16:16:36 Not be beat a dead horse, but I’m pinging luigi1111 again about CCS payment 16:17:27 he should be back now 16:17:28 Hello I'm back 16:17:37 :D 16:18:59 Welcome back ! 17:08:11 While I'll reply on GH when I can, I'd like to note even if boog9000 can't for a full document in 2m, it's worth funding them to do 2m, to get a substantial quantity of work and proper knowledge of how long such works take. 17:09:15 I'd also note large amount of work has already been done 17:09:24 I have discussed Monero protocol bs for hours *each* with the two Justins and boog9000 17:09:47 I have discussed Monero protocol bs for hours with the two Justins and boog9000 *each* 17:11:04 While I won't say any of us is mooo, I will say boog9000 has already worked with the protocol, sometimes specifically to locate rules and edge conditions, spending tens of, if not hundreds, of hours to do so. 17:12:30 As a side note, if anyone wants to do a Monero protocol trivia night, lmk 👀 18:59:39 allaahu akbar 21:18:54 wtf 21:20:03 Lol 😂 21:20:45 😭🌯 21:29:32 Hi. What is the best android wallet? I have my own remote node so I would prefer quick sync using it. 21:32:00 monerujo, cake wallet and stack wallet are the 3 that are usually recommended 21:33:44 Am trying monerujo which looks nice but it's taking ages for syncing. I don't need that level of security as I can trust my own node 21:33:50 Let me try cake wallet 21:35:43 Which should be similar though, maybe 'edge' is what am looking for. My monero seems buggy 21:45:38 both monerujo and cake support local nodes, and I'm pretty sure stack does too 21:46:01 I would not recommend either of those 21:46:43 I speed it up setting the start date when I actually started using monero. Saving a lot of time. 21:46:43 Edge I deleted immediately as started to ask about creating account and stuff 21:47:44 I2p node on cake that's where I connect or onion. I'm gonna setup a i2p node so I can connect to it. 21:49:14 right, restoring wallet from the correct height makes it a lot faster. What I meant is that if you have a monero node in your home network, you can instruct the app to connect to it. Gives you blazing fast sync 21:53:35 Yes, even though I needed to set the public ip otherwise cannot use it when I am outside my wifi. 21:53:35 BTW setting a reasonable height has shorted the process a lot. Trying monerujo as well as https://monero.com/ which seems to be fine as well, by the cake wallet as well 21:56:52 There is also Anonero a new one. Also takes i2p and onion as well works fine. Im pretty sure it's also open source as well, if I'm not mistaken. 21:59:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> [plowsof]() can you add 21:59:41 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/879 21:59:41 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> To the meeting. Miss use of offical email 23:06:00 i can't say god is the greatest now? 23:06:01 is he not? 23:09:14 you can. in #monero-offtopic 23:10:37 salam alaykum would be a better opening line :) 23:15:26 Making my very first i2p node can't wait to connect to it once I'm done.