08:18:47 plowsof11: "Atomic wallet rekt?" My guess is compromised infrastructure, people could have downloaded backdoored wallets planted on offical Atomic servers by criminals 08:19:32 At least that's the only explanation that comes to my mind for an exploit of this magnitude 08:21:53 And I think it's no coincidence it starts on a weekend: Less people on guard and less chances to act than on normal weekdays 08:29:44 https://nitter.sethforprivacy.com/zachxbt/status/1665080799253733377 13:04:45 Dumb question regarding the Tor POW update. 13:04:45 Presumably it's reliant on the service you're connecting to also updating? 13:04:45 If so, are there any major services that have updated to it that one can test it with? 13:06:46 Apologies, just realized I should have posted this to Monero Offtopic instead 14:40:15 "Atomic wallet rekt? or mass..." <- maybe similar to cuck's massive btc seed fuck up 15:37:37 Imagine storing more than youโ€™re willing to lose in a proprietary hot wallet 15:47:45 Lol, Atomic got drained ๐Ÿ˜‚ 15:54:18 And I thought with such a name it would even withstand atomic blasts. Sigh. 16:05:39 Was a nice looking multiwallet, but that's it. 16:05:39 First and only time I used it was when it was fresh, I could not send my coins for some reason and ended up using the seed on another wallet to have access to my funds ๐Ÿ˜‚ 16:20:23 ajs_ is on-site, Prague for Monerokon, sharing pics and misc. in#monero-events:monero.social 22:07:55 naphtha777: The maximum number of outputs per Monero transaction is 16. This is a blockchain consensus rule. 22:09:33 The log looks like it is trying to pay more of the addresses, but in your wallet there are not enough outputs for each of the transactions. You would need to start with 75/16 = 4.7.... You need to start with 5 outputs in your wallet with enough XMR to pay out to those addresses 22:10:30 Does what I said about 5 outputs make sense? 22:12:17 One output...pay to 16, 2nd output...pay to 16 addresses...3rd output...16 addressees..... with 5 outputs, you can pay to 5 * 16 addresses. Well, that's if you spend all of it. If you want a change address for each transaction, which you probably do, that's payments to 15 addresses per output you have in your wallet. 22:12:53 So you need exactly 5 outputs in your wallet to start: 75/15 = 5 22:13:18 No problem. Good luck