00:08:11 geonic: So there are three currently defined milestones. You say at least include a deliverable. How are those milestones distinct? 00:08:37 Though I do hear your other suggested path, merging with any future work CCS. 05:13:42 Unless I’m missing something, I don’t see any milestones in your proposal. How could there be milestones if it’s retroactive? 05:14:08 “To be perfectly clear, in no uncertain terms, this CCS does not provide funding for nor guarantee any continued development. It is solely a representation of gratitude and acknowledgement for work already performed, and organization provided.” 05:15:06 This is kinda problematic. Gratitude and acknowledgment are usually given once the work is done and/or functioning, not before 05:21:52 The ccs as written puts the cart before the horse in multiple ways… my suggestions: 1) think about the deliverables 2) estimate the time required to produce the desired result 3) redact your proposal and let people decide if they want what you’re offering or not 05:30:24 geonic: there are three milestones, and CCS authors are explicitly allowed to work on milestones prior to funding. 05:30:34 There are no future milestones. 05:31:27 I see 3 reasons it’s not ready for production, but I’m not seeing the milestones 05:31:57 As for deliverables, there is a FOSS codebase which does function. I'll agree it isn't complete, yet I'd appreciate if you stop ignoring its existence, and clarify what your definition of deliverables is. I assume you mean develivered into the m-p/m source tree? 05:32:11 View the CCS raw changes 05:32:38 I didn't include the metadata, which includes the milestones, in the description 05:32:38 I apologize if that's been confusing here 05:36:34 ... Yes, I definitely see how that'd cause this to read as no milestones. My mistake. First time submitting a CCS 😅 05:36:46 one deliverable would be a paper outlining a clear path towards FCMPs under Seraphis 05:38:16 another would be functioning code.. but I don’t know if that’s possible until Seraphis is up and running, at least on stagenet (not an expert, open to being corrected) 05:40:33 Current work has the exact API necessary on an academic level. Berman is working on integration. 05:41:10 So there's not necessarily a paper needed as the Seraphis paper defines the exact requirements, and this meets them. 05:41:52 So why not wait until it’s integrated and you have something to show before asking for gifts to be brought to your feet 05:43:19 Not sure about you, but I’ve never seen a good end to a conversation that started with “I want you to thank me” lol 05:45:04 For the reasons outlined in the post, that I believe it establishes its viability already. A further CCS on integration has already started. I'm talking with sarang about remaining protocol concerns and will resolve the ones raised in the current work. For future work, which I do acknowledge, I'd rather an appropriately sized CCS rather than an extra large one tying old work with future work. 05:45:41 With this separation, the community can decide against retroactive funding, and it won't also tank my proposal for future work. 05:46:13 I could wait till post mainnet deployment, sure but I don't want to request funding 1-2y after the fact :/ 05:47:16 do you expect to bring your work on FCMPs to completion with the next CCS or do you foresee more than one proposal? 05:48:18 I'd personally rather do proposals regarding a few months of work at a time, than monolithic ones. 05:48:23 Or let me phrase it this way… what will be the deliverables at the end of the next CCS? 05:48:42 I haven't scoped out the exact hours remaining on the current issue board. 05:49:27 I'd assume a productionized implementation of the current code. That'd partner with Berman's integration work and get us something deployable, once audited. 05:49:50 Though it may not necessarily be complete. There's always a lot of optional nooks and crannies... 05:51:23 Ok.. and all of your work is dependent on whether the project decides to move to curve cycle? 05:51:45 I see that as step 5 under “What’s next” 05:52:03 Technically not, though not doing so would remain one of the stupidest decisions Monero could make IMO 05:52:47 So your work is viable even if we don’t? Why is it a step in the process? 05:52:57 We have a tower cycle which would 4x proof size and reduce performance, yet would work. 05:53:11 Because we'd be idiots not to 05:53:29 And if we don't do so, we need to implement 3 new elliptic curves 05:55:06 TBC, a curve cycle isn't just for FCMPs. They enable logarithmic IVC, without a trusted setup, and have many reasons for them. 05:55:35 But without them, which I truly believe will nuke Monero's scalability, FCMPs also suffer. 05:55:57 Er, sorry, 2x proof size, ~1.7x proof time. 05:56:21 So next step is either curve cycle or tower cycle. The former is just the same next step. 05:58:18 *sane next step 05:59:21 That’s all above my pay grade.. thanks for answering. Hopefully luigi makes a decision soon so you can move on. 05:59:23 cheers 06:37:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> community* 14:00:09 Greetings. I sent a transaction to the GUI wallet, but it hasn't arrived for almost two days. There are more than 100 confirmations. How can I fix it? Help me please. 14:03:40 The address is entered correctly. Checked many times 14:08:22 Can you verify the transaction first? https://monero.stackexchange.com/revisions/6138/1 14:50:13 I can't 14:51:55 Help me please. 15:05:03 biologe2, is your node fully synced? 15:05:19 remote or local? 15:06:43 Yes 15:06:53 Local 15:07:06 is it fully synced? 15:07:34 are you windows or linux? 15:07:49 Yes 15:08:02 Windows 10 15:08:18 ok not sure this will work on windows 15:08:34 try on your browser 15:08:40 tried reinstalling - didn't help 15:08:46 what's your height? 15:09:32 .network 15:09:33 I did not understand the question 15:09:36 oh le bux is ded 15:09:50 biologe2 settings>wallet>info what wallet mode? If simple , read this comment 15:09:51 try to copy paste this on your browser 15:10:20 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/issues/4127#issuecomment-1465055249 15:11:05 simple mode 15:11:21 To get to change wallet mode you probably have to close the open wallet first. Top left corner.. looks like [<- 15:11:26 yeah you're probably not fully synced 15:12:16 did 15:13:58 When entering the wallet, it says that "Synchronization". It ends in a few minutes. Coins do not appear\ 15:15:48 I got out of the box. What to do next? 15:16:42 try a remote node like plowsof said 15:16:59 Everything was fine before, with other wallets. And with this something went wrong, although I did not change any settings 15:17:19 but you reinstalled 15:17:23 just try it man 15:17:29 Once wallet mode is advanced. Select open wallet from fille. Then follow instructions from fhe github comment. Let me know when that done 15:18:57 Have you told us your wallet version biologe2? (Also in settings>info>wallet) can better move this to #monero-support:monero.social 15:21:39 (Qt 5.15.8) 15:34:33 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/RPaMxyZIARucahaKQYEEiZRt 15:34:54 Do I need to wait until "Synchronization" ends and the problem is solved? 15:46:38 biologe2, yeah if it remains after sync come back 15:46:53 that's the most likely cause 15:47:08 Biologe2 click remote node. Then (+) add remote node. Ip / port in the github comment 15:47:51 After adding the node, click on it so its highlighted grey and it will begin syncing 15:48:59 if he wants to run a remote node otherwise he should let his node sync? 15:54:58 True kico, but depending on their system specs we may not be here to help when its finished :( 15:55:27 plowsof, lol fair point 15:55:45 also maybe he doesn't even have enough storage for the chain 15:56:16 biologe2, do you have enough diskspace to have a full copy of the blockchain localy? 15:56:46 make sure you want to run a full node first 15:56:52 otherwise just use a remote one :) 15:57:06 I have somewhere 50 gigabytes free 15:57:59 it's not enough sir 15:58:08 you need ... 140gbs (?) 15:58:22 for full node if pruned maybe 70GBs (?) 15:58:42 so yeah plowsof is right 15:58:57 biologe2, try a remote node 15:59:25 like address: node.community.rino.io port: 18081 15:59:30 and let it sync 15:59:34 report back later 16:00:28 my data.mdb is currently ~ 176gb 16:01:40 luckily 500gb ssd is quite cheap nowadays 17:19:15 image.png 17:19:55 Did not work out 17:22:44 image.png 17:28:31 Biologe2 what version wallet ? Settings>info>wallet 17:28:52 (Qt 5.15.8) 17:31:59 And you can see the text print out of rinos node if you look in your browser http://node.community.rino.io:18081/get_info ? 17:32:05 { 17:32:05 "adjusted_time": 1693934168, 17:32:06 "alt_blocks_count": 0, 17:32:06 "block_size_limit": 600000, 17:32:07 "block_size_median": 300000, 17:32:07 "block_weight_limit": 600000, 17:32:08 "block_weight_median": 300000, 17:32:08 "bootstrap_daemon_address": "", 17:32:09 "busy_syncing": false, 17:32:09 "credits": 0, 17:32:10 "cumulative_difficulty": 302844866839386274, 17:32:10 "cumulative_difficulty_top64": 0, 17:32:11 "database_size": 268435456000, 17:32:11 "difficulty": 252802919946, 17:32:12 "difficulty_top64": 0, 17:32:12 "free_space": 18446744073709551615, 17:32:13 "grey_peerlist_size": 0, 17:32:13 "height": 2967654, 17:32:55 Did you select close daemon earlier? (Not leave it running?) 17:33:52 Didn't understand what to do 17:33:54 Turn your computer on and off again 17:34:36 Unfortunately I do not understand(( 17:36:48 Its ok, close the gui, computer off / on , then open the gui again for round 2 17:37:49 Please go to #monero-support:monero.social 17:45:39 I rebooted. Nothing changed 17:50:45 image.png 17:54:30 https://monerodevs.org should look like this https://www.lightning-landscape.net 17:54:46 biologe2: It's working fine. Syncing can take hours. The progress bar in the lower left looks like it is moving. Watch "wallet blocks remaining" 17:56:34 If you are restoring the wallet from seed, I hope you set the restore height/date correctly 17:57:11 photo_2023-09-05_20-56-16.jpg 17:57:12 syncing at the moment? 17:57:22 At your current restore height, you will definitely find the recent transaction(s). But if you have a really old transactions, it might not find them. 17:58:20 Wallet blocks remaining is lower than the last image you posted, so 90% sure yes 18:00:11 -xmr-pr- [meta] Rucknium opened issue #890: Monero Research Lab Meeting - Wed 06 September 2023, 17:00 UTC 18:00:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/890 18:01:38 For some reason, everything dropped 18:02:06 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/nJKamYKrIaeYEnNzogPhyoir 18:12:40 I understand correctly that this strip must reach the end? Until she reaches nothing to press? 18:13:11 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/oFihauZoqEZfbsNZmytXkWWH 18:15:03 It has to sync. The progress bar must go full, all the way to the right 19:45:11 -xmr-pr- [meta] umma08 opened issue #891: Monero Policy Working Group Meeting: Tuesday 3rd October @ 16:00 UTC 19:45:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/891 19:45:22 I just want to say thank you y'all for your work :) Stay happy, stay fresh, stay healthy. We will win. 21:38:23 Monero Wallets: Which is Right For You? 21:38:23 https://simplifiedprivacy.com/monero-wallets-which-is-right-for-you/