00:00:36 It did I thinl 00:00:36 It did I think 00:00:37 I'm pretty sure this is nanopool's second time 00:01:03 okay, is there any discussion on this that you can point me to? 00:01:57 Well I guess the only thing to do would be to make randomx use more memory 00:02:01 Just nanopool getting over 51% hr afaik 00:02:01 Did they tried to do something evil? 00:02:05 As currently miners don't have to use much for mining, less than 10mb iirc 00:02:06 Not enough people migrating to p2pool... 00:02:44 Any double spends would be seen in logs 00:02:45 With block rearragement 00:02:46 With block rearrangement 00:03:35 People just want to pool with more hr or something. 00:03:35 Could have append to MineXMR but they closed the pool to disperse the hr 00:03:43 ntma: recanman : A pool having more than 50% hashrate does not mean a 51% attack has occurred. 00:04:06 Some governments have nuclear weapons. Does that mean that they launched a nuclear attack yesterday? 00:04:14 With big block rearrangements 00:04:20 They have to mine on another chain with a higher difficulty 00:04:35 Right? 00:04:43 Then reorganize the blocks? 00:04:45 Once I 51% attacked a testnet of a coin forked from Monero. I know what it looks like. Node operators would see deep block re-orgs. 00:04:46 I'm not saying that a government did this but like 00:04:47 51% attack is like the achilles heel of proof of work systems 00:04:48 im surprised there isn't more discussion on this is all 00:05:11 recanman: They have to mine a secret attacking chain. So Nanopool would have "disappeared" from the hash rate rankings for a wile. 00:05:29 Oh 00:05:52 ntma: More discussion on monero.town 00:06:07 There wasn't a 51% attack 00:07:06 thank you 02:36:35 I wanna buy roblox with xmr 02:36:58 Because like dj khaled said, life is roblox 03:32:28 recanman: https://youtu.be/SHpYhdMB18Q 03:32:57 2min 10:07:08 What are your opinions om mobilecoin? 10:16:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> it got removed from molly sooo 10:17:32 https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/mm5dri/mobilecoin_is_censored_100_premined_and_vcfunded/ 10:17:50 https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/tg0qes/tell_signal_what_you_think_about_mobilecoin/ 10:31:19 Same situation here 10:31:32 Molly has an f-droid repo which is just convenient 18:49:56 Signal: You can install from the Play Store or download the APK from the website 18:49:56 Molly: 18:49:57 - Github releases 18:49:57 - Third party F-droid repo 18:49:58 - Accrescant 22:52:05 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> curious why monero policies is on google docs? cant use onlyoffice workspace?