01:23:29 In my view, Monero is only one piece of the equation to digital freedom. You need the rest of the tech stack: 01:23:29 Monero is to Money, 01:23:29 What Session is to Telegram, 01:23:30 And Nostr is to Twitter. 01:23:30 Censorship on Twitter has given rise to this decentralized micro-blogging alternative that uses encryption as identity for unstoppable free speech. 01:23:31 I narrated this brand new animated video which goes over how Nostr works and why it matters: 01:23:31 https://video.simplifiedprivacy.com/nostr/ 01:24:22 Monero 01:24:36 off topic for this channel 01:25:09 Session _finally_ stopped shipping non-free libs (i think) 01:26:28 Until recently (to be confirmed), session shipped dependencies with missing source code and/or google stuff 01:27:45 theyd tweet about "get google out of your life" while shipping google dependencies 01:30:19 Both Session and Signal use TypeScript which is the Apple Web Kit bullshit that's in Google Chrome. I agree with you that this sucks and I hate Google 01:30:23 That being said, Session did it because they based it off Signal. Trading in rotating keys, in return for uncensored identity 01:30:57 I am talking to you now on Matrix, which uses Google Captcha for the fuckin' verification 01:31:24 I agree Session is not perfect, but I promote the freedom it stands for. 01:43:19 Where? 01:44:01 Depends on the federated server. The Matrix.org official one does, and many others 01:44:27 If you self-host then yeah, you don't have to submit to Google 02:07:27 Nostr is a bitcoin maxi thing, why you're promoting it? 02:16:51 just fork it 02:17:33 and put monero address in place of lighting LOL 02:18:32 both Nostr SimpleX chat and Session are good tech 02:18:54 but forking it and customizing it for monero is always better 02:19:16 😛 02:21:54 SilverPill, the lightning payments are not built into the Nostr Protocol. And further, I don't really care about hiding with privacy 10 cents payments when the whole point of them is to show off and social virtue 02:22:41 The real value in Nostr is the uncensored communication. With encryption as identity, and not the penny payments 02:23:15 There is no divine right that Nostr has to be bitcoin maxis. Those are the random fucks that happen to be posting on it. We can take control 02:23:15 You're just repeating their talking points. 02:23:16 And you don't understand how technology works. 02:23:19 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> correct especially important for default privacy coin like monero i would say without Arms rights and native atomic swaps privacy coin have no future 02:24:52 What about uncensored twitter or encryption as identity are you disputing? 02:24:54 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> yea just fork it 02:24:55 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> customize it for monero 02:24:56 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> done 02:25:22 It doesn't need a fork. It just needs clients that accept XMR 02:25:35 The same main Nostr protocol can communicate 02:25:39 Our XMR payments won't show up on their clients 02:25:50 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> overload those server with default privacy anonymity and fungibility memes 02:26:10 lol 02:26:10 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> what could go wrong 02:26:11 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> 😛 02:26:27 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> yep fork it 02:26:39 If the payments in public are clearly not part of ring signatures, doesn't this hurt privacy? 02:26:59 like if half the XMR network is fuckin nostr people 02:27:03 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> make more privacy friendly clients 02:27:22 those are identified payments then that aren't the real ring signature 02:28:35 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> if an app like Nostr SimpleX chat and Session allow private and privacy friendly communication monero has to be on it and overload it 365 day of the year 02:29:44 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> Monero can only survive underground and shifting the Overton window 02:30:35 No dispute from me on Session/SimpleX love 02:30:35 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> make sure more dark nets cartels and criminals are using monero 02:30:53 lol 02:30:55 well you sure know how to liven up a SEC meeting 02:32:06 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> complete restoration of 2nd Amendment (not only gun rights but all weapons rights upto Nukes) 02:33:01 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> p2p in high Anonymity coin like Monero and increase the Circular economy 02:33:20 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> Lobby the gun and gun rights community 02:33:34 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> most problems are done 02:49:24 If you want uncensored twitter, run your own fediverse server. The network is bigger than Nostr anyway. 02:49:24 Idk what is 'encryption as identity' but if you mean public key based identity, that exists in other protocols too. 02:49:25 You can't take over Nostr just like you can't take over Twitter. The important infrastructure is controlled by bitcoiners. When you promote Nostr you only help them increase their market share. 02:52:07 >just fork it 02:52:07 Take any other protocol and add Monero, why going for Nostr? 02:55:37 Meta, Gitlab, Wordpress, Discourse, Tumblr - all these companies are embracing ActivityPub. Yet you're telling us to use bitcoiner echo chamber? 03:01:17 Huh? Tumblr and Meta? wtf 03:01:55 Encryption as identity is public private keypairs that transcend IP addresses. If you actually watched the 2 minute video instead of lampooning on about it for 2 minutes. The flaw of the fediverse is that it relies upon the traditional IP address and DNS system 03:02:32 Encryption as identity is public private keypairs that transcend IP addresses. If you actually watched the 2 minute video instead of lampooning on about it for an hour. The flaw of the fediverse is that it relies upon the traditional IP address and DNS system 03:03:40 Monero, Session, and Nostr all are public/private keypairs for identity without IP addresses 03:05:40 correct 03:05:41 👍 03:06:05 add SimpleX chat too 03:06:22 plus more to come in future 03:06:31 😉 😛 03:07:59 one single sneek peak 03:08:01 https://veilid.com/ 03:08:37 https://veilid.com/docs/cryptography/ 03:08:40 enjoy 03:08:50 https://veilid.com/docs/private-routing/ 03:09:19 https://keet.io/ 03:09:45 no clue which will work and which will not 03:09:58 but interesting times 03:11:41 https://docs.holepunch.to/ 03:13:29 first one may work 03:13:35 second one no clue 03:54:07 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: I stopped minding bch a year or so ago 04:11:28 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> we only need to care about what helps default privacy coin like Monero in an Circular Economy 04:11:47 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> atomic swaps between multiple currencies works 04:12:12 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> even better if those currencies have native protocol level privacy 04:13:53 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> it does not matter whether its btc or bch or eth or zcash we need coin that are available on market to swaps for monero and vice versa for monero darknet and p2p Circular Economy to work 04:14:38 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> free market will win any way 04:15:18 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> just need more stealthy options for everyone 04:15:46 <0​x1zxq7896lp2zero:matrix.org> That is the only way for Monero to thrive 04:20:20 Well, you can use Tor or I2P. 04:20:20 But I'm starting to think that it would be better if you leave to Nostr 04:21:49 And, by the way, Session is garbage. SimpleX might be good, but still too young 06:17:10 Normies think btc is hard, imagine telling them they have other options as well. That overwhelms them 07:41:24 Rucknium: 07:41:29 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/KpSpGXPmnjRSJddeTjQdpSDG 07:41:34 Here you go 12:15:48 <4​rkal:matrix.org> What's the consensus on cloudflare tunnels for a public monero node? 12:16:32 <4​rkal:matrix.org> Cloudflare tunnels are a bit like a man in the middle attack 12:17:25 Monero 12:32:45 You gotta defend this statement with actual accusations on Session 13:30:21 I wrote them off as soon as they implemented that wack xmr fork instead of using xmr 15:00:11 -xmr-pr- [meta] rbrunner7 opened issue #895: Seraphis wallet workgroup meeting #37 - Monday, 2023-09-18, 18:00 UTC 15:00:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/895 15:03:36 [meta] rbrunner7 opened issue #895: Seraphis wallet workgroup meeting #37 - Monday, 2023-09-18, 18:00 UTC 15:03:36 > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/895 15:49:53 hi guys, 15:49:53 I started the dataset for LLM fine tuning, dedicated to XMR, it's here: https://github.com/edge7/monero_qa/blob/main/dataset/xmr_qa_raw.json 15:49:53 any contribution would be highly appreciated, even just 1/2 Q&A, quantity matters, but quality more ! 15:49:54 Cheers 16:16:27 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8982 the AI would self destruct trying to help this user 16:22:44 Eh miracles cannot be done 16:45:00 I think I losrlt 20 IQ points and I am not done reading it. 16:45:01 Please tell me this was you trolling. 17:01:16 great support from plowsof and selsta ... at least he got a millinero now 17:01:16 Hello, 17:01:16 who can I talk to about crowd source funding and XMR integration for a privacy cold strange wallet? 17:01:28 Hello, 17:01:28 who can I talk to about crowd source funding and XMR integration for a privacy cold storage wallet? 17:07:23 Yes 17:58:50 @soverancelabs make a ccs proposal 18:00:29 I wrote to you on telegram. Gitlabs won't let me receive an activation code so I can write it on github but can't fork it on the CCS repo 18:04:34 to fork the ccs repo your account must be registed on getmoneros gitlab (not logged in via a third party like github) is this your problem? 18:09:36 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/GxvFkcsacJfqGKcPNiJRlQnb 18:09:47 There are a couple of nice news from monerica 18:10:36 This is a quick link to submit edit on existing entries 18:10:37 https://monerica.com/submission/findexisting 18:12:24 it's been a couple of days since I noticed exploremonero.com not working, does anybody know what's going on? 18:13:14 Also this one does not work https://monero.fail/ 18:13:51 I think it actually gets the data from xmrchain.net but that seems to be working fine 18:16:28 I believe dot fail is working on fixing the node map. No idea about the others. 18:30:34 is explore monero working now? 18:31:46 nvm, only the UI works :( 18:33:45 alternative to monero.fail https://www.ditatompel.com/monero/remote-node 19:16:32 CoinEX seemed to have XMR holdings https://announcement.coinex.com/hc/en-us/articles/8484992302612-CoinEx-Will-Support-XMR-Network-Upgrade-Hard-Fork (Rucknium i notice specific time/dates of withdrawal suspensions) 19:17:01 they seemed to have gotten rekt though https://rekt.news/coinex-rekt/ 19:47:13 can anyone confirm or deny this: 19:47:13 { 19:47:14 "Question": "I should have built a Monero node; how can I verify that it's publicly accessible for wallet syncing?", 19:47:14 "Answer": "If you have set up your Monero node with the public IP and RPC port 18089, you can verify its public accessibility by navigating to If you get a result back, you can assert that your node is public and usable for syncing wallets." 19:47:15 } 19:50:10 I am 99.999% it is correct, just a thumb up will suffice, thanks 19:58:18 0.001% = port forwarding if behind a router 20:00:13 that is covered here: 20:00:13 { 20:00:14 "question": "I should have run a public MONERO (XMR) node, but I cannot access it with my wallet. why?", 20:00:14 "answer": "It can be a networking issue (be sure your ports are open, as well as port forwarding if needed), also be sure you are passing the public-node argument to monerod. " 20:00:15 }, 20:00:45 You dont need public-node flag .... 20:02:08 hold on. That flag has always been a bit cryptic to me. That is just for advertisting, correct? 20:02:17 Yea 20:02:43 Advertising to bootstrap and simple mode (gui) 20:03:16 thanks 20:05:07 ... im 99.999% sure 🤪 20:12:44 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/XrYiCCOMbnqqUyFHiajozPux 20:12:58 from: https://sethforprivacy.com/guides/run-a-monero-node/#connecting-to-your-new-remote-node 20:12:58 which is pretty good 20:15:14 "just" is a strong word 20:15:43 I cant confirm 100% that the _only_ function us advertising 20:17:37 given the above, I agree that it is required for advertisting, but not clear if there are more side effect 20:26:41 { 20:26:41 "question": "What are some cool YouTube videos on Monero?", 20:26:42 "answer": "There are a few notable YouTube channels that focus on Monero. One of them is Monero Talk, which features weekly conversations with guests to explore current Monero topics. You can find it at Monero Talk YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/@MoneroTalk) . Another channel is the Monero Community Workgroup, where you can find a variety of Monero-related content includ 20:26:42 ing the Breaking Monero series that discusses potential vulnerabilities in Monero. You can watch these at Monero Community Workgroup YouTube Channel. (https://www.youtube.com/@MoneroCommunityWorkgroup)" 20:26:43 } 20:26:43 Anything big I missed there? 20:30:44 Monerotopia is live, weekly 20:31:04 Saturday at.. 20:31:17 chowbungaman: what time UTC? 20:31:31 it's not part of monero talk? 20:31:58 it is saturday 5 PM, Rome time 20:33:28 with the guy that does price first (tuxSudo) and Dgoon for the dev part 20:34:16 the price guy is Bawdy 20:34:17 tuxSudo is for the news part 20:34:32 Monerotalk is, as i understand it, the interviews etc 20:34:54 Monerotopia is a weekly time when community can join in on twitter etc 20:36:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah 20:36:14 I think 20:36:14 Lol 20:37:18 ok, but the youtube channel is still MoneroTalk 20:37:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tux is IT basically for doug help run it 20:42:14 The number between 2 and 4 (24) is 3! 20:42:14 And if you subtract 2 from 5 (25) you get 3! 20:42:15 is jeffro aka john AND Aka 24/25 🤯 20:42:44 (/s) 20:43:47 ? 20:53:09 BTW, for this do we agree: 20:53:09 { 20:53:09 "question": "I heard that someone has built a Monero ASIC, I thought that was not possible?", 20:53:10 "answer": "What you're likely referring to is not a traditional ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit), but rather a specialized hardware setup like the one from BitMain. These setups generally consist of a collection of RISC-V CPUs packed together. While this does provide some advantages in terms of form factor and maybe (or maybe not) power efficiency, it doesn't constit 20:53:10 ute an ASIC in the strict sense. Monero's algorithm is designed to be resistant to ASIC mining to maintain network decentralization. So, while specialized hardware may exist, it's not an ASIC in the traditional sense." 20:53:11 } 20:53:11 that was my understanding 21:03:54 How to prove a Monero payment was done? 21:03:54 When you send money to a party who then disputes the payment was made, you need to be able to prove the payment was made. 21:03:54 With Bitcoin, this is typically done by looking up the transaction ID, where the origin and destination addresses are shown, along with the amount transacted. 21:03:55 Monero, however, is private: that information is not available publicly on the blockchain. The steps are therefore a bit more involved. 21:03:55 To prove to Charlie that she made a payment to Bob, Alice must supply Charlie three pieces of information: 21:03:56 the transaction ID, as is done in Bitcoin 21:03:56 Bob's address, as is done with Bitcoin 21:03:57 the transaction's key, which is new with Monero and other CryptoNote currencies 21:03:57 Details here: https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/prove-payment.html 23:32:56 Oh great, here we go. 23:32:56 https://www.news.com.au/finance/money/macquarie-bank-announces-shock-move-to-scrap-cash-in-all-branches/news-story/da5ee045eb5470adcd038a8481cb98e4 23:35:23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z5y6RUkNxw 23:51:51 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> “I am a cash user. What right has the banks to tell me how to access & use my own money. This is not modernising, it’s control & dictatorship,” another person fumed" 23:51:51 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> lol noob 23:52:00 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> you dont own the cash in the bank