on esp32. Maybe something can be done for Monero too. 13:08:27 so people can plant this relatively cheap board in random places 13:18:58 "Siren: I think work on it just..." <- it was a cool idea, but is technically unfeasable. The data rate possible with LORA is tiny, so I doubt that even a remote wallet would be usable 13:20:47 still have hopes on wifi halow, but as of now there are no mass produced commercial products with it 13:20:52 * ceetee[m] uploaded an image: (30KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/EHiDgUENXVtyjTEHDKTgYKRj/.jpg > 13:24:18 esp32 might have support for it in the future 13:24:43 then probably [pinecone](https://matrix-org.github.io/pinecone/) 13:25:35 different frequency range, different modulation, only the same software stack on the backend 13:26:02 did find a devkit though: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004566829120.html? 13:26:11 they definitely need to make a new board for supporting this yeah 13:26:27 and netfowrk bridge: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002927477262.html 13:26:31 s/netfowrk/network/ 13:26:34 Siren[m]: those don't have 900mhz radio 13:26:54 new silicon rather 15:50:31 "so people can plant this..." <- ...or plant the cheap boards at strategic places with long histories at www.ic.org ...tamera.org is kinda isolated in Portugal geographically ....maybe dancingrabbit.org is too 15:51:53 but the idea would be to find a network of these long standing places then focus on that particular geographical area as a release area rather than just trying for full global release all at once 15:53:37 could be broadcast from these long standing places 50mi to 70mi radius and do focused geographical releases creating bridges from one org to another 15:55:08 80km to 100km range for powerful boards, 25km for less powerful boards 16:10:45 once a geographical area has a 150km radius 'skeleton', then release a mesh app for android and apple 16:11:02 then the smaller dev kits will start to pop 16:12:46 not sure how to span the atlantic ocean though, much less the pacific 16:14:26 then my xmr will live free and not firewalled off some how 16:17:14 the large stations could have LiFePO4 batts with wind and solar at the stable locations 16:29:13 old 2G, 3G, 4G cell phones with small solar panels would do it for the adventurous in cities ....ban me now for civil disobedience and littering though 16:29:31 #monero-offtopic:monero.social free to post that all day 16:29:36 Lots of people would respond there 16:30:02 Because, its not logged 16:30:03 Can be more open 16:30:14 ofrnxmr[m]: Logged on monerologs* 16:31:16 got carried away 123 blocks remaining on my daemon ...thks for the logless option 16:31:29 The most active people in here are Also in there 16:32:17 k, will compose a short text there later 16:44:43 off-topic not logged lolol 16:45:05 Is it on monerologs? 16:46:05 Central logging only 16:46:57 Yupp 16:58:04 if plowsof is in your room, he's logging you 16:58:28 k 16:58:29 NSFW TMI 16:58:31 new monero release soon πŸ™ 17:02:02 dont log me bro! 17:02:17 noted :D 17:02:22 yeah little much log for the newbie 17:02:58 "off-topic not logged lolol" <- You know all the users in this room right? 17:02:58 You are certain a few are not logging bot from 3 letters agencies? 17:03:44 What's funny is that the room is not encrypted so any user can get room chat history just by entering the room 17:04:31 are you saying that matrix logs? 17:05:08 prbly saying this is clear text 17:05:38 Yes it is clear text 17:05:50 doesn't happen when joining via irc unless you have a bouncer 17:06:09 ofrnxmr[m]: unless i'm typing 17:06:15 Matrix log unencrypted room so user who join the room can get room history 17:06:15 users on matrix can log too (so anyone who want to look monero chat just have to join with a user then log everything 17:06:46 sirs this is not crypted? 17:06:56 It us not sir 17:06:58 Same with discord, only difference is that matrix is not owned and controlled by woke zealots 17:07:00 Is* 17:07:04 thks RavFX late night for me ...threw caution to the wind trying to avoid THE LOG 17:07:42 It's TLS encrypted but no more. 17:07:42 Thing is, anyone can join the room 17:07:42 anyone can get chat history just by joining room 17:08:09 If room was encrypted, it would prevent new user to get chat history 17:08:35 but still, assume 3 letters agencies users are already in the channel so encrypting it now would probably do no good 17:08:48 whats real anymore 17:08:50 Also plowsof 17:10:18 i am sorry 17:12:01 no worries a log's gotta do what a log's gotta do 17:12:46 just not for me 17:14:23 116 block remaining.... 17:28:22 um my block count just went up to 124 blocks my daemon is waiting for 17:29:39 sync_info 17:29:44 And what height 17:30:42 sry ...checking 17:30:48 7/181 (2825454 - 2825460, 462 kB) 492 kB/s (0.23) 17:30:48 5/181 (2825461 - 2825465, 126 kB) 427 kB/s (0.2) 17:30:57 from log 1 17:31:17 or do I run a command to get syn_iinfo 17:31:21 ? 17:32:38 In Monerod terminal window 17:32:39 oh. in "Type a command" yeeesh 17:32:40 literally just wait for it to finish. 17:32:46 >>> status 17:32:46 [2/19/23 10:39 AM] 2023-02-19 10:39:17.803 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.1.2-unknown) 17:32:46 Height: 2825341/2825466 (99.9%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 2.83 GH/s, v16, 12(out)+9(in) connections, uptime 0d 16h 58m 8s 17:33:05 blocks remaining would remain constant if the blockchain ceased activity 17:33:30 out_peers 100 17:33:31 plowsof11: k, but know waiting on 126 blocks 17:33:35 *now waiting 17:33:37 great 17:33:40 * out_peers 30 17:33:45 this is not the ruxmr blocks remaining room 17:35:47 all right then πŸ€ͺ 17:36:14 ofrnxmr[m]: Run this though 17:36:44 >>> out_peers 30 17:36:44 [2/19/23 10:43 AM] 2023-02-19 10:43:13.633 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.1.2-unknown) 17:36:44 Max number of out peers set to 30 17:38:16 Didnt need output, but thanks. 17:38:16 `print_net_stats` if you need to see upload/download speeds, and `sync_info` will have a line that should say "mooooooooooo" with downloaded blocks beneath it 17:38:34 keep out peers at default 17:39:24 nioc: reasoning? 17:40:46 I forget, something something network, but that is what is reccommend in -dev, 17:40:58 increasing may be valid for initial sync 17:41:17 in certain senarios 17:41:27 scenarios ** 17:41:48 Its because not many people have incoming open and it uses up bandwidth of other nodes 17:42:06 But poor incoming connections means he could have very poor outgoing peers 17:42:39 The "on the fly" flag doesnt persist restarts, it us only yo look for 18 more nodes so he can fund 1 which will finish the sync 17:43:42 Height: 2825345, target: 2825470 (99.9956%) 17:43:42 Downloading at 14 kB/s 17:43:42 30 peers 17:43:56 ...but didn't see mooooo -odd? 17:45:02 sync_info has no moooooooo? (Not possible) 17:45:16 This is a workgroup channel. #monero-support:monero.social for support. 17:45:42 Ruck, its been a rough 48hrs. Lol 17:54:33 "This is a workgroup channel. #..." <- thks, and sry didn't find the above group when i first loaded matrix or would've used that 17:55:13 Pinned in the group description I think πŸ‘ 17:55:31 Oh.. no.. Plowsof can you add? 17:57:14 Thank you 17:57:42 added πŸ‘οΈ but links dont work for some reason here, will have a look 18:01:25 I see community-meeting-to-discuss-ccs-merge-list-16:00-UTC-Saturday-17th-December-https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/767 18:01:38 long time until Dec 17 18:10:20 20...24 18:12:00 ive lost OP on irc (probably because i-made-topics-like-this) 18:18:05 i am "plowsof" now though (that was an issue) 18:18:46 i thought I was plowsof? 18:35:30 Plowsof is my alt, actually 18:37:01 so i'm you too? 18:39:00 we are one 18:39:10 we r morono 18:49:45 im moony 18:54:09 > *morono* 18:54:15 xD 18:54:20 Hey folks 18:57:10 Nohello.net 19:00:02 > nohello.net 19:00:02 > Checking if the site connection is secure 19:00:02 > Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue 19:00:20 Ha, no 19:01:51 Ok, how about this 19:01:58 https://matrix.to/#/!WzzKmkfUkXPHFERgvm:matrix.org/$MIgwLCSDQSeG2R5nfHPAeL3emV9m0Nu4t6DaEl0_CuQ?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=libera.chat 19:02:05 #monero-offtopic:monero.social 19:06:32 ofrnxmr[m]: Am already there buddy. But thanks for the invitation.