00:00:01 <r4v3r23[m]> stop using the official name
00:00:14 <ofrnxmr[m]> how about the community youtube and monero youtube
00:00:19 <DiegoSalazar[m]> This is kind of the point though. Core has been fine with sgp's work on Twitter so far or they would've had him removed. 
00:00:23 <sgp[m]> The ironic thing is I DONT want to be on the Twitter. It's no pay, it's a big responsibility, and everyone complains about everything
00:00:24 <louissignet[m]> Or even build a tweet poll site where community can upvote with their money whatever they want to shill, as long as fund go to general fund (view keys are public)
00:00:34 <r4v3r23[m]> so DONT
00:00:36 <r4v3r23[m]> easy solution
00:00:38 <r4v3r23[m]> kthanks
00:00:40 <DiegoSalazar[m]> If the community was to come with mass complaints to them they may act. 
00:00:46 <plowsof11> people complain the twitter is inactive then
00:00:56 <r4v3r23[m]> stupid
00:01:11 <r4v3r23[m]> so what? keep it core focused
00:01:13 <r4v3r23[m]> and people will adjust
00:01:15 <plowsof11> tweeter is for the twitonians that use the platform 
00:01:20 <r4v3r23[m]> move all the other shit to "Monero Commuity"
00:01:22 <r4v3r23[m]> everyones happy
00:01:34 <r4v3r23[m]> @monero isnt responible for monero exposure/adoption
00:01:38 <louissignet[m]> r4v3r23[m]: Theres no "official" name. It's only offiicial because most people follow it? What if it was named "MoneroCore" or "MoneroFoundation" or "MoneroOfficial"
00:01:58 <ofrnxmr[m]> Or @getmonero
00:02:00 <ofrnxmr[m]> Like @getsession
00:02:08 <louissignet[m]> Wanna grab firsts? Knock yourself out and create @monero on bluesky 
00:02:21 <DiegoSalazar[m]> Speaking of did anyone get @monero for threads?
00:02:40 <louissignet[m]> r4v3r23: this is your opportunity, hop into threads and create the "official" one
00:02:54 <r4v3r23[m]> louissignet[m]: back to my question: does core run @monero?
00:03:09 <sgp[m]> r4v3r23[m]: I answered this
00:03:11 <r4v3r23[m]> louissignet[m]: have at it, please
00:03:35 <louissignet[m]> You can't pay me enough XMR to handle the complaints
00:03:42 <plowsof11> core wish to be irrelevant as possible - they are not on twitter deciding what to like / retweet 
00:03:50 <plowsof11> if there are complaints , they will listen
00:04:10 <DiegoSalazar[m]> Core stewards, and for all intents and purposes sgp runs daily operations. 
00:04:25 <DiegoSalazar[m]> And "stewards" here means decides who runs daily operations. 
00:04:40 <r4v3r23[m]> you mean gatekeeper
00:04:48 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> lol
00:04:54 <sgp[m]> Fwiw, I wanted to hand it off the the monero.observer people, but then they left
00:05:11 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> i see why cbdc are good. No whinging
00:05:12 <sgp[m]> Hopefully they come back
00:05:16 <r4v3r23[m]> so keep it strictly core-related. way less work for you
00:05:19 <louissignet[m]> Is @monero even verified? For all we know it could be run by an anon holder. 
00:05:29 <louissignet[m]> Either follow, unfollow or create a new one
00:05:54 <ofrnxmr[m]> sgp[m]: To me bro
00:05:58 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> <r4v3r23[m]> "words. use them" <- wym ?  why respond to this. Not you i guess
00:06:21 <ofrnxmr[m]> ofrnxmr[m]: Nobody would ever know :)
00:06:26 <louissignet[m]> * anon holder.  And that's a good thing.
00:06:36 <DiegoSalazar[m]> I mean, to sum up this conversation. Strong opinions both sides. Nobody's opinion changed, and the way the twitter is currently being run probably won't change
00:07:09 <r4v3r23[m]> plowsoffor president/monero handle stewatd
00:07:15 <sgp[m]> I can add plowsof and monerobull if you all want. Probably that's cool with everyone
00:07:49 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> Diego= Switzerland 
00:07:54 <monerobull[m]> Hai hai mod pls
00:07:55 <ofrnxmr[m]> s/plowsof/ofrn
00:07:58 <plowsof11> but them i am in the pool of people who "retweeted coinbase" , the curse 
00:08:05 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> plowsof is CFO now
00:08:10 <DiegoSalazar[m]> DanrdarkIsnotthe: I did my time in these trenches man. :P
00:08:48 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> we get plowsof to do more and payless? .merge
00:09:19 <plowsof11> monerobull is a willing mod, i want to stand outside and throw rocks in peace 
00:09:23 <r4v3r23[m]> DiegoSalazar[m]: thats not for you to decide
00:09:24 <ofrnxmr[m]> Plowsof busy doing real work
00:09:24 <DiegoSalazar[m]> plowsof11: It gets old. Run while you can. 
00:09:35 <ofrnxmr[m]> Meanwhile im trying to contact mining pools
00:09:40 <r4v3r23[m]> original context is that the @monero / getmonero.org shouldnt be a place to be seen as support/approval from core or official project
00:09:50 <DiegoSalazar[m]> r4v3r23[m]: I'm just saying what will practically happen. 
00:09:54 <monerobull[m]> ofrnxmr[m]: Lol
00:10:05 <monerobull[m]> Pools are the definition of passive income 
00:10:08 <r4v3r23[m]> DiegoSalazar[m]: nice opinion
00:10:15 <monerobull[m]> Don't bother
00:10:21 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> lol
00:10:37 <sgp[m]> I respect the attempt :)
00:10:45 <ofrnxmr[m]> DiegoSalazar[m]: cryptogrampy:  uses a scooter now
00:10:48 <sgp[m]> Someone's gotta try
00:10:52 <monerobull[m]> Still mad foxcon didn't reply to my sponsorship request 
00:11:10 <ofrnxmr[m]> sgp[m]: Which?
00:11:12 <DiegoSalazar[m]> r4v3r23[m]: Ye
00:11:18 <ofrnxmr[m]> I was successful
00:11:20 <sgp[m]> ofrnxmr[m]: To reach out to pools
00:11:22 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> meeting adjourned ๐Ÿ”จ
00:11:39 <ofrnxmr[m]> sgp[m]: Yeah. I got a lot done
00:11:45 <ofrnxmr[m]> Just language barrier with a few
00:11:55 <ofrnxmr[m]> And hard time getting reply from bigger pools
00:11:56 <louissignet[m]> +1 monerobull so the account gets some monerochan flavor 
00:12:35 <DiegoSalazar[m]> If anything adding more people will mean more things tweeted. :P
00:12:36 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> how about we make ai in charge. No human issues involved 
00:12:49 <louissignet[m]> monerochan ai
00:12:55 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> problem fixed
00:12:56 <ofrnxmr[m]> DiegoSalazar[m]: I tweet from my own acct
00:13:00 <monerobull[m]> louissignet[m]: We have that
00:14:50 <louissignet[m]> as if ai wasn't dangerous enough already ๐Ÿ˜‚
00:14:50 <plowsof11> more importantly - we got to talk to each other 
00:15:09 * monerobull[m] uploaded an image: (328KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/fhhqNalZbEndoclHAzaZlffA/00001-1259777924.png >
00:15:14 * monerobull[m] uploaded an image: (696KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/AACkcoObsvCAqHvtaTeJqBMe/00090-2148051517.png >
00:15:21 * monerobull[m] uploaded an image: (1629KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/wZKvvICmzeydeygEuGKmenUS/00004-3548510760.png >
00:15:44 <sgp[m]> Lol, monerobull never misses an opportunity to share chans ๐Ÿ˜‚
00:16:05 <monerobull[m]> It's on-topic ok
00:16:45 <monerobull[m]> monerobull[m]: >anonymous mask on head
00:16:50 <monerobull[m]> Gives me this 
00:17:05 <monerobull[m]> * "anonymous mask on head"
00:17:45 <DiegoSalazar[m]> Monerobull plz make monerochan theme for Stack plz
00:18:09 <monerobull[m]> I thought you already have that
00:18:36 <xmrscott[m]> AIs are blackboxes controlled by corporate entities. Do you really want to hand over control to them? :P
00:18:56 <monerobull[m]> No they aren't
00:19:08 <monerobull[m]> I made all of those images locally
00:19:31 <sgp[m]> You have a special chan-trained model?
00:19:38 <monerobull[m]> Yup
00:19:52 <monerobull[m]> https://civitai.com/models/23982/monerochan
00:21:00 <DiegoSalazar[m]> monerobull[m]: We have a chans theme. But it has a bunch of different chans
00:21:12 <DiegoSalazar[m]> What if JUST a bunch of monero chans everywhere?
00:21:31 <sgp[m]> monerobull[m]: I shouldn't be surprised ๐Ÿ™‚
00:21:38 <DiegoSalazar[m]> As a background. For every icon. Etc.
00:33:50 * louissignet[m] uploaded an image: (1418KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/saUnrIUjtUSiaVpyWPYuyMnc/Screenshot%202023-07-09%20at%202.31.10.png >
00:33:52 <louissignet[m]> Wen CCS for Monerochan AI Twitter Bot? Like the @McPepes_AI account. Great for meme warfare
00:46:51 <TrasherDK[m]> For fuck's sake. Gimme a break! ๐Ÿ˜ข
00:46:59 * TrasherDK[m] uploaded an image: (7KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/monero.social/cXGpYActNeTOOAgHoSqLoWys/image.png >
02:43:57 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/14tbku1/verifying_the_getmoneroorg_wallet/
02:44:09 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> Theres a new wallet?
09:21:50 <monerobull[m]> <DiegoSalazar[m]> "Speaking of did anyone get @..." <- Don't need that
09:25:12 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> Fck bookface
09:42:30 <monerobull[m]> We have monero.town, people can follow accounts there from everywhere that has activitypub
09:43:18 <hbs[m]> monero on bluesky is taken but has no activity so far, is that from someone present here?
09:44:07 <monerobull[m]> monerobull[m]: Unless we defederate from Facebook servers
09:47:49 <rbrunner> You can most often see things also in a different way: https://blog.bloonface.com/2023/07/04/the-fediverse-is-a-privacy-nightmare/
09:51:52 <DanrdarkIsnotthe> Welcome to the federation 
09:52:28 <rbrunner> And another one that I found pretty interesting: https://ploum.net/2023-06-23-how-to-kill-decentralised-networks.html
09:52:47 <rbrunner> (Maybe linked already? Maybe I got it from here ...)
13:06:40 <merope> <monerobull[m]> "Don't need that" <- Still a good idea to get it, for spam/impersonation prevention
13:08:05 <monerobull[m]> If it ever federates with the rest of activitypub it doesn't matter anyways 
13:09:59 <spirobel[m]> <rbrunner> "You can most often see things..." <- this. Also: you have the twitter social dynamics of status games and larping with the added twist that the admins are basically mini elons. 
13:11:29 <spirobel[m]> activity pub, at protocol, nostr and all this other stuff are just bloated versions of smtp
13:12:14 <spirobel[m]> email lists have better UX than this. 
13:23:44 <spirobel[m]> monerobull is our mini elon 
13:25:17 <monerobull[m]> Kek
13:26:14 <rbrunner> Eh, one has to do the job and sacrifice themselves for the greater good
13:26:24 <blankpage[m]> Coming soon to monero.town : only verified (3 XMR) blue monerochan users can make posts
13:28:40 <monerobull[m]> monerobull[m]: I was already mod on the subreddit, the only difference here is that I now run the infrastructure and in exchange there's no Userdata sold to databrokers
13:34:00 <spirobel[m]> <monerobull[m]> "I was already mod on the..." <- (and you have elon mode: see who voted for what, change the votes, see everything, change everything.)
13:35:46 <monerobull[m]> I have a raw database that is true 
13:36:01 <monerobull[m]> I'm sure Elon has a cool dashboard for interacting with it
13:36:49 <spirobel[m]> monerobull[m]: you can use chatgpt to make yourself some SQL querys
13:37:05 <spirobel[m]> just feed the schema as context 
13:37:27 <spirobel[m]> more powerful than a dashboard
13:39:40 <monerobull[m]> I am aware, I am also not an unethical lizard
13:40:11 <blankpage[m]> New matrix channel for meta/live discussion of monero.town stuff
13:40:11 <blankpage[m]> #monero.town:monero.social
13:41:27 <spirobel[m]> monerobull[m]: How do we know? ๐ŸฆŽ๐ŸฆŽ๐ŸฆŽ
13:42:31 <monerobull[m]> Hmm
13:44:16 <monerobull[m]> Could in theory the Lemmy database use some form of zero knowledge encryption? 
13:45:43 <monerobull[m]> Of course it's majorly more complex to have people create zero knowledge proofs when upvoting instead of whatever it currently does but it would be cool
13:47:58 <spirobel[m]> yes that would be possible ... but all of the voters should publish their votes elsewhere
13:48:36 <spirobel[m]> on the blockchain ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
13:48:57 <monerobull[m]> Oh god then it will never get adopted 
13:49:43 <spirobel[m]> or we just need to change that stupid perception that only financial transactions can be recorded. (it is wrong anyway.)
13:50:09 * monerobull[m] uploaded an image: (90KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/CcDUeSfxjbEtDyzhHAJiMJwY/grafik.png >
13:50:18 <monerobull[m]> sorry, blockchain is evil
13:51:41 <monerobull[m]> that list is amazing
13:52:02 <monerobull[m]> https://freethought.online/ has 10 registered users
13:52:23 <monerobull[m]> But blocks 1157 instances
13:53:41 <plowsof11> they used their own rule 8 (stereotyping) to block Monero with rule 4 (no scams) :(
13:54:13 <nioc> <blankpage[m]> New matrix channel for meta/live discussion of monero.town stuff 
13:54:13 <nioc> #monero.town:monero.social     
13:54:17 <nioc> ^^ I am sure when the channel created it was bridged to IRC 
13:54:31 <nioc> ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)
13:55:17 <monerobull[m]> does that happen automatically?
13:55:47 <nioc> I would not think so
13:56:05 <monerobull[m]> ok great
13:56:34 <monerobull[m]> if it were, i would have taken back my clowning on the irc bridge 
13:56:52 <monerobull[m]> seems like the discord bridge is still many times better ;)
14:00:51 <louissignet[m]> Can we bridge reddit posts to lemmy?
14:00:57 <louissignet[m]> Sorry, wrong channel
14:13:23 <plowsof11> bridging matrix rooms to IRC is simple (widgets->IRC libera dot chat bridge) should be up and running in no time