00:30:53 Does anyone know where I can find a good account of SPG's mass TG ban? Curious about the details of him banning 2000 people (as I have heard) 00:31:32 plowsof: ? 00:31:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Dunno 00:32:49 were you around for this? It's before my time. All I have is stories, which depress me 00:33:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Nope 00:33:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Heard about it 00:33:32 can i get some additional context? 00:33:47 SPG willing to remove 2,000 XMR supporters over his political views? 00:33:48 in what year was it? 00:33:59 remove from? 00:34:07 reddit? irc? somewhere else? 00:34:23 removed from TG 00:34:37 TG meaning telegram? 00:34:41 yea 00:34:46 never been there so i wouldn't know 00:35:42 but why are you looking for that, wanna start another crusade? 00:37:30 Crusade, no; awareness of what sort of people rule the community, yes. 00:37:39 "rule the community" 00:38:09 this is a completely decentralised community, you'll find monero groups in dozens of different platforms 00:38:24 all with different rules and moderation standards 00:38:38 Yea, if one can remove 2,000 people (as the story goes, I want to know the truth) it is not "decentralized 00:38:49 no one's stopping you from creating your own monero community with blackjack and hookers 00:38:53 "completely decentralized" lol 00:41:06 i mean monero has a completely decentralised community 00:41:16 The Great Purge happened around June 3rd 2021 00:41:17 are we talking about telescam or telespam? 00:41:18 spread across multiple platforms 00:42:46 i mean monero itself has a completely decentralised community 00:42:53 Do we really want someone who purges 2,000 people who disagree with him to have such power? 00:43:21 Again, I admit, I have only yet heard rumours. I want to hear the truth of the Great Purge 00:43:40 we probably banned more accounts over here in matrix in a week 00:43:54 that doesnt mean much 00:43:58 we were getting spammed by bots 00:44:14 so you generally support banning? 00:44:19 fair enough 00:44:27 of course, i believe in fair rules and enforcing them 00:45:16 I err on the side on NOT banning different opinions 00:45:44 I tend to think that creates a robust commnunity 00:46:13 and thus I am disturbed by mass banning 00:46:20 you seem sure about things that you admit are only rumors 00:46:36 Nope 00:46:57 I am sure about how I feel about banning, I am not sure about what happened. 00:47:13 I want XMR to thrive 00:47:42 And, like J,S. Mill, I believe rigous disagreement benefits the community. 00:47:44 but do you understand that maybe not everyone feels like you do about banning? 00:48:06 Sure. Thus my attempt here to persuade 00:48:25 if one supports freedom, one rejects banning 00:48:27 maybe to you, insulting someone is an act of free speech and no one should be banned for it, but to someone else, is a form of harassment which leads to disconfort. 00:48:48 you keep saying that these people disagreed with sgp hence why I say you seem sure about things after you admit that it is based on rumors 00:48:54 aw, discomfort 00:48:55 sad 00:49:25 sure, thus I want to hear from someone that the rumours are wrong! 00:49:40 What motivated SGP, if not politics? 00:49:51 there you go again 00:49:58 ? 00:50:00 yeah i want the matrix community to be welcoming and a comfortable place for everyone around, crazy right? 00:50:42 comfortable, fuck that 00:50:42 farming snowflakes here 00:50:43 thinking is not comfortable 00:50:43 is is precisely the opposite 00:51:51 thinking is almost by definition uncomfortable 00:51:58 if you need confort, you are not thinking 00:52:22 fucking liberalism 00:53:27 soon we will be: xmrlgbtq coin 00:54:11 does that make you uncomfortable? 00:54:16 does it lead to... discomfort? 00:54:25 lol 00:55:19 I love my Cat 00:55:26 need to add more letters 00:56:04 Yeah all crypto spaces are either trading or really edgy 00:57:39 And we are becoming merely "trading" 00:57:47 losing all edginess to gheyness 00:58:44 Oh you think edginess is a good thing 00:58:47 It'll grow out of you or life will beat you enough that you stop caring about it 00:59:11 And then people online saying shit that sounds quotable and cool but means nothing stops really... Hitting the same 01:01:24 Again, I would like to hear some facts about the Great purge. What happened, and why? 01:04:05 plowsof: what do you think of ofrn's ban? Isn't he a friend? Why silent? 01:12:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> No independent thinking please 01:55:42 what are we on about 02:12:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Just about banning people for one thing and ignoring others 02:17:19 Just trying to learn more about this supposed Great Purge of sgp 02:41:55 eudaimon36 plowsof goes crickets mode when it comes to drama and cat fights. 02:47:47 your majesty luigi1112, jeffro256 is looking for payment of next milestone in his CCS. Report and address: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/390#note_22309 02:48:03 Thanks. 😁 02:50:55 thanks duke 09:15:21 eudaimon36: i cant reply in detail atm but if ofrnxmr needs advocating for then here it is. There is no ban in -community, ive also been on the receiving end of his wrath but it was handled (nothing was put near an orifice) . Code of conduct violation warnings/bans- it is what it is, rules if/when broken should be reported so everyone can be treated fairly. The temp ban was transp 09:15:21 arent (not a shadow ban) and neither for 5 years. 09:28:38 in ofrnxmr defense I must say he politely harassed me past year and half 09:29:07 I don't think he should be banned now because he hadn't completed the two years harassment milestone yet 09:29:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Did you offer politely to kick him in the head too? 09:29:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Or only luke 09:32:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/duapGIkEgfPUUPyvImDtcbSb 09:33:00 ccs updates/pending payments this week: plowsof https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/385#note_22190 , v1docq47 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/382#note_22306 , jeffro256 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/390#note_22309 , selsta 09:33:00 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/404#note_22314 luigi1111 09:35:40 koe's 2 month hiatus has been extended indefinitely https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab/20230906#c277943 so the 150 hours remaining in his ccs will remain uncompleted for longer than expected https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/seraphis-ongoing-support.html 12:36:55 Thank you 13:40:17 Is there a communicated reason for Koe's indefinite hiatus? 13:40:38 that link to logs, doesn't seem to work for me 13:41:52 sorry, the link worked this time. 13:42:25 understood. hope Koe hasn't been head hunted or found more interesting projects to work on 13:57:42 midipoet: from this week's MRL meeting.... 13:57:57 It has been 2 months since I said I would go on a 2-month hiatus. The hiatus has been good to me, I am a lot more productive and motivated these days. Therefore, I am extending my hiatus indefinitely. That does not mean I have abandoned Monero or the Seraphis project, but it does mean my open CCS will take a while to complete (there are about 150 hrs remaining). 13:57:57 I will report in again in 2 months about my status. 13:58:15 Ok 13:58:17 Thanks 14:20:06 aww please be back asap Koe 14:21:27 https://www.dehokseberg.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/needyou.png 14:45:11 -xmr-pr- [meta] rbrunner7 opened issue #892: Seraphis wallet workgroup meeting #36 - Monday, 2023-09-11, 18:00 UTC 14:45:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/892 17:02:19 <4​rkal:matrix.org> Has anyone thought of making a monero node monitor? 17:02:28 <4​rkal:matrix.org> Something similar to this https://github.com/NanoTools/nanoNodeMonitor 17:08:05 4rkal: Maybe https://github.com/CryptoGrampy/monero-dashboard 17:08:05 Demo: https://youtu.be/gc0E6R3WNYc 17:33:20 Actually, there is a Monero node dashboard for umbrel now 17:33:24 https://twitter.com/Examare1/status/1668468393941569536?s=20 17:34:15 Well , it’s more than a dashboard, but it’s very easy to build dashboard-like web interfaces with Monero python or Monero JavaScript 17:36:52 You could also deploy a static site that can be a dashboard for any node you point it to so long as the node has the proper cors headers set and https enabled 17:36:58 That would be a cool project 17:38:38 But a server side dashboard app that could be deployed alongside monerod for internal use would be nice too. I think there’s a nice Prometheus/grafana Monero dashboard out there as well. I haven’t used it 18:19:57 <4​rkal:matrix.org> Looks like a work in progress? Also uses electron... 18:20:31 <4​rkal:matrix.org> What calls have to be made to monerod to get some info? Eg block height etc 18:27:03 Start here: https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html#get_info 19:05:12 <4​rkal:matrix.org> will do thanks 21:13:44 we need to have a cute propaganda poster created for p2pool featuring monero-chan and some newly designed friends of hers 21:14:46 i unironically think such a thing would help boost adoption of the technology 21:15:54 <4​rkal:matrix.org> What do you guys think is the most useful stats to get? I have already included the height, status, network type, whether or not it is synced, the free space, outgoing connections and txcount. 21:16:25 idk if you'd want it as a section of the same poster or as a separate poster but the p2pool mini sidechain could be presented by chibi/SD (super deformed) versions of the characters 21:37:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> With uptimekuma i just monitor 21:37:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> -status - string; General RPC error code. "OK" means everything looks good. 21:37:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> - synchronized - boolean; States if the node is synchronized (true) or not (false). 21:49:38 <-​coffeeplease-:matrix.org> @4rkal Outgoing connections, connections via tor / i2p, wallet connections, free memory, cpu load 22:02:51 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> For system monitoring i use zabbix 22:10:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Also https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/227 22:10:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Had a dashboard with telemetry