01:19:34 Right? lol 01:20:29 I knew Australia was going to get to this point eventually, sad to see. 05:55:02 It's for environmental reasons. Less paper money = saving the environment. /s 06:25:31 I'm sure they could spin that and someone would believe it 07:26:22 everything need to be written in rust 07:26:38 and their should be many forks 07:27:00 of multiple software and implementation 08:47:35 how do you buy things with monero? 08:48:10 things like groceries and fast food? 08:55:45 { 08:55:45 "question": "Where can I find merchants accepting Monero?", 08:55:46 "answer": "You can find merchants who accept Monero as payment on platforms like Cryptwerk (https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/) and Monerica (https://monerica.com/). These websites provide lists of businesses, both online and physical, that accept Monero." 08:55:46 } 09:01:14 thanks and wasnt there a bunch of sites that let you turn monero into gift cards? 09:02:11 in monerica there is a section for it search for: Giftcards 09:42:31 is monerica.com owned by cakewallet ? 09:43:00 because I only see this kind of shady things by cakewallet people 09:43:21 7 days ago my site was listed on https://monerica.com/#exchanges 09:44:10 maybe I got this wrong, but their site is open-source but index.html file isn't 09:44:14 https://github.com/monerica-project/monerica/tree/main/src/DirectoryManager 09:44:25 but from this pull 3 days ago 09:44:45 https://github.com/monerica-project/monerica/pull/90/commits 09:45:01 you can see content of index.html 09:45:04 https://github.com/monerodice/monerica/blob/487419b43d0b32d774028af2c747b4eb63e14eac/src/index.html 09:46:14 where you can see I am listed between kwenta.eth.limo and www.morphtoken.com 09:46:26 Don't know if there is cake wallet behind. Are you saying your website has been added? Are you not happy? 09:46:34 but not on the live site 09:48:00 You can request again here I guess https://monerica.com/submit 09:48:01 But if that's been merged will be live sooner or later I don't know their Ci cd process 09:49:59 wouldn't be a thing 09:50:02 if shadow removall 09:50:25 wasn't on same date as https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2117 09:50:44 their pr merged on getmonerosite, so we got merged, fuck mb 09:53:37 this is not a community project, but a corporate with their own agenda 09:56:10 Is this your website 09:56:14 https://monerodice.pro/ 09:57:22 I see it in the live website 10:07:45 MajesticBank in the index.html @ https://github.com/monerodice/monerica/blob/487419b43d0b32d774028af2c747b4eb63e14eac/src/index.html#L2180 (but not on the live site) - monerodice was added to index (after mb) and can be seen on the live site 10:14:40 Is it a rendering error? lol 10:16:16 there must be good explanation tho, no way they would just shadow remove someone after being listed 10:16:58 I have created an issue to ask for the whereabouts of the "real" index.html 10:22:47 I see it in the live website. 10:22:47 Edit: obviously it's not that one. 😵‍💫 10:24:51 Community meeting today 4-hrs35mins https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/893 10:45:39 FCMP retroactive -;10 updoot += jtgrassie,ofrnxmr (+berman but it will pay his wages so coi there) vs 0 downdoot += 6 in comments who are against/abstain/not 100% for other reasons. Now then, its a no brainer to merge it? 10:59:52 By the way I see majestic bank here: 10:59:53 https://github.com/monerica-project/monerica/blob/65397c7bf8cf647f90febeaf336836ea63a024f6/src/DirectoryManager/DirectoryManager.Web/index.html#L2180 10:59:53 In the main branch 11:00:43 https://github.com/monerica-project/monerica/blob/main/src/DirectoryManager/DirectoryManager.Web/index.html 11:02:26 There must be some sync issues. I think they have been making changes lately 11:04:37 I don't see the point to start saying 'corporate and agenda' as soon as there is a small issue. 11:34:51 Better metrics than the oscar 11:35:10 🔥😆 11:37:02 if were excluding COI, how tf did i get banned by vp of geonics doublr vote 11:38:34 who's __ck do i have to massage to get kayas ccs merged on a random tuesday? luigi1111: 11:40:49 In all seriousness, i was banned for asking about a bs coi movie scam that is about to claim the second half of the scam money 11:40:49 banned by vp of vc backer lol 11:41:03 all days of the week are random as the week only exists in the mind of humans 11:41:39 The weak exist in the physical though :D, nioc 11:42:46 Geonics vote against kaya is cucked too 11:43:32 The sob (geonic) got a milestone 0 (12k or so) for a movie _not_ featuring monero that _will not_ win an oscar 11:44:02 But says kaya ccs should be killed due to retroactive? 11:44:20 Majestic votes "ill kick his head in" 11:45:01 so we respect double voters and malicious __ck massagers 11:45:48 I bet that ofrn doesn't live with a cat 11:46:31 There are valid no votes, like koe, but ive spoken to koe and i highly doubt his no is meant to block the ccs 11:48:10 Geonic's no id just a pathetic drunk hippo wuth sore knees/jaw being a hippo 11:48:34 I recall that hippo saying plowsof should cuz rates in half 11:48:57 I recall that hippo saying diego made too much (7k) 11:49:38 But the hippo wants 25k with 0 deliverables? Damn hippos 11:50:09 I recall that hippo saying plowsof should cut his rates in half 11:51:27 Many absolutely terrible ccs get merged. This is contentious, and perhaps is presented in a less than ideal fashion. 11:51:50 Pay the man or cry about it later 11:52:13 Its not like we have 3 kayas available, or sarang, or koe 11:53:02 Koe = haitus 11:53:03 kaya = volunteer 11:53:03 sarang = i need to eat, so.. im where they feed me 11:53:38 Lets push kaya out, and keep geonic and solopt 😭😭😝😁 11:54:33 I do tho 11:54:47 I think 11:56:22 If were worried about setting precedent, we should cancel geonics ccs 11:57:07 But were not. Kaya will be merged behind our backs if the right person(s) say so. Votes dont matter 11:57:57 If votes matter, kill geodude ccs OR exclude geodude votes cuz he has a COI 11:58:24 Cant both pay a scammer, and have that scammer fud everyone who isnt a scammer 12:00:57 If my friend tried to block kaya ccs, id kick him in the head with the keyboard 12:01:49 Ban ofrn, count bribejestic's votes 🙈 12:02:09 Mr altspamjestic votes 12:03:07 Oh damn.. im early. Meeting soon? 12:03:10 I wonder why ppl said my name so much, but have been mia since i came bk. Weirdos 12:04:34 Kick kaya in the face, lol? Lol, theb bribejestic gets a private warning 12:05:04 Know how mny warnings i got before i was banned? None. Cuck bitch threatened my after the fact 12:05:08 Ne* 12:05:24 Me* 12:05:41 Idk bout some of thus bs 12:05:54 Cowards get pushed around by scammers 12:06:34 But think their lil acorns are big enough to deal with me. Go practice using your tough guy skills against the scanmers and charlatans 12:09:54 Damn pathetic getting dogwalked by a drunk geodude, bribejestic, mj-litigation, msvb etc etc. 12:09:54 i respect ruck and koe votes. Geodude and scamjestic votes are malicious 12:30:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tldr? 12:31:00 merge kaya fcmp retroactive ccs 12:31:23 And stop respecting votes of scammers and vp of coi 12:50:21 Actually, i see 0 downvotes. Sone negative feedback, but no downvotes. 12:54:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Didnt someone say not to use the up/down as a form of for and against? Just put comments :/ 12:54:34 Idk, wasnt here 12:56:03 i see 12:56:03 - plowsof pkaying it safe 12:56:03 - raver being a hater as usual, yet voting to merge never ending bs like the sdk and molly "not" featuring monero 12:56:04 - Rucknium for securit proofs 12:56:04 - geonic being worthless again 12:56:52 - bribejestic 12:57:35 I think kaya ccs is obviously "merge last tuesday" considering seraphis is basically retroactive as well 12:57:43 It has no proofs, code isnt reviewed 12:58:12 Geonics ccs doesnt feature monero and is half the cost of kayas. 12:58:21 Sdk bs is as much as this 12:58:53 And this is _acual code_.. not haveno or sdk vaporware 13:09:42 And bermans vote counts, if all of geonics COI votes counted, riiight? 13:11:12 if i was involved in this ccs, and didnt get merged, id just raise my rates significantly to repay the disrespect 13:47:15 We’re going live in an hour! 13:47:15 👀➡️ https://youtube.com/watch?v=G99IPha14mY 13:47:15 🎙➡️ https://streamyard.com/epz8q6dymd 13:47:16 🐦➡️ https://x.com/i/spaces/1LyxBnMeQWWxN 14:16:45 are we yelling again 14:18:41 I think I'll merge it if there's an expiration for funds gathering and plan for underfunding 14:18:59 any opinions 14:23:03 Im ok with that. What were you thinking for an expiration? 14:23:24 kayabanerve: 14:43:29 meeting in 15 minutes 14:47:49 🦍 14:51:23 Do we know if we could qualify to get the monerod ports into the well-known portlist? 15:00:09 Meeting time: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/893 15:00:37 hi 15:00:42 greetings! hello 15:00:54 Hello. 15:00:57 hey there 15:02:20 Cat is here 15:02:40 Hello 15:02:47 lets discuss some highlights while we wait for people to roll in 15:03:31 selsta has been putting the next release together (18.3) - currently undergoing some testing - so if you want to compile the release v18 branch and put up a node, please do! 15:04:22 moneros next hardfork will more than likely be to implement tevadors PoW verification changes (to mitigate denial of service attacks against nodes) more info here: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8827 15:04:39 Nice 🚀 15:04:47 this hardfork gives an opportunity for some RandomX changes: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/pull/274 that will give "free" hashes to some AMD cpus (around >+8% in testing) (best palce to ask about this is in #monero-pow) 15:05:35 nodes anti-ddos is important, great work 15:06:04 Monero celebrates its 80 millionth output (via p2pool observer, the only explorer with a tor link? thanks to sech1 outputs https://p2pool.io/explorer/tx/5dbd3a47b1174d0442aed9f4ad87e5704b2b905e35a2e4e288649b422c1aea8b 15:06:19 s/observer/explorer 15:06:59 Both work :P p2pool.observer 15:07:34 in #monero-community-dev spackle_xmr shared a churning script (working off of Monerujos pocketchange methods) "I've put up 3 python scripts for wallet management via RPC: Fracture, Consolidate, and Churn. See here: https://github.com/spackle-xmr/MoneroTools/" 15:08:39 whoever is doing the churning research should look at spackles work as well 15:09:51 https://bitcart.ai/ (a full featured crypto payment processor) being used in the wild @ monerosupplies.com (payment in XMR/BTC/LTC/BCH) 15:10:37 monerobull had issues with the monero wordpress / monero-php being blocked by a new host or something, and now has bitcart as an alternative 15:11:18 MrNaif is the developer ... hopefully they gain support for helping Monerokon somewhere 15:12:38 any other community highlights people want to talk about? [Revuo Monero](https://revuo-xmr.com/) - [The Monero Standard](https://localmonero.co/the-monero-standard) 15:14:05 I would like to mention that monerica.com shadow removed me from their website 15:14:14 2 CCS projects shared updates also: [Monero Garden](https://twitter.com/anhdres/status/1702303928530936206?t=eWOsKH_nwVqAGieL4Ziluw&s=19) / [Haveno](https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/releases) (testers for haveno welcome) #haveno:haveno.network 15:14:32 on similar date as they listing on getmonero site is approved https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2117 15:14:53 i made an issue about this, and it was closed today with a comment https://github.com/monerica-project/monerica/issues/129 15:15:31 Yeah now I'm really close to have the text ready. I have to learn the whole GitHub publishing thing 15:15:32 in the index.html @ https://github.com/monerodice/monerica/blob/487419b43d0b32d774028af2c747b4eb63e14eac/src/index.html#L2180 (but not on the live site) - monerodice was added to index (after mb) and can be seen on the live site 15:15:39 oh so site is offline, makes sense 15:15:44 sorry anhdres, i meant to tag you ! 15:15:45 And right after will start working on the images 15:17:08 thank you for the update ⚽️🦶 15:17:24 Technically haveno isnt a ccs oroject 15:17:39 The frontend is, and the frontend has no updates 15:17:56 (we have to keep saying it is so we get our 0.0001% returns) 15:18:13 Hello 15:19:05 Lovera and 4rkal posted some new ccs proposals since the last meeting, seems like anough people are here to jump into the merge list 15:20:18 right, again, recanmanns: 15:20:29 a. [recanman to take over Monero integrations pt. 3](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/402) 15:21:09 Hehe 15:21:14 another dev appears to have re-written their own fork of the monero-php library which may have solved the issues from milestone 1 in the "Monero integrations" proposal 15:21:22 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/402#note_22340 15:21:25 Is anyone actually using that plugin 🤔 /s 15:22:10 however, that work has to be 'made sense of' / adapted / and worked into the official monero-php library - all this, for 4 xmr 15:23:34 and milestone 2 , Monero Woocommerce payment gateway maintenance, is uneffected, with 7 xmr in funds. i feel the proposal is unaffected and support recanmann to take it over (basically give serhack a helping hand, who is busy) 15:26:43 I +1 what plowsof said 15:27:58 thanks for the feedback, we can move on if nobody has a comment 15:28:06 @nobody 15:28:13 @nobody 15:28:15 Lmao 15:28:20 Jinx 15:28:24 lol 15:28:42 next 15:28:43 ok moving on 15:28:45 b. [Add retroactive funding proposal for FCMPs](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/403) 15:29:08 is this like that Tesla proposal? 15:29:22 close it already 15:29:23 Merge with expiry 15:29:25 luigi "I think I'll merge it if there's an expiration for funds gathering and plan for underfunding" 15:29:40 so it will be merged 15:29:40 Merge 15:29:49 Movie ccs was retroactive 15:29:51 ``` 15:29:51 I think I'll merge it if there's an expiration for funds gathering and plan for underfunding 15:29:52 ``` 15:30:11 Movie ccs has 0 potential roi 15:30:21 For all intents and purposes. We have precedence 15:30:27 Frontend ccs is vaporware 15:30:38 Kayas ccs is actual code 15:30:56 Solopt is "optional milestones w*th full pay" 15:31:31 While it shoyldnt set precedent, i believe kaya's attempt to get started before putting up the ccs was in good faith 15:31:32 this merge will bring more good then bad, but I guess we can give him 1 month period to get funded 15:31:43 He coukd be like molly and just never deliver, right lol 15:31:47 otherwise put funds back to general fund 15:31:51 3 months 15:32:03 3 months better than 1 15:32:07 jet fund* 15:32:32 iirc kayaba intends on putting up another ccs for further work (but isnt promising anything) 15:32:32 Aka, go towards other dev proposals 15:32:55 yes. Fcmp, this is just part 1. Still need a lot of work to actually implement (proofs, audits, yadayada) 15:33:26 hopefully he didnt overwork himself and needs a hiatus 15:33:35 Kaya didn't accept any recommendation from the community, not even one 15:33:40 it's a disgrace 15:33:46 I don't think that people will be motivated to donate if it misses the goal and the funds go to the GF 15:33:49 Majestic doesnt have ears or eyes 15:33:59 Bribejestic shh 15:34:06 I want devs to be funded 15:34:06 Go kick a keyboard 15:34:17 There has been less activity on serai GitHub this week 😬 15:34:29 Me too nioc: and not shit copy pasta elitewallet devs 15:34:52 Maybe a milestone in fundraising 15:35:01 Just so he can pay the people he already hired for the work 15:35:05 thats usually why workers are forbidden to work so many hours a week 15:35:27 I thought it was so i had to take 2 jobs and not get overtime? 15:35:31 This is putting salt in mouth of other people around monero, just saying, how you can do something on your own and ask payment whichever you want later 15:35:51 Ask geonic 15:35:58 Maybe he can tell you 15:36:23 Majestic, FCMP is arguably wanted by everyone 15:36:36 ^^^^^^^^^^ 15:36:52 You missed the comments on then ccs I guess then 15:36:55 Its research funding as far as im concerned. 15:36:56 Whether we implement or not, i support the initiative.. especially considering its not vaporware like a lot of these other ccs 15:37:04 It's not like he is asking money for an unrelated pet project 15:37:35 we don't have to argue about it anymore, it will be merged pending expiry dates / underfunding plans 15:37:47 the CCS, formally known as the FFS, was created to fund devs and research 15:37:48 next 15:37:49 our suffering is relinquished 15:37:51 not marketing 15:38:09 Ty 15:38:32 lets move on , pending kayabas input 15:38:41 c. [Create Educational Content in Spanish](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/406) 15:38:58 Didn't we vote merge on this last time already 15:39:05 Lovera did well by us the last time 15:39:19 I remember because I was watching the final showdown of John whick 4 at that time 15:39:24 will luigi let the ccs fund someone 3 usd/hour is the question 15:39:46 they should lower their price 15:39:50 I don't mind the merge but checked his youtube the views are like 200 views per month 15:40:11 could be a better 15:40:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/XNISRoDLTBJAPOaqgsSptHPv 15:40:44 We should fund this guy 15:40:44 but if we will not merge and Lovera still does the work, that's 0 $/h 15:40:46 same price as last time 15:41:04 But he already does it for FREE 15:41:12 Hes got moolah 15:41:22 with lovera, i expressed many concerns with the first ccs 15:41:34 he would destory his channel if he was forced to make content for us every week probably? 15:41:35 Regarding which channek things would be posted, the focus, etc 15:41:47 Other sponsorships they have, their current revenue etc 15:42:24 or Monero content from his wouldnt be out of the norm, anyway, we are discussing Lovera 15:43:29 monerbull I believe it was not merged because it had just been opened 15:43:47 its the same terms as was accepted the first time, his subscribers have increased, i did not look at any other stats, the view count was not jaw dropping. however, the informative videos are up there for eternity* for spanish speakers 15:44:35 I'm voting merge. Im ok with the cost 15:44:37 They are on odyssey too right 15:44:54 Lovera: 15:45:41 https://imgur.com/a/cIs4fs9 15:46:14 no laser eyes ?? 15:46:36 I think more people are forced to watch ofcxmr psychiatric episodes 15:46:44 but it's small amount so merge ? 15:47:01 small and he has an actual following 15:47:09 No open mouth is good, Mr beast recently said if you have your teeth not closed the video performs wirse 15:47:17 No open mouth is good, Mr beast recently said if you have your teeth not closed the video performs worse 15:47:23 https://i.imgur.com/woqO3z9.png 15:47:32 i think a 'how did the 1st ccs go' round up of videos produced / titles would be helpful? 15:48:23 Monerotopia tiktok twitter as well 15:48:44 its just the absurdly low hourly rate 15:48:52 He shoukd raise it to 100xmr 15:49:14 can we hop to the next ? 15:49:42 Well with lovera, i say merge 15:49:56 Cost more man hrs to debate it 15:50:37 But i also agree with plowsof about looking into interaction stats of most popular videos or tiktoks of that time 15:51:02 the first ccs we got some stats from lovera, they would be nice to see this time round again, i will leave it at that 15:51:24 Yea, a comparison chsrt would be great 15:51:40 ok lets move on 15:51:48 d. [Selfhosted tor gitea instance of monero source](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/408) 15:51:59 This is like moneroarchiver, but paid mth to mth? 15:52:12 Instead of "run with the money after 2 weeks" 15:53:02 i feel my comment on the other proposal applies to this one: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/361#note_19727 15:53:09 Isn't git decentralized by nature and a self hosted version basically useless 15:53:59 Were already mirrored on wownero's instance i think (?) 15:54:11 for me this is a no. lets say monero is outlawed / deleted from github ... ok who do we get the source from, plowsofs gitea instance on tor? ok we download that, what do we do with it? ... probably ask other devs / core members who have local copies for hashes of commits? 15:54:32 in that case we dont need step 1 15:54:46 Yeah, i agree with plow. People can self host for free 15:54:56 I self host the blockchain for free.. 15:54:57 I trust core more than some random guy who wants to get paid for hosting a backup 15:55:08 skip for now 15:55:20 Close 15:55:26 I host bridgerton: for free 15:55:39 And the chain 15:56:22 At one point i even hosted Bitcoin but only to put monerochan ordinals on it 15:56:26 I almost forgot to mention we are adding p2p trade option to our existing swap service, it's in beta and expected to be live in week 15:56:31 https://majesticbank.sc/p2p/1 15:56:51 i spent 12 hours @ 45eur setting my laptop so i can work in the woods /s 15:56:51 That sounds cool 15:57:09 *consults the EmJay invoice* 15:57:50 interesting majesticbank 15:58:09 majetic do you take custody of the coins during the trade? 15:58:09 is this done using localmoneros api? or your own service? 15:58:42 it's fully in house solution 15:59:02 there will be also on/off ramp options 15:59:09 ok impressive, will keep an eye on that link, please keep us updated 16:00:21 on the hour, AOB? 16:00:43 i've been following rekt.news (CoinEX appeared there, who have xmr holdings, be careful out there) 16:00:44 I just got around to watching this video which has been sitting in my playlist for months https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP7v9HdUceY 16:01:07 thanks ! 16:01:17 The part where they explain how monero works is pretty good if you cut before they talk about how it's used by criminals lmao 16:01:39 what happened with farcaster team 16:02:18 there was presentation on the monerokon with mainnet and silence after 16:02:37 no activity from them for a while (did they approach the events team to hold a presentation somewhere recently?) 16:04:13 farcaster released a WebUI for swaps during their last update, which worked (alot of tweaks/bugs to be fixed when i tired) after that, not much 16:04:33 Basicswap had some updates too iirc 16:05:18 Monero trades 16:05:21 Both directions 16:05:36 Still not viable since you need all the nodes 16:05:49 But very cool 16:06:23 nice, thanks for sharing 16:06:43 i think we can leave it there, thank yo uall for attending and m-relay for your moderation via DataHoarder 16:06:52 ty plowsoft 16:07:03 thanks for moderation 16:07:12 Good meeting everyone, dankon. 16:07:22 Ty plowgpt 16:07:42 events meeting in 53 minutes right? #monero-events:monero.social 16:10:32 Yes, in 50 minutes on the #monero-events channel. 16:11:15 is anything special planned for 10 year anniversary? 16:14:55 curve trees :D 16:24:30 monerokon meeting at 17:00 today: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/896 16:24:30 utc 16:24:30 in #monero-events 16:30:11 -xmr-pr- [meta] ajs-xmr opened issue #896: MoneroKon 2024 Planning Meeting: Saturday 16th September 2023 @ 17:00... 16:30:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/896 17:00:48 luigi1111w: I'm fine with any expiration you want if its sane (at least two weeks). As for underfunding, I'd say it should still be passed through (no reason not to IMO), but I'm willing to say funded milestones get paid and partially funded milestones go to the general fund as traditional if that greases the wheels. 17:01:32 :D 17:01:49 2 weeks would be a short time for a proposal of this size 17:03:15 expiration is like 1mo+. I don't think partially funded should go to gen fund, I'd just like a plan for what happens if there is underfunding (preference or pro rata or something else) 17:05:06 monerobull @monerobull:matrix.org: I only hired jberman and accepted the risk I'd go out of pocket on it. I want to be clear on the limited scope there given prior comments. 17:05:58 nioc: Agreed. Hence so long as it's at least :p I was going to suggest 1m. 17:06:07 Though I also heard 3m mentioned. 17:06:27 Sorry for missing the meeting. Time zones are off for me :// 17:06:32 look at monero. researchers paying out of their own pocket and meanwhile unnecessary stuff gets funding 17:07:41 3 months is a long time and 1 month is minimum but luigi already knows this :) 17:09:41 without milestones it would be difficult to make a partial payment if it come to that 17:09:50 i previously stated im gone if we cant fund core research / development since it means the project has failed 17:09:57 *payments 17:13:07 Monerbull, its being merged, opinions on 'what to do if underfunded' - 'how long for it to expire' pls, no need to reiterate threats!! 17:13:14 Monerobull 17:13:28 ok 17:14:32 id suggest first funding milestone somewhere around what kayaba paid to others 17:14:54 nioc: There are milestones, just in the metadata which isn't in the desc. Solely the patch 17:15:01 I meant to move those into the desc... 17:15:07 3 months broski 17:15:47 I don't have exp here and am fine deferring to luigi 17:15:58 Luigi os fine deferring to you 17:16:09 ^ 17:17:09 1 month - 1.5 - 2 - 2.5 - 3 17:17:44 plowsof: I'm fine deferring to you 17:17:44 :p 17:18:04 If underfunded after x months - i accept the rediction in wages , thanks all for donating 17:18:04 1, or if that seems short to people with exp, 2 months would be more than fine by me. 17:18:23 Add those 2 things, thanks 17:18:41 Tyvm. Can reduce my wages too 17:18:46 K. Will try to do tonight :) 17:19:04 The issue is: if general fund doesnt fund it, donations take time 17:19:40 BUT i think funding will be easy 17:19:42 Under 2 weeks imo. But id give 2 months to be safe (time for exposure etc) 17:19:44 yeah what do we pay you for /s 17:19:49 Bp++ was quickly funded WITHIUR general fund 17:19:54 Because outsiders know wassup 17:20:19 Should just defer to ofrnxmr @kaya 17:20:49 2 months or 8 meetings 17:21:10 2 months or 4 meetings* 17:22:02 If underfunded by 3rd meeting... decide how much by and vote to fund with jet fund 17:22:14 kayabanerve: For future proposals on FCMP, are you going to seek and consider feedback from others or is it going to be "take it or leave it"? 17:22:39 (not to speak for kaya, but i believe future ones will be in real time) 17:22:48 I don't like the lack of technical review nor not seeking to build consensus on critical questions. 17:24:18 "Take it or leave it" gives you too much power over the protocol. 17:27:04 There has been almost no discussion of Curve Trees in #MRL. No one in the Monero researcher/developer community who can technically review any part of it has commented on it AFAIK. 17:28:23 Part of that is because the set of people who are "in Monero researcher/developer community who can technically review any part of it" is tiny and getting smaller, so it's not your fault exactly. 17:30:15 Guys, I’m sorry I couldn’t attend the meeting, I had a bit of a complicated day. 17:30:16 1) Retroactive, I think we have reached the consensus to merge. As they have said, it will bring good things. The code in Monero is good. 17:30:16 2) Majestik, there are two channels, LoveraTV and LoveraXMR. The latter has grown since the last CCS, look for Monero in Spanish on YouTube and you will see that there is little quality content. 17:30:17 3) selfhosted proposal: there was a similar proposal and it was closed. 17:30:56 Thanks for feedback lovera 17:31:06 I will try to share some data since the last CCS 17:31:08 Rucknium: Future proposals won't be retroactive. They'll undergo the full CCS process. I cannot comment on how much feedback is accepted. 17:31:53 It's been discussed on a GH issue for a while, and I talked with jberman and sarang. 17:32:37 While I agree I'm pushing it forward, I simply saw that as no one else pushing forward FCMPs, per your last point. 17:32:38 They didn't give us any public review. jberman cannot review a proposal he is a part of. 17:33:33 There are discussions on if I'm single handedly controlling the exact details, such as regarding the integration of divisors. That was primarily due to the raw numerical performance and narodnik's contributions to discussion m 17:34:00 koe was sort of in a position to review it, but he's on hiatus, so it's understandable. AFAIK, this Rust code work was mostly about testing the ability to connect Curve Trees to Seraphis, so he would have been a good person of course. 17:34:15 I'm perfectly fine wishing with you sarang had also commented and invited them several times. 17:35:14 I also have private quotes I wish I was able to share... 17:35:47 Sarang is complicated for many reasons. He is mostly working for Firo, which is nominally a "competitor" to Monero. He also doesn't like to put himself in the middle of controversy. He likes to be able to say things with confidence and integrity instead of speculating. All things that make it hard to comment publicly on this. 17:36:05 They're mostly working for Cypher Stack. 17:36:29 Firo is a notable contractor of CS, which means sarang spends more time on Firo than Monero these days, AFAIK. 17:38:36 kayabanerve: I was wondering, what is the wallet scan performance of Curve Trees like compared to Current Seraphis proposal? I saw the tx size and tx verification numbers, but not wallet scanning. 17:38:58 Scanning isn't affected at all 17:39:11 Nice. 17:50:09 The stats during my last CCS were as follows: (pic) I have somewhat abandoned the LoveraTV channel as I am focusing on LoveraXMR. Getting an audience for Monero in languages other than English is a bit tricky (see the Russian Monero channel), however with CCS I plan to pick it up again. 17:50:09 In LoveraXMR we have reached about 500 subscribers and the truth is that there is quite a lot of interaction especially in the Spanish Telegram group of Monero. 17:50:10 Also on Twitter we are starting to see more interest in Monero in Spanish. 17:50:10 TikTok has also grown slightly, but it is also true that I don't dedicate as much time as possible to it. 17:50:11 With the help of CCS I would dedicate much more time to reach more people. 17:50:24 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/wuhgSguZdtUgHrgoMuGFFepg 17:50:35 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/wivhXPBmsepmlCPLddrBgiAC 17:50:49 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/lfghYrwBaplCMvGmMsyrxSwa 18:14:42 There is still quite some stuff to do. I don't see any approvals or disapprovals? 19:09:02 if luigi could just merge it that would be great 19:21:29 Merge: 19:21:29 Kaya 8 weeks or die (reevaluate at meeting b4 deadline) 19:21:29 recann 19:21:30 right? 19:21:30 (Or + lovera?) 19:30:14 is there any moderation in this channel or is verbal diarrhea now the norm? 19:38:29 geonic: are you new here? 19:45:38 He wants to suicide bomb again 19:45:39 it kinda looks like the patients have taken over the asylum 19:46:09 Hes mad cuz kaya got merged? 19:47:27 Scammers only? 19:47:52 We should cancel yur cucked ccs 19:47:58 How bout that 19:48:51 not winning no damn oscar aside from being the homie in the 🚮 19:49:25 lol someone’s mad but it’s not me 19:49:37 this isn’t therapy buddy 19:49:41 ^ 19:49:51 its not AA either 19:50:01 although I’m perfectly willing to heap abuse on you until you rage quit again 19:50:09 Wanna do that? 19:50:31 Rage quit? Yur bestie kicked me and i never left, dumbass 19:50:48 what a strange coincidence that ctrej grew quiet again once ofrn returned 19:50:55 You suicide bombed, dont tell fibs now 19:51:00 I like your other persona better 19:51:14 u were never banned from this channel nitwit 19:51:28 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: can you tell this shithead wassup 19:51:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You notice mods disappear when this happens? 19:51:41 Am i ceetee? 19:51:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yest 19:51:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I’m rotten 19:52:13 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And geonic is sgp 19:52:13 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Agree? 19:52:15 TrasherDK: is my only alt 19:52:44 what a strange coincidence that I'm about to burn out 19:52:53 lmao 19:52:55 Look its a party 19:53:03 And im rejuvenated 19:53:03 firing on all cylinders 19:53:33 we can agree that there are no mods in this channel 19:53:35 ffs geonice can't you even give me a weekend off and let me enjoy a movie with my homies? 19:53:35 Geonic still drinking his lunch 19:53:43 Notice how geodude always drunk texting on weekends 19:53:45 ffs geonic can't you even give me a weekend off and let me enjoy a movie with my homies? 19:53:55 On irc? Nope 19:54:35 You said my name so many times over the last month. I kinda liked it 19:54:43 Say it again baby 19:54:47 alright degens, have fun. you’re in charge now. 19:54:53 Say my name baby 19:55:40 ✌️ 19:56:32 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: you heard the man. me and my alts are in charge now 20:06:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> V8 20:07:53 V14 bro 20:10:37 My car gonna win an oscar 20:11:36 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Not esg compliant ban! 20:11:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Oscar or golden globe? 20:13:19 neither. the oscar is the “moon”, read the ccs. 20:15:55 I can't read, otherwise i would 20:16:05 if $25k bought an oscar there’d be as many oscar winners as there are bitcoiners 20:16:37 dyslexia too? damn, it’s a long list of ailments 20:17:05 nah, i just never learned to read 20:17:44 ct reads to you out loud? 20:17:50 Good on you for insulting people with ailments though 20:18:05 Yes, yes he does. Problem? 20:18:10 types for me too 20:18:10 geonic could cash the milestone 1 cheque yesterday, but he has chosen not to 20:18:34 he should cash it out and finalize his shitty career here 20:18:40 no problem, keep talking to yourself 20:18:56 take your price geonic 20:19:06 you played the game well 20:19:30 its communities fault that these are the rules 20:19:53 "Played the game" haha, thats a gentle way to put it 20:20:31 localmonero only dead for me? 20:20:38 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/fjhnmDvQTXrLIvASwUIxXJTu 20:20:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Doesnt like you 20:20:51 Ya 20:21:01 now it loads 20:21:11 I fixed it 20:21:15 Yw 20:21:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ctrl alt defeat 20:21:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tldr meeting? 20:21:50 Kaya won and geonic is raging 20:21:53 dead again 20:21:54 BRUH 20:21:54 algorithm to save on bandwidth: site is offline until someone comaplains via contact email / reddit / tw*tter 20:22:13 it loads once and does not load once. idk 20:22:22 Give it a bit 20:22:27 Maybe you're hitting a dead server 20:23:15 you mean loadbalance? 20:23:25 and a server I get to is dead 20:23:30 ? 20:23:30 Yeah 20:23:32 wrong again. I’m disappointed that the community is changing the way research is done in Monero 20:23:36 ahh, understandable 20:23:39 Try over tor 20:25:20 ofrn: are you going to attack with verbal diarrhea in -dev and -research-lab when they refuse to merge kayaba’s work? 20:25:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> #ban luke and his maid dress? 20:25:53 Im disappointed that community knows you provide negative value and still pay your bum ass 20:26:08 serious question 20:26:19 No, kick him in the head with bribejestics keyboard 20:26:32 Its merged pumpum 20:26:49 not talking about the ccs 20:27:03 talking about the work the ccs is supposed to produce 20:27:10 oh who gives a shit? 20:27:22 Its code dummy, it needs reviews, audits etc 20:27:26 https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20230916#c280579 20:27:27 Its nlt being merged tkmorrow 20:27:40 Mr "i dont know how to use git" needs to stfu about git 20:27:59 this was the most important remark today but it got lost in your diarrhea 20:28:06 that’s the goal isn’t it 20:28:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I’m disappointed plowsof hasn’t provided a free $15 euro a month instances 20:28:36 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> #plowsof tightass 20:28:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> :0 20:28:41 youre not a bright guy 20:28:58 Mr 7 downvotes 20:29:16 I even spoke with koe. I dont give a shit what geoscam saya 20:29:50 kayaba has gotten 0 buy-in from the people he’s supposed to convince 20:29:58 Spoke with vtnerd, dont give a fuck about geoscam opinion 20:30:00 Why would anyone consult a scammer? 20:30:39 what did vtnerd say 20:30:44 Who is he supposed to convince? You? 20:30:45 Lmao 20:31:08 ask him to comment on both ccs yourself 20:31:15 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Sesth address convo 20:31:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Stealth address convo 20:31:31 read ruck’s comment and argue with it, not me 20:32:58 this isn’t the way work is done here for a reason. hopefully luigi1111 makes it clear with the merge 20:35:48 Stfu u scammin dog 20:36:06 tell him to explain your merge too, hippo 20:36:31 Random tuesday confessions, youre frazzled fr 20:36:41 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Luigi does what community wants? 20:36:42 he did and made me put a disclaimer on top 20:36:49 What are you doing here? Scamming? Larping? Being useless af? 20:37:26 Dont you have an oscar to win? 20:37:54 Or u ready to cash out and pretend like you didnt just get 100% payment and deliver NOTHIIIINNNGGGG 20:38:00 fuckin hippo 20:39:16 Since a few people asked if we sold ATMs last MoneroKon. How much would you people be willing to spend on a FOSS Monero ATM if you wanted to buy one? 20:40:08 Also imagine it isn't a cardboard pizza box and a wooden or metal enclosure 20:40:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> If it was wooden we can self destruct 20:41:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Burn it down! 20:41:49 You can sell the electonics, + specs/blueprint for the enclosure 20:42:01 so people can build at home 20:42:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 3d printed 20:42:38 I really liked your prototype. Remember I asked you privately for the parts? I have found it impossible to find them. it is complicated and especially the shipping to the Canary Islands (Spain) it seems that customs would not let it pass or would put many obstacles. 20:42:53 I would like to sell kits. They would include all the hardware such as bill acceptor, display, cables and also the enclosure. 20:43:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ikea monero atm 20:44:16 Shipping within the EU, you shouldn't have problems with customs. But I know that the parts can be hard to find or not everyone sells to private persons. 20:44:56 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Unless you sell in kits and parts aswell? 20:45:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So if someone can find some parts but not all you can supply 20:45:41 How much did one cost to produce? 20:45:41 It's easy for me to bulk order the components as Digilol. And I can resell in a kit. 20:46:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Speaking of parts whats happening with see signer? 20:46:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Speaking of parts whats happening with seed signer? 20:47:32 Components alone ~500 eur, shipping 50 eur, pizza boxes (priceless). 20:48:01 Wow, I was thinking that it would be much cheaper. 20:48:30 I don't have a need for a monero atm but I'm sure that 650 or so is a good price for a monero atm, assuming it is pretty capable 20:49:09 TIL metal enclosures don't cost 50 euros :( 20:51:12 It can be cheaper. Not all components are a must. We can have a version without the coin or bill acceptor. Having just the coin acceptor would make it instantly 200 euro cheaper but then it's not very usable :/ 20:51:50 I still need to approach local manufactures/metal workers but from what I heard from a friend who lives somewhere else in EU 20:51:54 Ah,ok. I just didn't think that a bill acceptor would be so 20:51:58 Ah,ok. I just didn't think that a bill acceptor would be so expensive 20:52:18 That part alone is 200-250 20:52:22 That part alone is 200-250 eur 20:52:27 It's the most expensive component 21:48:49 He put a tiny disclaimer without any highlighting at the bottom, not even at the very bottom, until I complained about that. Which was after it was like 70% funded iirc 21:54:42 now you can make sure this one has a big disclaimer from the start? since your only worry is about donors being misled and this isn’t a personal vendetta of any kind, of course. 22:07:08 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: @room did i derail the meeting? 22:08:07 or did geonic show up here and start talkin off topic bullshit 22:10:12 https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20230916#c280303 22:10:29 who was luigi talking about here? 22:11:17 Who was i talking about here? You? Dont feel special buddy 22:12:43 Clearly the person he was talking to 22:13:09 Aka me, ans he was responding to my offer to give him a massage in exchange for a rando' merge 22:13:20 Why do you think im talking about you? Shoe fits well? 22:14:24 (Fyi, geonic is currently tryingbto get me banned in #resolutions:monero.social ) lmao 22:15:10 Im already banned in that room 22:15:32 lmfao so i cant reply whiny bs 22:15:44 whoopsie 22:15:50 "ofrn and his 6 alts made me mad daddy! Please ban him!" 22:16:27 not even mad, just disgusted at the level of discourse here 22:16:29 why dont you grow a pair and ping your mods here 22:16:36 Why r u crying in resolutions? 22:16:48 Youre TRYING to get me banned ya fkn cow 22:16:48 this isn’t the right channel for that? 22:17:00 but yes, for the record I support a permaban 22:17:12 keep digging 22:17:19 "i dont care" than go win an oscsr or smthn 22:17:34 Who i look like? 22:17:41 Permaban youraelf retsrd 22:17:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> hes baiting you 22:18:06 I cant be permabanned. thats cucked af. at least Not because you asked 22:18:10 I know he is 22:18:19 u got banned once because I asked 22:18:27 can’t happen again? 22:18:31 And what of it? Some idiot gonna ban be for 14 days agin and thing somethibg is gonna change? 22:18:38 I didnt go anywhere 22:19:04 I just say back while geobic spammed this room for a month 22:19:16 And accused everybody ezcept foe his besties of being me 22:19:19 Guy has fkn issues 22:19:23 Contributed naddddaaaa 22:19:45 U didn’t send your alts to beg for ofrn to come back because they need tech support? lmao 22:19:59 Just trying to block anybody not names george nicholas from getting paid 22:20:04 And fudding firo 22:20:11 have monero users grown that stupid that they need ofrn to help save them 22:20:19 No, i disnt, dumbass 22:20:20 damn we’ve lost 22:20:25 Youre fkn retarded and paranoid 22:20:43 I have no alts, youre retarded for even saying so for so long 22:20:52 Worse than fud, just straight up idiotic 22:20:59 didn’t u just admit to having one alt earlier today 22:21:26 "TrasherDK: is my alt" 22:21:39 And geonic is retarded if he doesnt know im obviously not 22:21:45 selsta is my true alt 22:21:57 Luigi1111w is my alt 22:22:03 u like the word retarded don’t u :) 22:22:14 Im crag wright according to geodude 22:22:17 what else do u like? 22:22:21 Youre slow af bro 22:22:49 Everybody BUT you knows who is who around here 22:23:08 anyway, not engaging you anymore. will continue to paste your comments to the mods until they act. keep going. 22:23:19 I alrwady said peace 22:23:33 Then you went to a room om banned in, on your knees, and begged 22:23:36 2 weeks off obv wasn’t enough 22:23:43 #resolutions:monero.social everybody can see it 22:23:49 Duh 22:24:09 Waste of time. Im. Not. Going. Anywhere. 22:24:23 I dont have a movie to sell and a plane to catch 22:24:44 Im here for the long run, i dont need sgps approval to do what i do 22:25:25 again, ✌️ 22:26:04 Dont come mention me 48 times theb whine when i come home 22:26:13 let’s see how long that lasts 22:26:32 Difference being votes are 10 to 0 so it's not that controversial to me. If you can't even put a down vote on the proposal after I reminded you several times, I see no reason to remind luigi on your command. 22:26:37 bro I woke up to 10 mentions by you. you can’t type 2 sentences without mentioning me. 22:27:06 I give you a day until you say geonic again 22:28:10 Geonic 22:28:24 You said ofrn damn near everyday i wasnt here 22:28:33 How about you stop being a hippo 22:28:49 And when i say peace, you shush and go about your business 22:28:49 I said a day, not a minute 22:28:52 lmao 22:29:00 hopeless 22:29:05 and i prpved you right 22:29:11 Now hop off my lap 22:29:19 Im not santa 22:29:53 Go about your business. You have no place here, do you? 22:30:01 Just here to try to cancel ppl 22:30:22 And by ppl, i dont mean me 22:30:36 Im uncancelable. 22:30:50 Gnite folks. 22:31:21 Btw, if bribejestic gets private warnings, i want one too 😆 22:55:35 If you haven't updated monero.social already, please do. There's a critical CVE. 22:55:36 https://cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2023-4863 22:55:36 https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/releases/tag/v1.92.2 23:02:16 Are you kids misbehaving again? 23:02:17 Do I need to put you over my knee for a spanking? 23:02:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> kinky