00:25:32 You guys are really 🌽🏀 13:46:16 shut up nigga 16:06:03 luigi1111: please check your matrix account when you have a chance, thanks :) 16:55:49 Sgp unban me from xmr offtopic pls 16:55:55 And unban me from xmr discord too 16:56:14 #resolutions:monero.social 17:00:11 -xmr-pr- [meta] rbrunner7 opened issue #898: Seraphis wallet workgroup meeting #38 - Monday, 2023-09-25, 18:00 UTC 17:00:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/898 17:24:59 oh matrix. I have to see if I have that still 17:32:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> What about the other bans 17:32:18 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Only interesting in this one? 18:34:38 thanks 18:47:16 I'm starting a new monero-related podcast/youtube thing called Café Monero: monero.cafe 18:47:20 wish me luck 18:47:50 good luck! 18:48:25 thanks! 19:00:11 -xmr-pr- [css-proposals] vtnerd opened pull request #410: Update vtnerd-2023-q3.md part 1 as finished 19:00:11 -xmr-pr- > https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/410 19:02:32 nioc: [css-proposals] vtnerd opened pull request #410: Update vtnerd-2023-q3.md part 1 as finished 19:02:40 nioc: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/410 19:04:56 caffe nero ... cafe Monero.. ofcourse! anhdres good luck! where can we find it? 19:05:49 all the links at https://linktr.ee/cafemonero 19:14:53 any suggestions/error reports/broken stuff is more than welcomed 19:15:04 interviews are coming next 19:15:50 Spanish only? 19:16:06 at least for now 19:16:37 it'll depend mostly on how much time I have! 19:16:49 anhdres good luck :) 19:17:05 plowsof: thx 19:17:20 but I think spanish content is in more need than english 19:17:22 thanks! 20:31:02 agreed 20:31:59 very cool anhdres. break a leg :) 20:33:23 :) 21:28:08 We all have 7 days to be civil before the banhammer gets swung/SHTF for reals.. long form insulting back and forth / tit for tat escalation is probably not the best use of our time, i hope grievances have been aired / cathartic release has occured.. if not we should just monetise this and sponsor our enemies to be dunked in water like at a school fair for the next monerokon, win win! 21:29:37 Soooo 21:29:42 Go wild? 21:29:59 I say in 6 days we vote to remove powers 21:30:45 Notice how people respect rooms because of their leaders 21:31:12 regardless of the room name, the leadership is why people have respect 21:31:39 7 days to torch my enemies is more than enough 21:32:13 Kick banhanner from resolutiobs 21:32:31 Plz nd thx 21:32:39 We had 1 reasonanable decision today 21:32:59 lets maje a habit of nit doing illogical cucked bs 21:33:29 xcuse my worse thab normak typibg. Drivibg and no autocorrect 21:36:36 Whoever told you to say this needs to stfu 21:37:39 Its pretty retarded to offer 7 days to rain hellfire 21:37:46 As if anything should change 21:38:26 The opposite: 7 days to be judged - pls dont reign hellfire 21:38:37 Rain* 21:38:41 That long form ultimatum is dumb shit. Tell the moderation group to hush up and cancel themselves 21:38:58 Why 7 days? 21:39:04 I can give you all the evidence you need on me rn 21:39:48 As far as arguing with old news 21:39:59 The mfka pinged me then told me to leave him alone 21:40:55 If you want to babysit, go talk to the kids who need babysitting. 21:42:24 Scammers, bad actors, parasites, charlatans, liars, cheaters, and malicious entities like majestic can say and do whatever they want unabated. 21:43:07 Without a doubt i believe plowsof is a mod that i believe does what he feels is right by the community, and not by himself 21:43:25 Unlike some others who only appear when they get their feelings hurt 21:43:50 Again, that "7 days" is nonsense, as is banhammer in resolutions 21:44:16 Swing your hammer or stfu. Dont tell me FAFO a month ago, quit your job, then come act ballzy 21:44:18 If luigi is asked to find his matrix login details after all these years .. nobody should have to experience opening matrix up to then read encrypted messages , lets avoid that at all costs 21:45:23 (not directed at plowsof. Again, i believe plowsof is one of the only reasonable / logical / unbiased people in moderation) 21:46:21 oh, the victim card. I've seen it all now. 21:46:37 Who's playing victim? 21:46:52 Im not a victim of anything.. soooo.. not me 21:47:56 ofrnxmr is based 21:49:41 Banned** in 7 days 😅🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣 21:49:58 If cucked moderation has their way. Fr they need to just AFK 21:50:04 And let plowsof handle business 21:50:28 Plowsof, put up ccs to hire new mods lmao 22:00:28 we need leaders in order to act respectfully? 22:02:34 We _have_ weak ones, whether we like it or not 22:02:58 Should make my cat the admin 22:03:17 I don't need anyone to act repectfully 22:03:20 Be way better than "wahh,my feelings" 22:03:51 *respectfully 22:03:55 Nioc, you dont but "leaders" make you promise to be POLITE lmao 22:04:26 they don't make me promise anything 22:04:39 Not you 22:04:45 Diff rules for diff ppl 22:05:22 I think you might have the chicken and egg wrong 22:05:50 no, they wantrd rotten to make weird concessions and promises 22:05:55 Ans the same of orion 22:06:00 Some feel good bs 22:06:23 power tripping at "forum mod" tier 22:06:36 is resolutions still matrix only? 22:06:54 hm. Mrelay should work now 22:09:36 DataHoarder @datahoarder:monero.social: DataHoarder @DataHoarder:libera.chat: can you do the honors? Resolutions (Mod Support) 22:11:07 monero-resolutions does not seem to be a room on irc 22:12:03 Probably bcuz its a circlejerk 22:12:42 If someone creates the room in IRC side with proper ownership I can add it next restart 22:13:33 "A metaphor for any group activity performed for personal gratification" 22:13:51 sgp: 22:19:20 fwiw, -resolutions is meant to be a matrix-only channel and if a bridge is deployed without consent from the room admins it will be promptly banned 22:20:34 Why? 22:20:57 Moderation resolutions and support for many Monero-related Matrix rooms. 22:20:57 You are expected to follow Matrix.org and LiberaChat's Code of Conduct: 22:20:57 https://matrix.org/legal/code-of-conduct/ 22:20:58 https://libera.chat/policies/ 22:21:39 Why would you kick irc users from resolutions? More illogical decisions, sounds like 22:22:02 Without xonsent of room admins? 22:22:14 Dan was an admin, current admins are who? Who cares is who 22:22:35 because it would provide means for users to ban evade 22:22:42 Um 22:22:47 The bot is in every room 22:22:51 Or are you new? 22:22:58 its irc bridging smh 22:23:45 Irc users not being allowed in resolutions means you can ban them and they cant even dm you 22:23:49 Foolish nonsense 22:24:06 If any admin isnt ok with it, they should AFK and go flip burgers 22:24:43 "irc users not allowed in this room. No core team. Just circlejerkers" 22:24:57 Banhammer can come too, and nobody says a damn thing 22:25:03 Fkn c i r c u s 22:25:16 1. Kick banhammer 22:25:19 2. Add mrelay 22:25:42 (and create the room on irc) 22:26:16 Not "add banhammer to resolutions cuz im angry and dont use my head when im trying to power trip and hide behind an alt" 22:27:03 And not "exclude irc users from resolutions cuz were power tripping" 22:27:57 i personally don't think that irc users should be banned at all, but that's another conversation 22:27:58 As far as ban evading goes, um, i can create alts on matrix or irc or the vast majority of the rooms 22:28:04 (in matrix) 22:28:21 Why is ofrnxmr⊙lc different than ofrnxmr⊙ms? 22:28:57 the way i see it, irc users should be banned in irc, matrix users should be banned in matrix 22:29:04 And why are libera users not privy to the ongoings on resolutions? 22:29:11 They are 22:29:21 And they still need to resolve those threads 22:29:34 The rooms they are banned in are bridged. Why would the courthouse not also be?? 22:30:26 not all rooms are bridged, some rooms are platform specific. 22:30:29 -resolutions being one 22:30:31 and resolutions should be bridged 22:30:35 Logged on monerologs 22:30:40 Via libera.. 22:30:54 No, thats just excuse nonsense 22:31:33 The rooms that arent bridged, arent because it never got done, not because of purposeful fragmentation 22:32:31 .. i would hope? 22:34:41 (One way bridging is also allowed, for example, Matrix messages show on libera but not the other way around, that room could be made “moderated” and voice only. That way IRC users can have visibility on discussions but not interact. In my opinion this would fragment things quite bad, however, technically possible if that is how it is desired) 22:35:06 you'd be wrong, #monero-bounties:monero.social doesn't exist on irc, for example 22:35:21 And it should 22:35:51 Plenty of irc users use the bounty websiteb 22:35:54 Why is it not bridged? 22:35:56 so you're for centralization 22:36:23 Dumbest shit ive heard in at least an hour ^ 22:36:49 bridging = centralization? Okie doke 22:37:22 Otherwise if you have any questions regarding modes the bridge can operate poke me, I can answer tomorrow, and also poke with the result of the discussion either way :) 22:37:39 Ty datahorder 23:47:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> and logged too? 23:51:31 No, black holed (/s) lol 23:53:10 have to add the /s, because some ppl actually try to run monero- rooms like that