10:05:51 <m-relay> <chch3003:monero.social> Wondering if someone tried to mine Monero on NVIDIA DGX A100... 10:07:05 <kico> probably someone did and then figured it was not really profitable? 10:19:39 <hyc> kayabanerve yep I'm here 14:14:51 <MajesticBank> kayabanerve: there is very good reason developing full node in rust by not vetted developers is not a good idea, that's what kept monero solid for all of this years 14:16:30 <MajesticBank> that's consensus on development and ideas, having people that are not vetted as devs develop monero full rust node is good base for possible fork or different implementations in future 14:16:57 <kico> it's kind off a hard one, having multiple implementations has issues (this has been proved on ETH while having somewhat different info from each one) but it can prevent a collapse in case of the main implementation has an issue or bug 14:17:01 <MajesticBank> which is ok code is free, but they shouldn't get a start boost by the ccs money 14:17:04 <kico> my 5cts 14:30:14 <m-relay> <sgp:magicgrants.org> Not having Core contribute to such efforts is 1 thing; having a firm line that the CCS must be against alternative implementations is another that seems unwise imo. Even if one is against alternative implementations, these people should still concede that there are arguments for them 14:43:32 <MajesticBank> There are probably few reasons for sure why Tari is based on Rust and not c++ 14:43:32 <MajesticBank> I wouldn't mind if selsta in his old age get to jump into Rust and start working on alternative implementation of a FULL NODE 14:43:32 <MajesticBank> consensus rules proposal is a good idea tho 14:45:35 <selsta> There are more skilled devs for this, I'm happy with my current responsibilities :P 16:04:47 <m-relay> <kinghat:matrix.org> selsta is ageless 19:55:22 <m-relay> <123bob123:matrix.org> Either way it seems the project is going ahead. Do you want some input into it by help funding it? 19:56:07 <m-relay> <123bob123:matrix.org> Would be good if a “trusted” monero dev would a look through it 20:20:10 <m-relay> <hator:matrix.org> If the rust node is made using a permissive license as it seems to be the plan now, it doesn't if its made by a vetted developer or not. It will be bad for Monero either way. 20:31:14 <m-relay> <-coffeeplease-:matrix.org> *doesn't care 20:32:10 <m-relay> <-coffeeplease-:matrix.org> ? 20:34:31 <m-relay> <hator:matrix.org> Yes, thanks. 20:44:22 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> The C++ implementation of the monero node already has a permissive license. How much more "damage" could a Rust implementation do that the status quo hasn't already done? 20:49:19 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> I don't have a strong opinion on the license either way 21:37:37 <m-relay> <btclovera:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/iNkElVDNPNiZNYCxfjLGYnpG 21:37:44 <m-relay> <btclovera:matrix.org> As always my friend 21:38:15 <m-relay> <btclovera:matrix.org> There is no official prices from Bitmain but many providers are showing similar prices 21:40:08 <m-relay> <btclovera:matrix.org> With 3200$ you don’t buy 4 EPYC + RAM + MoBo + PSU… 21:40:08 <m-relay> <btclovera:matrix.org> The TDP and hahsrate could be similar but the prices make a big difference. INMO.. 21:42:14 <midipoet> If the CCS was being used to rewrite the C++ implementation to a Rust version with a view to eventually disposing/deprecating the C++ version, would that be ok? (rhetorical question) 21:44:25 <m-relay> <btclovera:matrix.org> Let’s wait for the official prices of Bitmain, but below $6,000 clearly the “ASICs” have an outhead over the user with a CPU 21:48:22 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> midipoet: If that's a rhetorical question, you don't want a response. Zcash plans to do that with their Rust node, Zebra. Just announced those plans a week ago. AFAIK, you would get little support for that now with Monero devs. 21:50:04 <selsta> btclovera: a CPU can be reused for other things, it's unclear if these mining machines can be used for anything other than mining 21:54:09 <selsta> Zebra is being worked on by multiple fuil time devlopers for 4 years now, I think people are severely underestimating the amount of work it will take to "rewrite in Rust" 22:54:53 <geonic> so these first 2 months of development will get us 2% of the way there! (optimistically)