05:36:08 Is the operator of moner.fail here? 05:36:59 Is the operator of monerp.fail here? 05:37:02 Is the operator of monero.fail here? 05:37:04 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> monero* 07:16:44 midipoet name_of_workgroup @ getmonero is valid for official communications but if im using it to sell something for my own personal profit, id appear as being endorsed in some way. Request some transparency / curve the behaviour / remove it entirely. As for the personalised michael@ address , who else has one of those? Everyone? Listed on an 07:16:44 invoice also. 07:18:48 Is this a member of core im communicating with? Probably 07:22:06 A list of people with handles to getmonero, stating their role does not exist afaict then let people decide 07:22:21 plowsof: isn't hardware a work group though? It has its own IRC channel. Also, there are a host of personal/individual mail addresses that are still active that perhaps could be disabled. sarang@, surae@, and even some others. 07:23:48 Yes, maybe start listing all emails and then others can decide who keeps one (seems slightly odd, but anyway). I also think the "who gets an email" discussion is slightly different from the "misuse of email" discussion. 07:32:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> email audit 08:10:50 and probably some calls for yet another policy/process, which includes a mechanism for email transparency/audibility (otherwise how would we know if the emails are getting misused?) 08:30:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> youd have to look at emails sent 09:52:12 If policy/process is required, would it not be easier to remove all personalised emails from getmonero to avoid confusion of the persons role in the monero project? But then if the email has been in use for five years a notice period would be required. 10:41:53 Is this the OpenMonero authors address https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/15w7y3r/thank_you_to_the_anonymous_donor_who_donated_016/ 10:43:28 Im thinking of the monero-lws alternative. This openmonero is something else 10:45:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Like the newsletter? 10:45:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Openmonero 11:02:41 Yes i wasnt aware of the newsletter site 11:04:31 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Different to what rotten does? 14:28:25 RIP monero observer 14:28:39 hands down best monero news feed there ever was 16:58:24 escapethe3ra will come back at some point I hope 16:58:30 It was quite useful 20:48:47 could anyone confirm, that for a twisted edwards curve with q=23, a=11, d=17, when I add P1(1,3) and P2(2,2) the resulting point will be P3(9, 9)? 20:50:07 I just picked random numbers to test if I really understood the concept, by solving with a script I wrote 21:39:15 might have more luck in #monero-research-lounge or #monero-community-dev 22:04:39 thanks, will try later