01:32:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Might run an archieve box and crawl the sites 01:32:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Like google but without selling 04:33:54 Members of various events groups are doing onsite outreach. It's only the online outreach that the Monero community has abandoned. 08:32:07 How long does it usually take to get support from monerosupplies? I made an order and got over 10 confirmations before it expired on my end but it still expired. (The reciever address is correct) 08:35:27 Did you order about 2 days ago? 08:36:05 Killercat103: 08:36:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ANSWER ME! 08:37:23 If yes, I got the order and it will be shipped today 08:39:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> gotta post comment and run 08:40:05 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> gotta love post comment and run 09:17:57 are there ways to do like smart contract crowdfunding with monero 09:57:46 No, for lack of smart contracts :) 10:01:40 so there is monero crowdfunding? 10:02:04 https://ccs.getmonero.org/ 10:03:15 If you ask me, avoiding any kind of smart contract is pretty smart. You are really lucky if you get a "smart" contract that has no bug, and is exploitable somehow. 10:03:32 *isn't exploitable 10:03:44 I'm scared for serai already 10:04:06 Feels like every defi protocol ever is getting exploited at some point 10:04:13 Isn't that only clever multisig and some BTC ops thrown in? 10:04:53 It is yeah 10:05:50 You still need to account for so much 10:05:50 Probably more than a regular defi protocol 10:08:09 It's also way easier for a potential attacker to run away with monero than having to first wash through tornado cash lmao 10:08:50 i more looking for a way to crowdfund anonymously on like forums and stuff not specifically for monero development 10:09:09 There's the wishlist thing 10:09:12 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: 11:17:14 could you do some smart contract crowdfunding thingy with wrapped XMR (if that is still a thing?) 11:21:23 m​idipoet: An earlier version of Seraphis would have allowed collaborative fundraising on the blockchain: The funding threshold must be reached or none of the donors actually pay. Like a pledge. 11:23:52 Search "collaborative" here: https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/91 12:23:00 Serai wants to do wrapped xmr at some point 12:23:06 So you could do it with that probably 13:53:04 Hi there. I'm trying to run a Monero private node with a TOR service for RPC. I'm using the https://www.maketecheasier.com/host-monero-node-on-tor-linux/ instructions. However, when I go to finally run daemon it complains : > quote --rpc-bind-ip permits inbound unencrypted external connections. Consider SSH tunnel or SSL proxy instead. Override with --confirm-external-bind 13:53:13 Hi there. I'm trying to run a Monero private node with a TOR service for RPC. I'm using the https://www.maketecheasier.com/host-monero-node-on-tor-linux/ instructions. However, when I go to finally run daemon it complains : --rpc-bind-ip permits inbound unencrypted external connections. Consider SSH tunnel or SSL proxy instead. Override with --confirm-external-bind 13:54:41 Are there any implications I should be aware of, and how can I resolve this exception and run a private TOR Monero RPC correctly without any privacy concerns or security risks? 13:55:19 Hi there. I'm trying to run a Monero private node with a TOR service for RPC. I'm using the https://www.maketecheasier.com/host-monero-node-on-tor-linux/ instructions. However, when I run the monero daemon it complains : --rpc-bind-ip permits inbound unencrypted external connections. Consider SSH tunnel or SSL proxy instead. Override with --confirm-external-bind 13:55:34 Hi there. I'm trying to run a Monero private node with a TOR service for RPC. I'm using the https://www.maketecheasier.com/host-monero-node-on-tor-linux/ instructions. However, when I run the monero daemon it complains : --rpc-bind-ip permits inbound unencrypted external connections. Consider SSH tunnel or SSL proxy instead. Override with --confirm-external-bind 13:56:56 Hi there. I'm trying to run a Monero private node with a TOR service for RPC. I'm using the https://www.maketecheasier.com/host-monero-node-on-tor-linux/ instructions. However, when I run the monero daemon it complains : "--rpc-bind-ip permits inbound unencrypted external connections. Consider SSH tunnel or SSL proxy instead. Override with --confirm-external-bind" 13:57:54 just read what it says. You're binding to an external ip, and it will allow inbound unencrypted connections. It's generally not safe to do so. If you still want to do it, add --confirm-external-bind to the command line 14:03:49 I don't want it to be unsafe. I'm questioning the validity and effectiveness of this set of instructions which is not even a year old. The 18081 RPC port is supposed to be set up as a TOR hidden service in this article. Does this make any difference in this case? 14:04:14 Aren't TOR connection tunneled through secure connections anyway? 14:05:59 If this tutorial is in fact correctly configuring TOR to handle all connection to monerod on the RPC port 18081 then isn't that also dictating that all connection are in fact encrypted right up until the local machine inside the TOR service running on the same host as monerod? 14:07:16 If this tutorial is in fact correctly configuring TOR to handle all connections to monerod on the RPC port 18081 then isn't that also dictating that all connection are in fact encrypted right up until the local machine inside the TOR service running on the same host as monerod? 14:09:23 If this tutorial is in fact correctly configuring TOR to handle all connections to monerod on the RPC port 18081 then isn't that also dictating that all connections right up to the TOR service running on the same host as monerod are encrypted? 14:11:17 Does this tutorial prevent monerod from accessing the local network via the internal IP address (for example, a NAT IP address slconfifured by the DHCP router hardware external to the machine hosting TOR and monerod?) 14:13:37 When binding the monerod IP address to in the bitmonero configuration file, is that preventing monerod from accessing the real DHCP IP address that the network router has provided to the machine hosting TOR and monerod? 14:15:40 Also when editing the TOR configuration file, does ”Hidden ServiceDir /var/lib/tor/monero” tell the TOR service which programme needs to be forced to use TOR? 14:17:32 Also what does ”HiddenServicePort 18081" do in the torrc file? 14:18:12 Aren't TOR connections tunneled through secure connections anyway? 14:19:10 it just routes traffic from tor port 18081 to localhost 18081 which should be your rpc 14:19:21 Does this tutorial prevent monerod from accessing the local network via the internal IP address (for example, a NAT IP address provided autpmatically by the DHCP router hardware external to the machine hosting TOR and monerod)? 14:19:47 first is directory where is data related to your hidden service, private keys, cache 14:20:07 second is port mapping, first is hs port and then your local ip:port 14:23:10 Okay so /var/lib/tor/monero just contains hidden service data, like onion address and ports to forward on local machine, amongst other tor configuration data. Thank you 14:25:36 so that tor port setting is forwarding anything that's coming to the onion address for that toe hidden service (monero) to the local machinen IP address only, just like a regular router would port forward on a standard internal network of machines? I think I get it. Thank you. 14:25:58 so that tor port setting is forwarding anything that's coming to the onion address for that tor hidden service (monero) to the local machinen IP address only, just like a regular router would port forward on a standard internal network of machines? I think I get it. Thank you. 14:27:06 ye basically 14:27:16 why all messages double? 14:29:49 Not sure. Not double here. Maybe because I edited them and the Matrix to IRC bridge isn't handling deletions of originals properly? Might be something to take up with the Matrix Monero Community administrators? 14:31:10 ye dunno maybe that :) no biggie 14:31:50 So am I safe running it this way, seeing as it is apparently set up so that no connections can be made to monerod without first going through the tor service running on the same host? 14:33:12 on torrc you should always bind to localhost for security reasons 14:33:24 monerod is running on localhost 14:33:38 if you want to "share" it over tor you need that setup 14:33:43 not sure I got your question 14:34:22 Does that tutorial cover that? 14:34:44 guess I missed that part ... which tutorial? 14:34:59 * kico scrolls up 14:35:13 what exactly are you trying to achieve? 14:35:37 I linked the instructions I'm following above. Do those instructions on the maketecheasier site correctly configure tor and monerod for safe tor only operarion? 14:36:14 I linked the instructions I'm following above. Do those instructions on the maketecheasier site correctly configure tor and monerod for safe tor only operation? 14:36:55 I guess if you only want it to run over tor 14:36:57 rpc-bind-ip= 14:37:04 change that to 14:37:25 also make sure to change the rpc password 14:37:33 So what does the do? 14:37:54 And why change it to 14:38:11 I'm nor familiar with the differences in these IP addresses. 14:38:14 it binds monerod to all addresses for the machine both localhost and external/localnetwork 14:38:45 if you don't want to use it over LAN or to expose externally then bind to localhost only 14:38:57 DataHoarder seems like for some reason a few Matrix<->IRC messages are getting relayed twice. see above. 14:39:00 do a search regarding for moar info 14:39:15 So would allow port 18080 to work as normal through any network? 14:39:39 depends if behind NAT or not 14:40:01 I don't mind that as that helps the network, doesn't it? 14:40:07 Those are edits dukenukem 14:40:16 if your PC is in a LAN/router you probably have a localip like 192.168.*.* 14:40:27 other than 14:40:34 it's up to you 14:40:34 The whole message is repeated again on each edit sadly 14:40:36 :) 14:40:39 External 18080 is port forwarded to the monerod machine from my ISP router. 14:40:44 see the last word, it had a typo dukenukem 14:40:52 then you need 14:41:16 as long as you don't forward 18081 then the rpc is not externally exposed 14:41:32 and then you expose it to tor over torrc 14:42:15 Port 18081 is not port forwarded as I don't want anyone else using the RPC port. That's just for me. 14:43:35 ye that's cool 14:43:51 I used the tutorial I linked above because it appears to allow 18081 only on local machine through TOR. 14:44:04 well ... 14:44:28 I just didn't really understand how it operated until now. 14:44:38 if your machine had an external IP (as ex. a VPS) then if you bind monerod to your external ip would also be binded to it 14:44:57 since you didn't need to portforward 14:45:01 but since you do 14:45:06 is fine 14:45:09 for this usecase 14:45:56 So I can make a TOR connection to RPC on my monerod, and I can make a local network connection inside my firewall on port 18081, but not from an external IP address without TOR. 14:46:16 ye 14:47:07 The wonders of network appliances, hardware firewalls and routers... 14:47:09 🤗 14:48:46 hehhe 14:48:50 welcome to the internet sir 14:50:03 Okay, so is catch all, and is local host only. I should really already know this. Thanks for the clarification. Toyve been a great help. So in this instance, behind a hardware firewall, I can safely "--confirm-external-bind", correct? 14:50:52 Hahaha. I have been using it since 1994, you'd think I would know those basics by now. Haha. 14:51:08 you can but don't really need that if you're not exposing it externally 14:51:22 make sure to run --restricted-rpc 14:53:24 If it's too basic, I forget. If its complex I seem to remember. I even compiled from source code just a few days ago, and was told it was something I should be proud to achieve. It seemed like nothing to me. (Partly quoting Delores, haha). 14:53:27 also make sure to use V3 .onions 14:53:59 and maybe you should take a look at ddos prevention for v3 14:54:55 https://community.torproject.org/onion-services/advanced/dos/ 14:54:55 Well I do need to as monerod exits immediately if I don't confirm external bind. 14:55:15 because you're binding to I guess 14:55:16 I have no idea what v3 onions are 14:55:37 version 3 of the tor addresses 14:55:44 take a peak at that link ^ 14:55:58 Well yes. The whole reason I came here in the first place was because monerod complained and exited immediately haha 14:56:08 :) 14:56:33 sorry I kinda jumped into the talk without reading the backlog 14:57:38 more on the ddos prevention system 14:57:39 https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/torspec/-/blob/main/proposals/327-pow-over-intro.txt 14:57:52 it uses POW <3 14:58:05 In my use case, with 18080 port forwarded from regular clear net, and port 18081 needing to go over TOR on the local host, I can't really see a way that I can avoid that exception without confirming the external bind in monerod configuration file 14:58:41 ye you need it my bad 14:58:51 POW? 14:59:01 I think only if you bind to you can not use it 14:59:06 The ddos prevention uses Proof Of Work? 14:59:12 proof of work 14:59:31 first use case for proof of work was spam protection 14:59:33 :) 15:00:10 satoshi didn't really invent much he just merged some existing shit in a new interesting way ;) 15:00:33 Yes, I won't be able to provide clear net 18080 access to my node for helping the network synchronise isni bind to 15:01:02 Oh, hold on... 15:01:04 if you don't port forward 18080 you just get not incomming peers 15:01:11 I'm being silly. 15:01:20 which still works but "helps" less the network 15:01:43 I'm not thinking right 15:01:51 hehehe 15:02:07 take a break and reassess 15:02:09 :P 15:02:16 I'll brb! 15:02:19 Were talking about clear net access to 18080 which isn't RPC 15:02:29 Ugh 15:02:31 yeah thats p2p 15:02:41 gtg 15:02:42 Ignore me. 15:02:44 good luck sir 15:02:44 Haha 15:03:00 Thank you for your help. 17:32:46 great comment by koe (I thought) on the "retroactive funding" CCS: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/403#note_22226 17:54:54 I find it rather hilarious that push back so hard against this proposal, even though you effectively also got funded retroactively. 19:03:02 I'll help anyone interested in how to earn 15BTC within 3 days and hours but you will reimburse me 10% of your dividend when you collect it. Note: only interested people should send a friend request or click on the link and send me a dm via WhatsApp +1 (312) 313‑4720 19:03:03 immediately. 20:12:13 damn, so the Oscar campaign has already happened? 😱 20:12:19 news to me 20:26:36 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lmao i thought the same 20:27:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Still cant find what css proposals monero twatter promoted 20:27:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> This is the only one i know of. Which in itself sus 20:29:07 you're talking about the @monero handle? how did it promote the ccs? 20:29:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> But anyway lets ban ofrn the scam hunter 20:30:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Twatter 20:31:30 geonic: by "effectively" I meant that your part of the work is already completed. On paper you raised funds for 3rd party fees, but I think you are smart enough to budget properly. Its just a convenient workaround for that pesky "all work must be open at all time" rule 20:32:16 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/403#note_22229 20:32:27 "You see officer, only the advertisement fees are paid for by the CCS, so only the advertisement part must be open" 20:32:28 anyway, sorry for going off topic again 20:33:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Brb looking in css cause its disappeared from twitter 20:33:20 " and nowhere it explicitely forbids retroactive proposals. 20:33:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Brb looking in rss cause its disappeared from twitter 20:33:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Only cats 20:33:54 ctrej: yeah, you seem to have a hard-on for that particular ccs. sorry it's bothering you so much or congrats 20:34:44 can't stand hypocrisy 20:34:47 but keep going off-topic if that helps 20:35:57 CCS rules for thee but not for me 20:39:10 sure, whatever helps. let me just remind you that I didn't merge my own proposal. or are you going to take another page off of ofrn's book and say that there were "backroom dealings"? 20:39:49 the similarities between you two are a bit much to the naked eye 20:40:04 123bob123: you're probably remembering the @monero retweet of this: https://twitter.com/LIMITEmovie/status/1662592776087953408?s=20 20:40:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Honestly over it the hypocrisy here is a joke. Ban ofrn but keep others. Use google docs but fck government. 20:40:48 wasn't ofrn banned in -events only? 20:42:51 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its the principal 20:43:07 lol. I got banned too. why aren't you crying about my ban? 20:43:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Now you have msvb responding 20:43:45 geonic: its funny that you still believe we are the same person. But because we met in person, my takeaway is that your insults towards ofrn we're really directed towards me. 20:43:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lmao he was trying to have a go at me when i made a joke then i was like fck this wanna have a go lets go 20:44:15 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Posted evidence and crickets 20:44:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Suicide ban idc 20:45:11 I'm pretty certain you're the same person and you're doing a bad job of refuting it :) 20:45:24 123bob123: yeah I saw that 20:46:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lmao 20:46:28 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Head up your ass 20:46:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 🙉 20:46:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Most people 20:46:53 thanks for the confirmation geonic 20:47:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/mLmYKsQPkaNhYFQLoTIZxucs 20:47:50 right, that's the tweet 20:47:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Retweet if i’m not mistaken 20:48:08 I asked sgp (in this channel) to retweet the Monero teaser, which was one of the deliverables of the ccs, not the ccs itself (which had long been funded) 20:48:32 the problem being what? 20:51:02 these attacks are looking more and more funny 20:51:28 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Non of the other ccs got that promotion 20:51:33 bro 20:51:45 all of the audits we did were ccs funded 20:51:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Confirmation biased thank you 20:51:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Points have been made 20:52:14 if you're going to say that the @monero account has never tweeted about something that was ccs-funded, you're only confirming that you've been around for 5 minutes 20:52:42 yes, you got me, you win! 20:52:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Said my piece shit goes in circles nothing will change 20:53:05 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Reminds me of government 20:53:13 who wants full membership proofs anyway 20:53:51 nioc: not the question being posed by this CCS... the question is who wants indefinite work towards FCMPs with no milestones and no accountability 20:54:14 sounds like previous MRL funding :) 20:56:07 almost all of them have milestones I think... and allowed for community input 20:56:53 surae and sarang milestones were only for time spent 20:57:36 and what was their "burn rate"? $10k/month tops 20:57:39 this is like $10k/week 20:58:04 basic research with no focus on producing anything 20:59:04 not arguing that. sarang was paid to keep tabs on new research basically 20:59:36 What's that website to see the hash rate of cpu? I lost it 20:59:53 and some implementation work on BP if I recall correctly 21:00:30 dudinka: dont remember from the top of my head, ask in Monero Mining 21:01:14 I only mine for heat, Cat enjoys that 21:02:59 Not a channel... A website. I can't find in the log someone sent me yesterday lol it shows the hash rate like AMD 7800x, Intel 12900k... 21:03:27 https://xmrig.com/benchmark 21:03:28 fwiw, plenty of proposals have been 'promoted' through the @monero account in the past 21:04:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah past nothing recent 21:04:52 I think I found. thank you 21:04:55 At the same time :p 21:05:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I searched css on monero it was like 2021 21:05:14 just make it a standard, forward-looking CCS proposal with milestones, building on the work that was already done and ideally bringing it to some level of completion. win-win 21:05:26 We funded a seraphis alternative that had milestones and accountability and we ended up not using 21:05:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I searched ccs on monero it was like 2021 21:06:00 kayaba & co get their money, we get some results 21:06:42 123bob123: Sure, but which proposal do you think should be tweeted now then (apologies, out of the loop) 21:06:52 I’m happy to retroactively fund explorative work that gets or influences a merge 21:07:35 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Just any that gets funded at least 21:07:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Promote 21:07:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Keep it fair 21:08:05 has anyone asked to be promoted and been denied? 21:09:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Not the point 21:09:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its an “offical”monero account why not promote projects 21:10:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Funded by community 21:11:05 why not suggest things to promote? 21:11:27 who do you expect to do the work for you? 21:12:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Wdym expect to do the work for you? 21:12:43 of picking projects to promote and drafting the tweets? 21:12:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So lets hide funded proposals 21:13:15 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Not my job as everyone here seems to say 21:13:21 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You run the twatter account do it yourself 21:13:29 I don't run it 21:13:43 some people have access to it but they have other jobs too. if you have suggestions, make them here, like I did 21:14:12 not sure what the complaining, finger pointing and witch hunting is achieving 21:15:36 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Not complain pointing out 21:15:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Not complaining pointing out 21:15:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Evenyone has a job and a life 21:15:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Everyone has a job and a life 21:16:00 yeah, finger-pointing was the second of the two :) 21:16:18 of the three* 21:16:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lmao 21:16:35 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Wow 21:21:01 geonic: promoting a heavily controversial proposal as a endorsed by the community is problematic 21:22:35 is there anything on which you, 123bob and ofrn disagree? 21:32:44 i bet they have different musical tastes 21:33:01 :) 21:33:22 drill, harcore, and noise 21:33:29 *hardcore 21:33:38 each to their own, i guess 21:35:03 had some beef with ofrn when he pretended that he made the caged eye video, just to get feedback. Didn't know that was a CCS funded video at the time, so I hold back mean comments 21:35:21 a year ago or so, this room 21:36:23 i do sometimes wonder what rotten listens to though 21:36:33 apart from that I dont recall any major disagreements, but I dont recall major disagreements with almost anyone else 21:37:20 Oh yeah, we disagree on p2pool 21:37:58 idk who bob is, don't recognize that name 21:40:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Geonic bait someone else not playing you drunk games 21:40:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Geonic bait someone else not playing your drunk games 21:43:48 https://i0.wp.com/www.marshmallowranch.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/267DD43C-BAF6-4BAB-8F9D-A87B628C1B81.jpeg 21:43:56 geonics ego is too large to accept that more then one person disagrees with him, so he has to merge everyone into one, and craft a story around to make it work 21:44:36 I like that story. see, you're learning. 21:44:50 recall that he accused ofrn and rotten to be the same person as well 21:45:11 bob is dan 21:45:26 great memory for someone who is not ofrn and not rotten! 21:45:35 lol 21:45:58 but midi is right, I did forget rotten in that equation. he's been too quiet... 21:46:38 anyway, keep harping on about my ccs if that strengthens the bond between the 4 of you 21:49:09 when Alice becomes Bob, we are all screwed. especially Charlie. 21:50:29 thanks nioc 21:53:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Interesting 21:53:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Insults 21:55:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Please act your age not your shoe size, unless your shoe size is your age then makes sense 21:55:35 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Also thank you for also confirming your drunk 22:00:00 lemme ask a stupid question 22:00:36 why is there so much discussion if a CCS should get merged, if it's then funded by community 22:00:43 and why not just merge everything (that is at least somehow related to monero) and let the community decide what they want to fund? 22:02:02 because some people think that other people have more money then sense 22:03:16 also, i guess there is a non-trivial chance there could be over saturation of the CCS, leading to less quality proposals getting funded overall (as funds are directed to those of "lesser" quality). 22:04:41 I mean I get it, if the CCS is directly related to the codebase, of course those things should be discussed and reviewed 22:07:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its for checks and balances why css proposals get submitted and reviewed. 22:18:06 Its a two step process, both community and donors have to agree that something is worthwhile 22:40:06 so far (afaik) every merged ccs proposal has been successfully funded. if all proposals got merged automatically this would stop being the case pretty quickly and the ccs would just become another donation page 22:41:30 Like ceetee said, at that point it becomes a cluttered donation apge 22:41:38 Like ceetee and geonic said, at that point it becomes a cluttered donation page 22:53:04 thanks, that makes sense 23:20:06 everyone's rotten!