09:10:10 I want to test if rebuilding a wallet from seed phrase works.... 09:10:26 I have a working wallet (Cake Wallet) one PC 09:10:43 if I rebuild from seed phrase on another PC (creating 2 wallets in existence) 09:10:47 is that safe to do? 09:10:53 the purpose is to test if the rebuild actually works 09:15:45 Double check that your wallets primary address (beginning with 4) matches the wallet that you "rebuilt" on your PC so you are sure that you have restored your wallet correctly. You will need to have the latest version of the Monero GUI (this, and other options are available from getmonero.org) - restore from 0 if you are unsure when you 09:15:45 created/first sent funds to/from your wallet) 09:47:46 m-relay: thank your for your time 09:47:46 so, having two wallets in existence (for a short time) is not a risk of any sort? 09:50:37 No. Because the funds are not in the wallet, they are recorded in the blockchain where they can't get lost. You can read that blockchain info into as many wallets as you like, anytime. Just make sure to navigate around the most common mistake, i.e. not giving the correct restore height, not going back far enough to catch the first transaction to your address. 09:51:55 But even if you make that mistake, your funds are still not lost, your wallet will just show a wrong, probably too small, balance. 09:53:23 rbrunner7: great answer 09:53:32 Welcome :) 09:53:44 any opinions on Cake wallet for Linux? 09:53:46 thats what Im using 09:54:21 Did not try myself, but I would be surprised if it's anything but solid. Cake know their stuff. 09:54:43 what do you use? if I may ask... 09:54:58 linux desktop seems to be limited to cake and monero gui 09:55:17 Well, I am a dev, that's why I use the most hardcore one - the CLI wallet :) 09:55:28 wow... 09:55:40 Im half a dev (a web dev) 09:55:43 not real programming 09:55:44 You probably overlooked Feather Wallet. I think right now that's the best desktop wallet, also available for Linux of course. 09:57:01 Feather, will definately look at it 09:57:02 Cake Wallet linux also supports LTC, so you can do swaps for XMR from within the same wallet - it all seems pretty good.. 09:57:57 I recommend Feather Wallet too. It has a very nice user interface and it uses Tor by default. 09:58:14 Yeah, you can swap with the comfort of staying within your wallet. Just be aware that even Cake wallet cannot really directly swap any coins, they have to use third-party services in the background. Seamless, pretty sure, but third party nevertheless. 09:58:28 *pretty safe 09:59:01 yes I was aware of that, theres about 4 options for the trade 09:59:26 I was thinking of learning Rust 09:59:36 but I wonder if its worth it 09:59:57 Tari (related to monero) is using it 10:00:04 I would say so, yes. Even if only for the interesting concepts behind it. 10:00:20 Oh, there also people writing Monero related stuff in Rust already 10:00:36 interesting 10:00:49 jollyboy: You said you are a web developer, what language do you write your backend in? 10:00:59 PHP/Laravel 10:01:04 are you laughing yet? 10:01:19 Laughing in PHP, you mean? :) 10:01:29 no, laughing at me 10:01:32 I don't like PHP, but after all the outcome is what matters 10:01:54 Yes, if you know what you do, you can get good results in almost any language. 10:01:56 its a scripting language, not like c,c++, rust 10:02:31 PHP is like Javascript for the server 10:02:35 surely, yes, you can get results 10:02:40 I was just saying its not "programming" 10:02:41 thats what I always think 10:02:59 PHP is very high level 10:03:44 Ive got about 18 months experience, now Im thinking instead of coding alone I want to be part of a team 10:03:51 so I was thinking maybe Rust was good for that 10:04:00 i like Go for lower level things, it's fast (although not as fast as C++/Rust), memory-safe and simple 10:04:23 someone said a web server in Go would be similiar performance to Rust 10:04:36 jollyboy: it depends 10:05:04 If you are serious, and really want to dive into it, this interesting project is in Rust and could really use another dev: https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate 10:05:14 but it's easier to write high performance webservers in Go compared to C++ thanks to goroutines which are less expensive than threads 10:06:25 rbrunner7: thats a great tip, I'll have a good look 10:06:37 would they offer guidance for a newbie? 10:06:56 In about 2 weeks from now, I've got a LOT of free time 10:08:17 Hard to say. Probably you would have to find your way into the Monero codebase mostly on your own. But people would be in the dev related IRC channels and Matrix rooms to answer questions. But well, you won't be programming Rust overnight, so ... 10:09:11 yes thats right, surely not overnight 10:09:42 great tip though, Ill take it as fate 10:09:44 This is admittedly one of the problems for aspiring Monero devs: There are precious little docs, and the "learning curve" can be a bit steep. 10:09:58 oh yeah 10:10:01 But then the reward is much greater if you can do it :) 10:11:02 I'm keen 10:11:11 Ive got to find a teacher though 10:11:25 you can 10x your progress with a good relationship 10:11:29 or maybe 5x 10:12:45 on another note, theres not really any jobs in Rust right? 10:13:05 I want to get into FinTech (because I assume its a safe bet....) 10:24:55 No idea, and what I personally regard as the FinTech *bubble* is disinflating pretty hard anyway ... 10:26:24 What do you think is the best language/framework/subject of study for finding high-paid work in the future? 10:26:37 in-case we fall into poverty 10:28:02 "Predictions are hard, especially about the future." I have to pass, and it's a bit off-topic for this room here anyway ... 10:28:30 no problem 10:36:09 HolyC 10:39:56 ocean: thats funny, that guy, unfortunately, passed away right? seemed like a great guy 10:40:09 you would want to learn from someone like him right? 10:41:44 yep. RIP 16:00:17 Revuo Monero Issue 183: August 10 - 24, 2023. https://revuo-xmr.com/issue-183.html 17:09:41 <4​rkal:matrix.org> Just a note. In the price & performance the -9.1% yearly is green... 17:10:22 <4​rkal:matrix.org> Don't know if it was intentional though 17:31:37 @4rkal:matrix.org Good catch. Fixed. Thanks. 17:34:44 restarting bridge to attempt to bridge Haveno channels + offtopic channel 17:36:47 Haveno / Haveno-dev are now bridged, also Offtopic 19:14:09 Thanks agan DataHoarder! 19:14:19 again* even 20:08:49 PTHC-pedo-CP-pack-download-6-12-years.zip 22:49:25 Hello everyone. I am looking for the easiest way to lose trace of my crypto currently held in USDT. I am not looking for top level privacy, rather something not too complicated. I would appreciate if you guys would have any advice on this. Since Monero is one of possibilities, how would it work? If I used CEX to get Monero from USDT and withdraw it to Monero wallet, then exchangin 22:49:26 g it to some other crypto... Would this work? 23:02:00 monero is not a washing machine