00:58:20 wait i just realized i misunderstood what you said 01:25:25 you need an extra one for the change output iirc 01:27:29 tried slicing the destination array to 24 addresses but it didnt work 01:27:32 16 didnt either 01:27:47 highest destination amount that worked was 15 02:09:29 "highest destination amount..." <- because the #16 is the change 02:09:29 I guess if you spend the output(s) completely (no change at all) then you can do 16 04:29:05 "because the #16 is the change..." <- > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> because the #16 is the change 04:29:05 > I guess if you spend the output(s) completely (no change at all) then you can do 16 04:29:05 yeah that makes 100% sense but i still dont understand why transfer_split doesnt work at all 04:29:31 anyways i did my own bootleg transfer split implementation 04:30:32 waits for 10 blocks between 15 destination transactions so its slow but at least its faster than sending to 1 recipient at a time 04:30:53 Lol wut 04:31:05 Reinvent the wheel with corners? huh? 04:31:38 hey it works 04:31:46 I can send to 15 people every 10 minutes even if i only have 1 input in my wallet 04:32:00 Every 20mins* 04:32:21 And i can send them all at once 04:32:58 1 recipient at a time? What blockchain are you using? 04:33:58 its 15 Recipients per tx + 1 change output 04:34:07 yes, thats what im doing, im sending 15 at a time 04:34:20 my problem is that i have to send to more than 15 people 04:34:22 naphtha777[m]: ^ 04:34:25 Bootleg? 04:34:38 The official implementation is a round wheel 04:34:42 Why bootleg it? 04:34:44 it doesnt work for me 04:34:51 User error 04:34:57 probably 04:36:03 Depending on your expencted volume, you need to keep change 04:37:24 If youre writing this softwsre, make it auto split your inputs into 16 if you end up with 3 or less 04:37:40 Aka self spend 15 outputs 04:37:47 Then sent to your people 04:38:27 * Aka send your self 1 output split into 15(16)* 04:38:48 why 16 outputs? 04:39:01 because its good for privacy 04:39:23 anything other than 2 and 16 are rare 04:40:36 Also the size difference is negligible for a 1/16. Might has well use all the outputs you can if youre running a service that requires keeping a float 04:42:13 Take 16xmr outout, send to yourself in 1xmr/16x (just sent to wallets subaddress or whatever). Now you can send 15*15 transactions at once 04:42:20 15*15 every 20 mins 04:42:38 Kk gnite 04:44:35 also, i tend to think this convo is better suited for Monero Community Dev or Monero 10:12:58 #monerujo:monero.social releases PocketChange (experimental - can only get it from github releases) [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monerujo/comments/1412gah/update_for_the_fearless_monerujo_v337_pocket/) / [Commit](https://github.com/m2049r/xmrwallet/pull/901/files) 11:02:59 do we have a torrent for Monero Means Money? 11:26:40 * monerobull[m] posted a file: Mastering Monero First Edition by SerHack and Monero Community.pdf.torrent (21KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/pYUjxmTplEhQjGvHJFqrPrUB > 11:26:41 * monerobull[m] posted a file: Monero Means Money.mp4.torrent (39KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/SBJDGTdcsUrhseLEklDNmcUR > 11:26:45 Now we have. 11:27:29 If I did anything wrong, please tell me how to improve them :) 11:54:13 monero nodes are seeing mastering monero and the bee movie script (not sure about monero means money) thanks monerobull! 11:54:13 s/seeing/seeding 14:55:10 "why 16 outputs?" <- I'm pretty sure that was explained previously. 15:01:35 ofrnxmr: While I appreciate your urge to educate, your patience is exemplary. This person, naphtha777 , does not seem to comprehend, the answers given. 15:01:35 It's pretty much, like mining btc with a CPU. 16:05:08 What is a good image to represent the EAE attack? Not necessarily literally a diagram, but some way to visually represent it? For my Monerotoptia presentation I used a screen capture from the Breaking Monero video (page 30): https://github.com/Rucknium/presentations/blob/main/Rucknium-Monerotopia-2023-Slides.pdf 16:47:33 I like this one (though it's technically EABE, and I'm not sure how well it might fit) 16:47:33 https://i.ibb.co/mCGgCZK/Monero-Link2-EABE-exclude.png 16:48:10 (Also, according to the [comment](https://libreddit.de/r/Monero/comments/idcfjj/no_one_has_reportedly_solved_this_monero_defcon/g2gd6h0/), it should be EABCE? But that doesn't seem right...) 17:31:18 I remember it being called EABCE before. I think it just got kind of shortened, but with a small ring size or a lot of repetitions of the EABCE pattern, I would think it could be analyzed broadly the same way