07:20:40 πŸ”ͺ 07:20:41 "I was banned from a chat because..." <- what do they know that i don't 07:20:41 "IMG_20230313_205211_269.jpg" <- nice legs owo 17:13:38 Stnbyany updates on the sail quotes? ideally the images/ideas can be added in one place so people can see/discuss at the next meeting, if you're not ready to post it as a ccs idea. (e.g. a comment under the next meeting @ 25th March https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/810 ) 17:14:43 also confirming that the animated videos proposals has ended. full details can be seen in the public matrix room @ https://matrix.to/#/!mdRTyzZRxMkNkqGWVG:matrix.org/$nnMEDu5o8P1OQWw1dU30SZLfwQu7aDOpDfSiGqsByH4?via=matrix.org&via=monero.social 17:23:45 research lab meeting active now, where a vote on tx_extra future is taking place #monero-research-lab:monero.social 17:26:46 Hey, before I commit and felonies I wanted to ask if we are doxxable on Element app ? 17:29:23 this isn't the place to talk about committing felonies (that would be illegal) 17:30:01 I am joking, I am just curious because I want to have an anonymous account where I can join communities and engage without having my real identity revealed 17:33:32 sounds a bit #monero-offtopic:monero.social , and no one is going on record as saying "yes" or "no" to an open ended question like that 17:34:12 Sorry was not aware there was an off topic channel 17:38:19 Plowsof you aren't supposed to do that 17:38:59 There needs to be way more back and forth before you can come in and ruin the ongoing discussion by pointing out there's an offtopic room, killing the discussion 17:39:31 ./s 17:40:05 can we commit felonies in the offtopic room though? 17:41:15 Sure 17:41:36 You can commit felonies on monero.house of plow bans yoh 17:41:42 s/yoh/you/ 17:41:56 ah yeah, I still need to register there 17:41:56 monerobull[m]: wow what is that 17:41:56 Just not anything that's illegal in Germany, thanks πŸ‘ 17:42:38 dsc_: No need for payment just say you're from matrix. It's really just supposed to keep bots out 17:43:46 tx based verification is cool, is that custom made? 17:44:02 Lol 17:44:13 oh, its just a manual process 17:44:14 gotcha 17:44:15 I can set up and admin stuff, i can't code 17:44:25 πŸ˜… 17:44:45 i thought maybe that was automated 17:44:57 It could probably be pretty easily 17:45:15 Just give people different sundresses and monitor them for incoming payment 17:45:18 are there other monero chanels I can join ? 17:45:38 yes monerobull[m], but dunno what language lemmy is coded in 17:45:40 Many 17:45:55 dsc_: Could do it with an off-site bot probably 17:59:29 for matrix users , the monero space with links to many montero rooms https://matrix.to/#/#monerospace:monero.social 18:00:55 irc users? you already have 200iq and communicate with the hive mind via telepathy 18:29:14 meow 20:52:51 Credit Suisse (CS) is going down, make a wish 20:52:52 * Suisse ($CS) is 21:24:27 Why is everyone saying that about them ? 21:28:34 #monero-offtopic:monero.social 21:33:44 Monero has no exposure or investments with Credit Suisse. 21:33:44 No further questions. 21:33:44 πŸ“Έ 21:35:30 But banks poping is bulling for crypto in general, including monero, right? 21:36:51 Depends what replaces them 21:36:57 FixedFloat confirming shotgun kyc https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/11rinux/comment/jca59af/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 21:37:15 As I see it, cbdc > btc. Cbdc will win over btc and "crypto". But monero doesnt care 21:37:53 Not shotgun I dont think 21:37:57 Fixedfloat males sure my btc is clean β™₯️ 21:38:02 Makes* 21:38:38 Which is why I use them :D 21:39:33 The last thing I need it to dump the btc for fiat and be SOL cuz some my dumb ass bought dirty money 21:39:48 Tip of the day: non fungible tokens are non fungible. 21:41:16 Money condom failed :( 21:41:21 s/Money/Monero/ 21:41:43 My 2c. You get what you pay for. 21:41:59 "Im going to use Dex to obtain btc" 🧠 21:44:04 Clean with detergent, fixed 21:46:43 If the user provides evidence that they are not involved in the crime 21:46:45 Aka, the Bitcoin is dirty and flagged 21:47:15 banks failing will push CBDC... (full message at ) 21:48:20 I stopped to use BTC when localbitcoins closed as competent people moved to localmonero.. So can dump XMR for cash directly, BTC usefulness dumped 21:51:29 "Why is everyone saying that..." <- Because they are falling to the ground in terms of stock value and seems to be in high risk to fail? :D 21:51:29 To quote the expert "Credit Suisse is in a negative feedback loop with stubborn costs and weak revenue"[https://invidious.lunar.icu/watch?v=LGDcVktRF7A] 21:51:29 * kreyren2 uploaded an image: (131KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.hyron.dev/iHCgd7zFrLBdg1J90q6bp8vIfPTngR7z/image.png > 21:51:42 * kreyren2 uploaded an image: (137KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.hyron.dev/oRxhk4wffxOQaufIKPwt14xyMvmOfjGk/image.png > 21:52:44 * kreyren2 uploaded an image: (48KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.hyron.dev/nTZDGDPuoQvT5rzSoROn9hIG3vY8EU4s/image.png > 21:52:49 global also doesn't look good 21:54:24 Put credit suisse chart to 5Y and it then look like a random shitcoin πŸ˜‚ 21:55:04 xDDDDD 21:55:05 * orion_midast[m] uploaded an image: (15KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/bCFbtiFwWAFfzhpZjYABhHyv/image.png > 21:55:14 so you guys are saying you dont trust the banks ??? 21:55:40 * kreyren2 uploaded an image: (122KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.hyron.dev/fKpKPB9iln9iq9dl8oUq0w5JiRlU1sa8/image.png > 21:55:41 germans are sweating too 21:55:42 orion_midast[m]: no 21:55:43 i don't trust none 21:55:50 whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat 21:56:20 but its illegal for them to take our money, and the government is making to take care of us 21:56:36 Trust don’t verify 21:56:36 * is making sure to take 21:56:53 come on guys, I am being sarcastic hahaha 21:57:23 I don't use bank since 2017 πŸ˜‚ 21:57:25 they can all die :D 21:57:28 orion_midast[m]: i don't mind the government part in the EU 21:57:39 RavFX[m]: would be the end of humanity 21:59:17 This is a workgroup channel, please 22:00:00 Rucknium[m]: suck my workgroup dick 22:00:00 -.- 22:00:01 * kreyren2 grins 22:01:02 * kreyren2 uploaded an image: (53KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.hyron.dev/AqKPLrYLdLz59JfnqLNTImWvzyYI1Kaq/image.png > 22:01:03 πŸ€” 22:02:57 Shane on Conduit.rs ⚑️: we've come a long way since you were last here πŸ™ lets keep things as solid as we can 22:03:57 CCS update for Computational work for OSPEAD parameterization 22:04:00 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/375#note_20899 22:05:43 Rucknium (if you wasn't aware already) 22:06:49 solid you say