01:07:53 Diego Salazar: liiinnnnkkkk 01:10:12 https://www.amazon.com/Bellmaker-Diego-Salazar-ebook/dp/B0CC4NW3CD/ 04:17:52 Hello guys, here is a little article of mine on chainanal and co. Enjoy :) 04:17:52 https://mises.org/wire/government-wants-turn-blockchain-firms-servants-state 08:39:13 Does anyone here trust their bank? 10:58:20 * Mellow[m] uploaded an image: (13KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/GLiZKLlXGPgKWmcDwMbRlpRH/Screenshot_20230728_235804_Brave.jpg > 10:58:20 "Does anyone here trust their..." <- Skeptical but keep some money in it 11:12:38 I want to be able to pay for stuff but not them find out what, most places don't take cash moreover if I'm online and they only take credit card? 11:12:41 What can one do? 11:13:03 I do not live in the us and can use something like privacy.com 11:23:22 "I want to be able to pay for..." <- I believe theres services that essentially lets you pay with monero... coinpay.cr, coinsbee.com, bitrefill.com 11:23:58 But I don't have a great way to get monero without kyc or my bank account 11:24:12 There is none selling for cash where I am 11:47:54 You got local monero or mining  11:48:23 They’ll only see you sending money to someone  12:09:31 "There is none selling for cash..." <- Post an ad to _buy_ 12:10:16 Everybody does what you do.. looks at the ads, rhen says "nobody is here"... 12:10:16 actually, there are a LOT more people "looking" than have ads up.x 12:10:16 post an ad. 14:28:05 I posted an ad, let's see what happens 14:51:40 "Everybody does what you do..." <- > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> Everybody does what you do.. looks at the ads, rhen says "nobody is here"...... (full message at ) 14:54:49 LocalMonero? 18:26:39 https://ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required/ 22:20:37 Move purgatory css funds to jb