00:12:54 I could take over this one after monerophp CCS but not sure 00:13:00 I could take over this one after monerophp CCS but not sure about time 04:56:06 Yall xmr dudes freaky ash wtf 04:56:09 Monero discord is appauling 04:56:26 On some outright chicanery 05:06:06 Just delete this server atp 05:19:51 speak english zoomie 05:20:53 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621366094531133461/1141964914219569174/cbt.mp4 05:22:42 One of the members in the discord has been talking about grooming the other members as a jok 05:22:52 One of the members in the discord has been talking about grooming the other members as a joke 05:23:08 They know who they are 05:23:08 Pure degeneracy 05:23:33 The other members being 15 and 14 respectivelt 05:23:36 The other members being 15 and 14 respectively 05:23:43 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621366094531133461/1141965622306152499/top.png.jpg 05:23:49 yeh discord in general is full of groomers isnt it? worst chat app 05:25:05 Here's a quick sample guys 05:25:12 Hello guys ☺️ I love you all. 05:25:27 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/rhzmiqEiTvOPfXmTdqLvLkRe 05:25:27 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/eZlWwHkoQwsDfEkENaAfOWKB 05:25:28 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ygRrhpHKOgaHhDIlXXWPfgHL 05:26:05 yuck dood 05:26:35 These are the people representing our community on discord 💀 05:27:10 Wasn't me I'm a victim. 05:27:30 There's been 2 racist pedophile jews within the last year in this discord, no euphemism or joke 05:27:32 lmao 05:27:44 I'm being serious 05:27:45 isnt there a mod 05:28:05 Bro thinks mods are doing their jobs there 05:29:55 Not only that but it turns out both of them are autistic and one of them is disabled 05:31:06 The disabled one has posted disgusting content multiple times, like his s*men, a man's c*ck (the same man he caugh t an std from) and his bare ass (while minors were in chat) 05:31:32 One of them had to extort him and report him to multiple mods before he actually left the server 05:31:58 Uh I bought some monero today to make monerochan happy we straight right. 05:31:59 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621366094531133461/1141967703637229608/image0.gif 05:32:30 Anything to support the queen 👑 05:32:57 needmoney90 @needmoney90:libera.chat: 05:33:12 is this an official server? If yes, monerobull @monerobull:matrix.org: may have mod right (he runs the matrix-discord bridge) 05:33:32 welcome to the internet 05:33:39 He does 05:33:55 I agree, nsfw images are indeed an issue 05:34:45 And also last night chat degenerated to literal furry porn and nazi propaganda 05:34:49 We had a nsfw channel as a quarantine zone but someone got reeeealy pissy about that one 05:35:02 This does not look good for us ngl 05:35:15 Just nuke it 05:36:35 Also A LOT of racial slurs 05:37:28 There were so many people saying the n word that when it got banned they started using the word scholar to make fun of a black kid who got shot and was called a scholar on news sites 05:38:08 When the word got banned by bayork (thank him for doing his job) 05:40:26 i dont see anything horrific here at first glance. have to go to work now. 05:40:45 Imagine ppl start learning abt xmr and the stuff there is what they see 05:41:19 Scroll up 💀 05:41:46 abu chill tf out, just wait for bayork later or something smh 05:53:12 monero is for everyone. We shouldn't try to "nuke" splinter groups, but rather give them their own little containment area 05:59:30 monerobull 90% of discord's #general can be just deleted or moved to #off-topic. I stopped reading it because it's just 2-3 people shitposting there 24/7 06:00:06 They're not talking about Monero or anything related, it's just straight up off-topic there 06:00:46 I suggest start giving out temporary bans for off-topic in #general 06:03:35 yall saw the furry porn and nazi propaganda 💀 06:03:39 this is very not good 06:04:31 oml frog 06:05:03 from:phrog.e 06:05:51 from:phrog.e has:file 06:11:11 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621366094531133461/1141977566522134559/memes.mp4 06:33:58 Temp bans for off topic in general is gonna ban most of the active users 06:34:17 Oh no 06:34:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ban all 06:35:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Enough fluffy! 06:35:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Even fluffy! 06:39:19 maybe start with an announcement that all off topic posts must be posted in offtopic 06:40:35 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> use to be ofrn job 06:40:53 "most of the active users" do you mean shitposters? 12:37:04 I think we should nuke discord users 12:44:14 nah man that discord server be from ohio fr 💀 14:46:41 We good no worries 😊 17:15:14 https://tenor.com/view/skull-skull-emoji-sus-smile-gif-25113334 17:35:54 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621366094531133461/1142149881574731837/stans_are_shat.mp4 18:05:57 A fun place for everyone to join and feel welcome 😺☕ 19:08:09 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621366094531133461/1142173093364764758/wtf.gif 19:09:57 :kek: :pepelmfaoooo: come Join us friend you are welcome here. 19:10:14 Ofrn is my son 19:11:10 😊 19:17:56 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Darth Vader