01:39:20 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/jHexiZwAFyXlOQSpdpPEsYYT 01:39:26 THANK YOU rottenwheel 01:40:27 Now when can we uncancel revuo on @monero? 01:40:34 People do read regular Monero newsletters, contrary to popular opinion 02:21:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Rotten is not a person but an idea 02:21:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Represented by dukenukem 02:22:41 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> We are all rotten 02:22:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ! 02:32:46 Wtf? I thought we were all ofrn.. traitors 02:34:47 Im confused 02:34:51 Why isnt plowsof an admin or mod of this room? Isnt he the coordinator here 02:36:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I thought plowsof was?? 02:38:29 Pigeons, needmoney90 and charuto for some reason. No plowsof 02:38:49 the former 2, i havent seen active in.. i dont know how long 02:39:25 (on matrix). Needmoney90 is on reddit 02:42:09 Needmoney and pigeons can only remove their own powers, so its likely they are admins because they havent logged in to remove their powers 02:42:49 And plowsof not being an admin is probably an oversight 02:57:32 cryptogrampy: my pleasure. Glad to see those numbers! 02:58:14 Anyone is welcome to ping publicly or privately if they want their project or news to appear on Revuo. 03:00:26 ofrnxmr: maybe a question to be addressed in next community meeting, in the Monero Twitter room, sgp or someone else with access to @monero, eh. @revuoxmr announces them off the RSS feed, for what it is worth. 03:01:34 Something for the meeting agenda, i think, yes 03:03:10 I think its also important _why_ it was cancelled. 03:03:10 if collateral damage of rotten ban, it should be reversed 03:03:37 Appreciate any and all the support, help I can get to propagate, sustain Revuo. Hopefully the community gets value out of it. Getting close to two years maintaining it. 03:03:59 But i remember someone whining about it. If you remember who it was who had a major problem with revuo, they should be invited to the meeting 03:04:31 Id say names, but i really dont remember if it was who i think it was 03:04:38 The reason I was provided with was blunt: "you are its author." (re: we're not posting issues via @monero anymore.) 03:05:14 That was the reason youbwere provided. But someone made a big fuss about it "still" being posted, just before it was finally cancelled 03:06:03 (On twitter) The revuo-xmr account here(irc/matrix) was never can cancelled afaik 03:06:13 (On twitter) The revuo-xmr account here(irc/matrix) was never cancelled afaik 03:08:51 Erciccione? :D https://nitter.salastil.com/calciferciccio/status/1524836498360651806 03:10:15 Yeah, IRC and Twitter bots are just a way to independently keep propagating weekly issues, considering @monero notices were canceled. 03:12:55 Yepp 03:14:21 Same guy told people not to trust stack wallet 03:14:58 Same guy who promised a front end with 6 months, for a backend that still isnt finished not included 03:15:04 Within* 03:15:18 s/not/nor 03:15:39 https://nitter.salastil.com/calciferciccio/status/1601530192429998086 03:16:33 Tried to cancel monero.com wallet from the getmonero too. Went on a rampage against Chris Sky. Magnificent webmaster, for sure. 03:16:38 Thats the one 03:16:55 Plot twist: Cake took over Haveno in the end. 03:17:01 then he made bank by selling his share in haveno (backend) to cake wallet 03:17:16 Cancel revuo 03:17:21 why? Cuz they got the real news 03:19:10 Like when mj tried to quietly change his milestones 03:19:37 Reported in revuo 03:20:32 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lol 03:20:37 (Hey, mj decided its easier to loudly demand to change them, and got away with it) 03:20:37 Majestic should kick his head in 03:20:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Hypocrisy 03:21:05 Context 03:21:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Judo kick🦵 03:33:00 Holy shit, my name was said _a lot_ in my absence 03:33:26 Flattering, really. Hilarious. 03:33:26 btw, ofrnxmr has 0 alts. Im dying 03:33:29 Lmao 03:35:19 I should go away more often. Guy sounds like he was losing his shit over there. Everyone is ofrnxmr. I wish i knew how to handle myself like some of the people who were accused 03:35:59 Next time, you should accuse TrasherDK: 03:36:32 🤣 Yeah, why not. 03:38:49 Everyone I disagree with is rotten, ofrnxmr or ctrej. If the nickname isn't any of those, it's an alt of one, or them all at once. Consequently, I am right and they're wrong. 03:38:50 Signs: mark of distinction straight from Hollywood! 03:39:00 I think thats some dog shit moderation though 03:39:19 Tf? Im not here and yall KNOW i have 0 alts 03:39:30 And sit around eating popcorn watching geonic the jester 03:39:38 This is a fucking workgroup 03:39:52 Rucknium: please tellem 03:40:24 Featuring bitcoin 03:42:25 Oscar for the worst ccs of the year 03:42:53 Worst "approved" ccs 03:46:49 And sgp didnt ban "bots". Maybe he used a bot to ban people, but anyone who mentioned him was instabanned 03:46:56 Axe me how i know 03:47:30 A new telegram group with hundreds of active members spawned instantly 03:47:30 it was called monerouncensored 03:48:19 I dont know what kicked off the banning, all i know is the bans were indiscriminate and sgp has been quiet since 03:48:50 ARRR spammers 03:49:44 The people in monerouncensored werent arrr folks, but i wouldnt doubt arrr spam 03:50:32 Some of those people are here now 03:50:49 Arrr spammers were flaming, some got banned in cross fire 03:51:08 "some" 03:51:09 Hundreds 03:51:34 Yah I was there, it was non stop bots/spamming for days 03:51:49 I got kicked early then lol. 03:52:03 I just said sgp and bam, done 03:52:34 Yah someone must have added that as ban keyword 03:52:49 But yeah, a lot of fud came from that 03:53:03 Fud started before that 03:53:19 For aure 03:53:58 But i remember a series of orangepills posts specifically made to attack him. It got to the point where it seem coordinated 03:54:12 Orange pill guy started it, he was also shilling shitcoins haven arrr n stuff 03:54:34 Justin had spoken about arrr and then fud started 03:54:55 Rip my telegram 03:55:04 Arrr pirates got my killed 03:55:45 eudaimon36: theres the backstory 04:03:48 https://matrix.to/#/!WzzKmkfUkXPHFERgvm:matrix.org/$X6IlSfX9NLdkk52Uk3w1bW_ITWLNaEk50yFpJcQt2Ds?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=libera.chat 04:03:48 "how" lol 04:04:29 Retweeted less than a minute after asking 😂 04:05:58 rotten wants consensus and a meeting topoat revuo 04:07:11 bro, dont u know? All u have to do is ping the leader and he'll post it immediately 04:07:12 rotten wants consensus and a meeting to post revuo 05:29:27 The admin list on matrix reverted to circa 2018 or so but it appears to be a UI glitch i think (happened around the time the irc bridge was taken offline).. on desktop i see another list where i have admin ofrnxmr 🤷 will confirm 05:30:19 Lost in the matrix 06:08:36 Strange my profile picture also reverted back to years ago and that's only in this room 06:08:45 Oh hi nigras_fuck_siren_ass_hole 06:09:08 I noticed that, occasionally it changes back 06:10:15 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> OMG SOMEONE HAS 51% matrix hash! 06:23:00 LMFAO 06:23:22 I don't understand 06:43:10 The chain was rewritten 06:43:23 Some of us are on splinter chaibs 07:12:18 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> yest matrix lightening channel 07:12:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> lazereyes craig wrong!! 08:10:12 Lol 14:15:11 -xmr-pr- [meta] Rucknium opened issue #894: Monero Research Lab Meeting - Wed 13 September 2023, 17:00 UTC 14:15:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/894 14:55:53 Welcome back Mr ofrnxmr 15:01:54 10:15 AM [meta] Rucknium opened issue #894: Monero Research Lab Meeting - Wed 13 September 2023, 17:00 UTC 15:01:59 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/894 15:46:33 thanks nioc! imagine the year is 2018 and you attend an MRL meeting to discover that transactions will be reduced by >90% and have a verification time reduction of >85% https://web.getmonero.org/2018/06/04/logs-for-the-Monero-Research-Lab-meeting-held-on-2018-06-04.html (may contain cats) 16:22:31 also on the agenda is churning best practices 16:22:36 and yet today the answer is still...... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 16:40:23 eyo 16:40:30 anyone have any idea why monero woocommerce is broken 16:46:06 its been broken for like 2 weeks now 16:46:13 Is it pointed at a block explorer or rpc wallet? 16:46:19 viewkey 16:46:39 looks like rpc requires root access to the server 16:53:09 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/mMsvFuYZfGjVgFZiBCYfGvto 16:53:12 .-. 16:54:39 nice 16:54:54 no 16:55:03 this is a crappy bandaid fix lmao 16:55:35 oh 16:55:56 i wanted to do a bigger project but not possible while the plugin doesnt work 17:11:58 might also be because of the provider 🤔 18:05:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ctrl alt defeat ? 22:50:02 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> in future if we get more anonymity friendly way to sync light wallets we should seriously consider removing view key all together to mitigate attacks of forced discloser by tyrants and 5$ wrench attack 23:38:43 5$ wrench attack can be used to just get you're private key / ledger pin, etc etc etc 23:39:39 Just don't advertise you have crypto to everyone okay? :)